• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
When I put them away...I do just that. Scald, peel and seed....usually when we're in NC for the reunion (coming up in a couple weeks) we end up putting away a dump truck (litterally) full of corn and a pickup full of tomatoes...once again...literally. Whole fam sitting in the driveway shucking/silking and they have two kitchens (one industrial for BBQ catering business) full of folks cooking and canning everything. Last time we did it they weren't satisfied with amount of corn so we went to a pull your own place and loaded the pickup again...meanwhile the guy were doing most of the canning for (Wife's cousin) who's couple years younger than me is sitting in the truck as his mother, my mother in law, my wife and I are out pulling corn...I was like WTF buddy? "I don't know how to pull corn..." Me "this ain't rocket surgery you know?" Get it full toting burlap sacks back and forth into the field get back to the house...start to unload...and that MFer runs off with his buddy to ride 4 wheelers...I was done...I got up and said I ain't doing another thing for that ungrateful MFer and walked off...mother in law, father in law and wife in tow. Then the wife's uncle has the nerve to call us lazy for not helping!!! Ummm...the rest of that conversation can't even be conveyed using acronyms. Hahahaha...
You're gonna be a busy gal here in a month or so! I can't wait to have garden that size...really jealous of your space Annie...those toms grow fast, so the noobs will catch up in no time.
LB does the canning, I help some, mostly I'm good at making the mess..LOL
We fill one side of the sink with cold water and ice cubes, the other has the washed toms waiting to go into the boiling water. My job is to put a colander of tom's in the water set the 3 minute timer. Next they go in the cold water.
LB peels them and they go in the pot, we bring them to a boil and then fill the jars, use a 'ka-bob stick to make sure no air is in the jar, 1/2" head space and 20 minutes in the canner. Luckily they don't all come in at once, but is a three week process here. She's at 63 and expects 7 to 10 more as they ripen.
Corn we shuck, blanch, and then freeze...all good stuff!
The girls look beautiful and podding FTW \o/ others look good great, dat naga is going to be killer \o/ I never seen a mater drown, good you replaced them. Things are looking very good muchacha, keep up dat killer grow and looking forward to seeing mas pics ^_^ Happy Fathers day to your golfer ...
stc3248 said:
When I put them away...I do just that. Scald, peel and seed....usually when we're in NC for the reunion (coming up in a couple weeks) we end up putting away a dump truck (litterally) full of corn and a pickup full of tomatoes...once again...literally. Whole fam sitting in the driveway shucking/silking and they have two kitchens (one industrial for BBQ catering business) full of folks cooking and canning everything. Last time we did it they weren't satisfied with amount of corn so we went to a pull your own place and loaded the pickup again...meanwhile the guy were doing most of the canning for (Wife's cousin) who's couple years younger than me is sitting in the truck as his mother, my mother in law, my wife and I are out pulling corn...I was like WTF buddy? "I don't know how to pull corn..." Me "this ain't rocket surgery you know?" Get it full toting burlap sacks back and forth into the field get back to the house...start to unload...and that MFer runs off with his buddy to ride 4 wheelers...I was done...I got up and said I ain't doing another thing for that ungrateful MFer and walked off...mother in law, father in law and wife in tow. Then the wife's uncle has the nerve to call us lazy for not helping!!! Ummm...the rest of that conversation can't even be conveyed using acronyms. Hahahaha...
You're gonna be a busy gal here in a month or so! I can't wait to have garden that size...really jealous of your space Annie...those toms grow fast, so the noobs will catch up in no time.
Dear, Lawrt, Shane! LOL! No offense to anybody but that behavior--wife's cousin and his father's response--typical NC cuello rojo drama. No offense--several members of my family pull that crap (I avoid most fam reunions for that reason) and a few in "The Golfer's family as well--so sounds vaguely . . . familiar. I reckon they all functionally dysfunctional for inbred folk. :rofl: Seriously, "My grandmaw's last name didn't change onect she got marrit." (They say that proudly like it was simpler that way. Like that was purty smart.) Hmm. Counseling, around here, I heard that a lot. A lot more than I'd heard that other places :shocked:. Hmm. "Cultural diversity from genetic homogeneity."????!!!!
