• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
Sweet! They get messy...its what they do!!! MIne bleed over too....no biggie. Just let them keep cooking and do their thang then worry about the mess later! Well...you do have to at least keep the airlock clear I suppose...but aside from that...
I like the looks of the new batch you got cooking even better than the first! Can't wait to see it come together!
stc3248 said:
Sweet! They get messy...its what they do!!! MIne bleed over too....no biggie. Just let them keep cooking and do their thang then worry about the mess later! Well...you do have to at least keep the airlock clear I suppose...but aside from that...
I like the looks of the new batch you got cooking even better than the first! Can't wait to see it come together!
Thanks Shane! I love the taste of this just raw! (How ever would I know what that tastes like?) Thank you so much with your help this morning! :party:  If this one pans out, with hopefully less mess but who knows?--you git a bottle, esp. since since your habs made it happen and if a couple Jamie's helped too . . . well :D. Gotta get Mr. James some decent non-sweet sauce anyhow since he naturally so sweet :rolleyes: . Well, true.
1 cup* smoked chocolate habs, douglah, barrackpore, choc bhuts, minced with 1 teaspoon course sea salt
1 cup red jalapeño, minced and whacked up
1cup hot green jalapeño, minced
1 cup carrots, minced
1/2 cup grated sweet potato, minced/grated
2 cups sweet white "Candy" onion, diced
4 cloves garlic, minced
1" ginger, minced
1/4 cup whey
3/4 cup canning salt brine to cover
Grater/mincer is actually closer to 1.5 cup but I don't overfill
Everything was at room temp or close--have the jar (1/2 gallon mason) out in sun now to get it warmer, as have noticed, if it gets warm at first, salt goes to work faster, LAB certainly go to work after salt has done what it needs to eat any nasties.


Process, discovering, is that using the lids I have, which have a plastic seal that fits into lid, to make airtight, there's no need to weight. Also, there's a darn good reason to just let it go at half full since lids are airtight: no fouling the airlock, removing contents, because the peppers are going to heave, separate: just gently swirl back down or bang/tap, lol, on carpeted floor and it gets action going again in airlock. (If action ever starts. This one has not yet but been less than hour.)
I just made sure the whey was stirred in well, w/wooden spoon and that salt brine was stirred in well; then I pressed on it, hard with my fist in nitrile glove--be my guest to do it bare-fisted. The Douglah will speak. :rofl: (Spoke to me in glove.) Then immediately covered jar with lid, airlock, filled airlock with purified water, took it outside. Lid on airlock will keep stuff out, I hope. But bringing in as soon as type this because just wanted jar contents warmed. Now, the beads in weights, as Rocketman/Bill uses or has used, DO serve a purpose (for me) of putting lots of pressure on contents. Maybe this causes action faster. Were I to have put those weights in this, be as full as the other was, initially, and if/when gets active, I'd be fouling airlocks again as the brine would move up into ALs. I may weight it if I don't see action in airlock within a day, then take weights out when do. Or I may be what I tend to be short on  :shh:  and be patient. Thanks for looking and this mash smells so good, I so hope it works! :pray: Thanks for looking!
JJJessee said:
Nice looking recipe. I didn't grow any sweet taters this year. Wonder is a sweet winter squash would work?
Yep! Sure will. Used a red kuri winter squash for the other batch. Butternut, any form winter squash--I didn't bake the sweet potato--just peeled well, minced, but did bake the rkuri enough to warm it so I could cut/mince it. But absolutely, Carl!
stc3248 said:
Ok...so here we go again!
:pray: Bubbles for Annie! :pray:  :whistle:     :pray: Bubbles for Annie! :pray:  :whistle:     :pray: BUBBLES FOR ANNIE!!! :pray:  :shocked:  :whistle:
Last time that worked like a charm, O Great Bubble Maker (We need a bow to/on knees: "the genuflection" emotion.) Just for you, Shane, aka Papa Legba, from my top 5 movies of all time: Pops Stables to ya, Shane/Papa Legba!:
I do love Chris Frantz's drumming better on album version. As a bassist, that man slays me. (Reckon he got to Tina Weymouth as bassist too.)
WalkGood said:
Looking great muchacha ^_^ ...
Hab a great weekend \o/
Mi primero Papa Legba! Thank you!
Pase buen fin de semana tambien, Querido "Papa!"
What are Pops Staples (and others) sing/chanting? (DB's sense of humor . . . people tend think it's Haitian French.) I saw True Stories at theatre on campus at UTexas when it came out. I try to watch it at least once a month. They invented a dance in DR around this song. More popular there than here. smh.
Okay got tired of waiting on fermentation action and/or somebody to think for me, so I thunked for myself: I probably killed the natural bacteria and natural yeast, sugars on peppers when smoking them. Green jals or any green pepper have less sugar than a ripe one. I added more whey to this batch, above, yesterday; weighted it when, the LAB in whey had not much to eat. So took out weights, dissolved 2 tablespoons brown sugar in purified water, nuked it, added to, stirred into the smoked choc hab other chocolates/jal green/red mix and put clean lid and airlock on. We'll see. Much longer and I'm gonna be pitching some . . . see how somebody likes smoked choc habañero/douglah/choc bhut/jal WINE! But wow, that mix tastes good. Can literally smell the apple wood, as it gets more faint but "feels" autumnal. It's gonna ferment if I have to add freaking yeast to it. :rofl:
Now, the brown sugar idear came to me as was in garden--Shane, I just refrigerated the other fermented scotch bonnet batch: as aggressively as it fermented for a week, the primary is done--it will finish in frig with airlock over next month. But it was a combo of Shane and my moonshiner/artist woodworker grandfather, tapped me on shoulder while pulling these pods, saying, "Girl, put some sugar to that hot chocolate mess." So, I did, but I picked these first:

Beginning at bottom left: Ramon's JA Habs--next ferment is a Naga with some of Shane's NagaReapers, and next, when I get 3 lbs., making some of Rick's Red Hab sauce with the JA Reds. Over to lower right next to JA Habs are another supposedly red scotch bonnet. Nowhere close to taste of JA Habs, not bad but . . . Going back clockwise and skipping over the above-mentioned, beloved JA habs, are 7 Pod x Naga. Dang, they warm, now. Pretty dark-caramel color, above them few red nagas, then few Inca Red Drop, Aji Limon, Red Fatalii at top, a few yellow fatalii, and the more blunt-ended yellow with those is a bonda ma jacques. Still going clockwise and down, the Yellow Einsteins, yeller brains; geez, they're hot. Great taste but hot. 3 nicely ripened poblano that the birds were so kind not to peck at, with a ripe pasilla on top--those went in freezer with their kin. Coming into the circle there's a little Trinidad Perfume, c-wise up, Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend yellow, and up, their brothers in red; one whole chocolate hab and a 7 Pot Yellow. 
God, I love the little pumpkin shapes of those JA habs. Little red Jack O' Lanterns . . .
So after this small harvest and putting them in frig or freezer, added sugar to wort. :rolleyes:
Hmmm...I like me some brown sugar!!! Lets hope Lacto loves it too! I got a few that are moving...but real...REAL slow. Gonna run them all back through the FP and add a little more whey/salt to the mix to see if I can't get it moving a little better. Yours will start moving...I have confidence!!!

Another thought would be to use a little of the go-go juice from one of your ferments that is moving pretty good...just strain off a little into your new batch and top off the old one with some more brine...
JJJessee said:
I think this pepper sauce will be legal so long as you don't put it in a still, but regardless, I presume you have some goodwill with ATF.
Pretty lot of peppers.
Carl! :shh: :rofl: I just want another "fast and furious" ferment like the first one. Also, I don't recommend drinking a couple ounces of whey to test its acidity . . . or its immediate (and enduring) probiotic cleanse. Wow. (I wondered if in 2 weeks whey had gone bad; nope. Still real . . . real.)
Sanarda said:
Your ferment looks delish.  Nice harvest you have there.  I love to see ripe peppers.  As soon as I have a few ripe black nagas, I am sending you a box.  They are taking foreeevvvveerrrrrr.
Pia, sweetie! Yeah the hot choc one smells wonderful but would be so much more delightful if it would "let's active!" :rofl: I just gotta have patience. If you have some, send me your email addy and I'll pay you for it with Paypal. Oh yes: we must get those black naga ripe. Wonder what they're drag azzzzin' for--other than weird weather and the chocs of anything can be really sloooooow. How are your other chocs doing? They'll ripen: I'm predicting a hot (please, dry) September for the entire Atlantic coast north of Florida. Thanks hon!
stc3248 said:
Hmmm...I like me some brown sugar!!! Lets hope Lacto loves it too! I got a few that are moving...but real...REAL slow. Gonna run them all back through the FP and add a little more whey/salt to the mix to see if I can't get it moving a little better. Yours will start moving...I have confidence!!!