Yep, that's how I been doing maters for ages--which is why am considering the Victorio strainer--there has to be an easier way . . . after a while, peeling and seeding, acid starts eatin' ya hands, etc., :rolleyes: ; but surely tastes good come winter! :party: My oldest younger brother planted a field of corn--we're late on everything this year, thanks to weather; that's about all he planted. I'm covering the rest. Need quite a bit of land for corn if ya gonna plant anything else. No, it's not exactly difficult to pull ears. Heck, one of my first memories as kid. That and stringing and breaking freaking beans . . . ugh! But ya know, my mother worked all day, came home, picked beans, enlisted our, told us to damnit help her unless we wanted "to eat a snowball come winter." We helped; she'd be up until 3am "putting up" beans, quarts on top of quarts and quarts of them, then after getting our breakfast, go back to work. Same thing with corn, crowder peas, and of course, tomatoes. Her grandmother's maiden name was uh, different "onct" she got married. :dance:
Happy Father's Day, Shane!
JoynersHotPeppers said:
BBQ and NC go hand and hand. Have a wonderful time and great update. Hope we all get out from under all this moisture! 
I could handle being out from under moisture, Chris but we're supposed to get another round of it next couple of days. Of course, nothing in stone about that yet, but I'm about PTSD merely from cloud cover :rofl: Yeah, NC and Q. From Western but only love it Eastern. Of course don't mind midstate/southern S.C. mustard-based sauce if I spice it up. Without one bit of tomato product!
Happy Father's Day!
Devv said:
LB does the canning, I help some, mostly I'm good at making the mess..LOL
We fill one side of the sink with cold water and ice cubes, the other has the washed toms waiting to go into the boiling water. My job is to put a colander of tom's in the water set the 3 minute timer. Next they go in the cold water.
LB peels them and they go in the pot, we bring them to a boil and then fill the jars, use a 'ka-bob stick to make sure no air is in the jar, 1/2" head space and 20 minutes in the canner. Luckily they don't all come in at once, but is a three week process here. She's at 63 and expects 7 to 10 more as they ripen.
Corn we shuck, blanch, and then freeze...all good stuff!
No doubt, Scott: I saw those tables full of tomatoes on your glog. It was like that here last year. "More?" "Yep: more." At this point am hoping for just some, but this year's weather is just record 1. cold then 2. wet. Really weird.
Yep: that's how I do it too. Which is why looking into that strainer. Rumor has it ya can roast the toms and then cut 'em and put them through it. Dunno. Prob stick with what I know. "Acid hands!" OR hope have enough of crop to have that issue! (Should be careful what wish for.) Went into Ace H-ware and all the Daconil was GONE! I gave mine aspirin water to beef immune but no fungal issues, yet. Y.E.T. = "You're Eligible Too." They're calling for more rain next couple days. Dang! :rofl:
WalkGood said:
The girls look beautiful and podding FTW \o/ others look good great, dat naga is going to be killer \o/ I never seen a mater drown, good you replaced them. Things are looking very good muchacha, keep up dat killer grow and looking forward to seeing mas pics ^_^ Happy Fathers day to your golfer ...
Yeah; and more rain forecast, but they could be maybe wrong . . . maybe. (So far, NOAA has shot way over par by several inches; thus, they're due a total miss on the less of more side.) Yeah, maybe nothing is gonna stop that Naga! I looked at it, like, "Wow, you one more resistance fighter, Nagaboy!" Staked a few pepper plants today. Dang, I hope it doesn't rain :mope: a LOT. :rofl:
My Golfer, aka "The Golf-father" says "thank you." Heard from boys today, got to ref a fight over a Kindle Fire between a 4 year old boy and a 3 year old boy on speaker phone (hilarious!), went over to my bros for steaks, another neph getting ready to transfer to NCSU: watching CWS and of course they were pulling for State/"wuffies" to irritate me. I looked at my neph, and said, "With one email, I CAN make your transfer life . . . different." (I taught at NCSU; he looked at me: I smiled. And he got quiet. Moihaha.) However, Carolina got OWNED again by Carlos Rodon. I don't know that anybody but Carolina makes Rodon an amazing pitcher. And I hope UCLA beats LSU only because if we're going home, I'd rather go home to LSU than UCLA! (My logic is . . . skewed by anticipatory angst at the thought of more rain. :rofl: )
I hope you had a wonderful Father's Day, querido! Besitos!
Updates, quite a few pics and question: WHAT is eating some of these plants? Grasshoppers? Anyhow:

Naga amongst the onions with a few blooms. And another:

Nice branching on Naga--gonna be big boy--love it that just gonna have some after crazy weather. I don't mean for this to be the Ramon show or Jamie show but nice healthy stuff from their seeds. Many thanks! Next a Ramon JA Red:

In raised bed, great poddage on this plant! YAY! (Since I don't trust the Carib Red just yet. It may be podding at top but that's weird and wonder if I should pick those so it'll do what a Carib Red supposed to do? Any thoughts welcome on Carib Red, not pictured but pictured in others here.)

Same Ramon JA Red, better pic of more pods. Need to get onions out to put a few more peppers in 1 gals in here.

Bonda Ma Jacques and nothing seems to be eating this.

7 Pod Yellow branching well and has flowers, couple small pods.

Brainstrain yellow branching and podding with flowers.

Naga, more pods, but what's chewing through leaves? Seems stuff at center of garden is getting more leaf-chow-down?

7 Pod Brown x Naga, Jamie/Romy6 and looking to top left, hanging down, that big thing? Is a pod!!! Yay! I missed it until today, nice surprise. Not too much chewage on this.

Baby pod, deep in heart of Choc Hab. :party:
Have more.
Whoa ....
I'm so happy you have pods \o/ let them ripen muchacha and enjoy them is my vote. I’m sure others won’t agree with me but I allow all my little JA Habs pod up when they wish, once ripened I’ll pick and eat. I honestly do not think it’s stunted the grow on any of mine, heck they’re all fairly large.
I Love the look of the plants, I don't know what is chowing them but who better to identify than you. I have faith you have the experience and even if you have to do late night spy missions you will find the culprit. Heck I’m out at various times of the night checking on the girls, they need the help till they get big enough or have enough beneficials on them for protection.
Awesome job girl … I hope you have a wonderful weekend ^_^
Edit: I just had to come back and give you more than THP allows ... these are for you muchacha \o/








Thank you, mi hermano and okay--I'll leave the ole Carib Red huzzy alone and see if SHE (see, I have one female plant and she don't act right?? lol) but am thinking it's grasshoppers, since not responding to neem AND in middle of garden where majority of wheat seed has busted through as wheat grass. Might flip it over, but once grasshoppers there, why would they leave? I hate to get out big guns for this. :mope: Have a good weekend Ramon (and everybody); some more pics:

Yellow Bouquet (Kevin/Wayright seed). He said it went really well with Yellow 7 for powder. This plant is seriously responding to either, lack of rain at moment or previous rain, or worm castings at base. Dunno but like it.

Another Moruga Blend--the yellow responding, finally. Red's loaded up.

Harold St. Barts: I love this pepper and something is chewing on leaves, and if g-hoppers, I do NOT want to use Sevin. I really do NOT want to use Sevin.

Ooops. Tilt head? Serrano Tampequino.


One of several Cayenne plants. Beats me, but one pepper on this turned partially red. Dang, it was almost as hot as a chinense. Small plants but lots of hot fruit. Hmm. Took couple these to my mother who takes cayenne out to eat breakfast with my father in summer. She called me on her cell on their way back, "What did you do to that thing?!" Dang. I didn't say anything because at first I didn't know what she meant and (because I knew they were pretty danged hot for a cayenne when I took her a couple). "That was the hottest damn cayenne I ever ate. Oh hush: they do not hurt ya stomach!" Evidently my father chimed in since he hates hot peppers. Hilarious: parents do turn into children! I told her I could come get the other ones I gave her if . . . "I didn't say tha-aa-aat, honey!" :rofl: If the water stress, heat, cold stressing these plants did that to cayenne, can't wait! Y'all have a great weekend. ;)
romy6 said:
 Looking good Annie. My guess is caterpillars.  Could be anythang though. What type of cayenne are you growing? Some are much hotter than others. 
 You have a great weekend too!!! :fireball:
Thanks Jamie, and could be caterpillars. Dang, don't want to invest in BT and if hornworm, have left toms alone . . . did see a grasshopper jump. Don't recall them being solitary critters, either. Dunno. Might put on protective, aka, anti-straw itch mite stuff, and crawl around with blacklight one night. Seeds were from some cayenne grown year before last, near some Thai Dragons that were abnormally hot but I thought TD was frutescens. Dunno. I'm quite okay with any :onfire:, however. Have a good one pepper maestro! ;)
Dang your grow is a growin'!
Really glad to see the progress!
When I pulled the Mater's up and tilled the weeds under, hundreds, no exaggeration, of grasshoppers headed to the peppers. I was like Dho! (you know like Homer Simpson does).
They left nice round holes in the leaves and feasted on a few peppers, 6 so far have been found. They were everywhere. Now I don't see them, yeah they ate a few Reapers and hauled ass! Buwahahahaha.
Anyway, I think you would be kicking them up when you went visiting...
Have a great weekend and hold out on the Sevin...minor leaf damage won't hurt them babies..
Devv said:
Dang your grow is a growin'!
Really glad to see the progress!
When I pulled the Mater's up and tilled the weeds under, hundreds, no exaggeration, of grasshoppers headed to the peppers. I was like Dho! (you know like Homer Simpson does).
They left nice round holes in the leaves and feasted on a few peppers, 6 so far have been found. They were everywhere. Now I don't see them, yeah they ate a few Reapers and hauled ass! Buwahahahaha.
Anyway, I think you would be kicking them up when you went visiting...
Have a great weekend and hold out on the Sevin...minor leaf damage won't hurt them babies..
A reason to grow the Reaper, Scott! Of course, none of rest of those are exactly mild but ya right--holding off on the Sevin--things have to get worse for that, since got so many decent predators around now . . . putting some water out for birds. Got LOTS of birds, aka, "kiss first toms that turn bye-bye" but after a while birds just stop pecking at them. Looks to me like a jumping hopper would be fun prey for a fowl . . . dear Gawd, now'm trying to think like a bird, smdh! Geesh. And have a great w-end!
As far as I can see on the pictures, the damage isn't to big so I wouldn't worry to much about it. Of course you can keep an close eye on it, plants seems to be doing fine, great job!
Hi Annie,
   If you want to take care of pests without chemicals, then there's nothing that beats "Boots on the Ground". You've got a small enough patch that you can patrol it in about an hour after supper. My Dad used to like to carry a 10 oz can with a little kerosene in it to drop the critters into, but I mostly rely on the mk1 thumb... ;)
Pics were a little fuzzy, but everything looked OK to me. I think you'll do well this season if you don't end up with "biblical" rains... Cheers!
Looks like slug damage to me. I have busted some in the act at night and early morning. Just filling their bellies like it's all good.
Damn slugs...
Everything is looking good! Pods are on the way!
meatfreak said:
As far as I can see on the pictures, the damage isn't to big so I wouldn't worry to much about it. Of course you can keep an close eye on it, plants seems to be doing fine, great job!
Not gonna worry about it a heck of a lot, hon! Thanks!
stickman said:
Hi Annie,
   If you want to take care of pests without chemicals, then there's nothing that beats "Boots on the Ground". You've got a small enough patch that you can patrol it in about an hour after supper. My Dad used to like to carry a 10 oz can with a little kerosene in it to drop the critters into, but I mostly rely on the mk1 thumb... ;)
Pics were a little fuzzy, but everything looked OK to me. I think you'll do well this season if you don't end up with "biblical" rains... Cheers!
"Biblical rains" cracked me up! We've about had 'em but feels like weather patterns have settled down to just normal summer thunderstorms. :party: Or have over past week. Which glad to have! Thanks, Rick!
GA Growhead said:
Looks like slug damage to me. I have busted some in the act at night and early morning. Just filling their bellies like it's all good.
Damn slugs...
Everything is looking good! Pods are on the way!
Jay/GA, could be slugs. In that event, I have SluggoPlus. But right now, just gonna see if drier, and more normal temps don't help. Thanks for that idea, which I'd blanked. (Guess the grasshopper bungee jump got my attention.) And yes, let there be pods . . . when they're ready, lol. The Naga is a little mind-blowing but maybe they're all getting right temps, more dry enviro. Thanks! (Now I can worry about slugs and pretend not to :rofl: )
stc3248 said:
Looking great! Don't sweat the chewed leaves too much, as long as they don't eat the pods or all the leaves...it'll work itself out!
Yeah, a philosophically, inclined--"oh . . . yeah. Yeah. Heavy, man."--part of me (?) is saying "evathang gonna be awight/ no woman, no cry," Shane. Because I can't do diddly about it and really, kinda normal unless, as you said, they go all piranha-demon. Gonna call "Turtle Man" for the groundhog!! Thanks hon and you have a WONDERFUL weekend!!! ;)
Always nice to find "surprise pods!"  Nice varieties, as well:  Naga, JA Red, other supers!  Pod on the 7 Brown x Naga, Chocolate Hab...very cool.  Annuums are putting on a show, as well!  Very nice!
One thought:  If the bug damage gets bad enough, you can spray or powder down the ground around the plants and not the plants themselves.  The pests will be exposed while en route between "meals."  Might take a bit longer, but I did it here at the very beginning of the season and I think it really helped keep the numbers down.  Good luck!
DocNrock said:
Always nice to find "surprise pods!"  Nice varieties, as well:  Naga, JA Red, other supers!  Pod on the 7 Brown x Naga, Chocolate Hab...very cool.  Annuums are putting on a show, as well!  Very nice!
One thought:  If the bug damage gets bad enough, you can spray or powder down the ground around the plants and not the plants themselves.  The pests will be exposed while en route between "meals."  Might take a bit longer, but I did it here at the very beginning of the season and I think it really helped keep the numbers down.  Good luck!
Yes, it is Doc Brent! (Nice surprises and great minds--what types/styles of bass do you play?--I only teach college because returned here to help aging parents; am really bassist, songwriter, musician, publisher but NOBODY here is doing anything other than another "Free Bird" or variation thereof, cover; so, I'd be really wasting my time with original music here. Enough that. ;) )
You encouraged me to do what I considered. I think it's grasshoppers. I really do. Rain this spring/summer really created an enviro for them, as did wet straw. And spraying in between/around on straw, what the heck can that hurt? Bee pop? Not unless they want to extract juices from . . . straw?? And it "might take a bit longer" but season is a month behind already and had I not had to pull peppers last fall to turn garden under with horse manure and straw, when I had a month left before first frost. Now, Ma Nature could be "different" this fall as she was this spring and do some unusual "turn-cold" but the point is, I got time, as you said. "Might take a bit longer . . ." and so? I spray the yard, mostly around doorways with liquid Sevin. I DO. I have a cat with Flea Allergy Dermatitis, a rescue, 10 years old, very active and whopping 7 lbs. of rambunctious kindness, which makes me humble; having read the caveats vis a vis her health when adopting her 9 years ago, I cried. What kind of humanoid, abusing pits and any animal as bait for pits . . . ?! What kind of "thing" does that? Sad and infuriating. So, she and her adopted 20 lb. ocicat bro from another PLANET--get meds minute it gets slightly warm, don't have anything growing near entrances, keep grass weed-eaten around entrances, LOW, and yet still spray with Sevin all spring, summer, long. For? Fleas. The one outbreak I had nearly killed her from the prednisone since her immune system is compromised. (I know you didn't ask for some dissertation on cats but connecting the dots . . .)
Using same logic would apply to between and around on straw.1. Straw is THICK. Worms aren't coming to top. 2. next rain is washing it off--more scattering it out than down through a foot of straw. 3. the stuff they sell now is not as strong, not nearly, as what they used to sell. 4. I didn't grow this stuff to feed negative bugs, even if they're only doing what they do in wild: I could have left "the wild" alone and I'd have about 1/4 acre grass/honeysuckle, kudzu, pecan, maple trees etc. growing where that garden is: I've already interrupted a "natural" cycle. And the SluggoPlus, in case it IS slugs, welp, evidently it's safe for bees as put in down on little greenhouse floor and earwigs died, slugs didn't come near, pill and sowbugs left stuff alone, and bees were all in that place. Happily, merrily, sucking on flowers and inviting friends. I've made 3 batches compost teas so . . . right now, gonna just leave it alone but if damage gets worse. Spraying between/around as you suggested and I'd thought of, since am doing that near door entrances. Yes: I DO. Of course, I also put pesticides on my cats . . . hmm. Before J.R. and Jake, the Jack Russells, got flea/tick etc. meds. So, I'll put pesticides in the bloodstreams of my pets, but will not . . .
Not trying to be controversial but divergent thought or expanded analytical thinking is never a bad thing for any of us who can endure ambivalence. "I hate pesticides! . . . But I put them in my pets." Meant to inspire a dialogue, not controversy. Thanks Doc!