Another thought would be to use a little of the go-go juice from one of your ferments that is moving pretty good...just strain off a little into your new batch and top off the old one with some more brine...
Shane, you eternal optimist, you. :party:  One way other, this will ferment into something. On that movement issue, when did you start yours? This is what I've read--on here and lots other places--if you had an early active ferment, pepper ferments can act like a beer ferment and be basically "done" in a week. They still age and slowly ferment in frig or nearly as cool a place--but since it's summer, what other place?--but no bad microbes can enter in cool storage. If you do that reactivation, let me know how it works. Pretty sure it would work if the sugars have not all been eaten by LAB.
I thought about taking some from some, like if I had some finished kraut, but didn't want to uncap the first ferment when airlock was hopping and now, it's in frig, slowed way down, but still fermenting. Don't want to take cap off since it's not finished aging.
Oh yeah, man: that shadow box you posted on Scott's glog is beautiful! Thanks!
Everybody have fun! Thank you for looking and commenting!
 Annie the ferments look off the chain. Gonna make some tasty sauces .
Speaking of tasty sauces enjoying some grilled chicken with some of your St Bart's Duval crawl sauce :party:  :party: .
Sweet but spicy. Great for any white meat. A++
Muchacha dats an awesome haul, congrats \o/
Have faith da bubbles will come ^_^
Have a great week and best wishes for da family, especially papi ...
Devv said:
I see you picked a nice haul, congrats!
All the fermenting talk is over my head...and it don't take much..LOL
Scott, ain't nothin' over your head: remember, we've seen you convert a desert into an oasis, dude! No, no, no!
romy6 said:
 Annie the ferments look off the chain. Gonna make some tasty sauces .
Speaking of tasty sauces enjoying some grilled chicken with some of your St Bart's Duval crawl sauce :party:  :party: .
Sweet but spicy. Great for any white meat. A++
Thanks Jamie! All those sauces were too sweet for me to stand on their own, but was thinking food pairing when doing them. (Thank goodness you did too.)  Why am doing ferments this year to smooth any bitter out, rather than being silly and using agave and fruits to try to smooth, which doesn't work except for smoked/grilled food pairings. So, we'll see. Thanks for vote of confidence! Me? I'm :pray: over ferments!
WalkGood said:
Muchacha dats an awesome haul, congrats \o/
Have faith da bubbles will come ^_^
Have a great week and best wishes for da family, especially papi ...
Thank you, querido! (Been studying stages of fermentation. Just need a microscope now!) Thank you too, for my dad and for your family as well ;). Mawmaw always said that if you ask for the best, God will bless the best. :dance:
Per request of someone near/dear, peach bhuts from Judy/pepperlover. Requires some careful looking--inconsistent light--but yellow bhut is on left vertically and rest are peach bhuts, another peach to right of the yellow* See note below:

*About dead center in bottom of pic is a peach bhut running horizontally, left/right, right/left, whatever. Above it are two bhuts running vertically, up/down, down/up, whatever. One on left is yellow bhut and one on right is a peach. A slow scroll immediately shows the yellow tip contrasted with peach tip. What I've been told about peach bhuts is that kinda hard to tell when to pull; if they get too ripe, are more peach colored but too ripe or have less viable seed. Dunno. But like the look of these seeds. I didn't grow this year because the seeds I kept getting were dark--as if from an over-ripened peach bhut.
I didn't have time, had to "dress up the office" with an espresso/coffee maker. Oh yeah, slap the diplomers back on wall to prove, to prove . . . something admin wants me to prove. I spent some time and money. Naw: worth it . . . but point is, made an appearance there, back, ventured into garden, got a decent haul--looking for Ramon's/Walkgood JA Habs and found them :party: (Tough critters, they are--we had more rain); I saved them from the path of baby slugs (which happen to be thoroughly enjoying Trinidad Perfume, dayum them).
So onto next and maybe last two ferments: peach bhut and JA Habs. Anybody with some ideas on what to add to these ferments, esp. peach bhut, please share. Even though they're sweet, they're :hot: with a burn that liiiiiingeeeeeers. Not into melt-face sauces. Have some yellow bhut saving for powders. Yellow 7's are finally happening/turning. As are more naga, as I like those for powders (and sauce).
Anyhow, back to peach bhut sauce, probably leaving garlic out of ferment. If want it in after/smoke roast some, add. There's < a lb. of peach bhut. Nearly 1 lb. Sweet white Candy onion, carrots, maybe something corny like couple really ripe peaches. Just for the taste of the peach as peaches taste both floral and fruity to me, as do these peach bhuts. Before  :fireball:  kicks in. Or maybe should use just 1/2 lb., dry rest. (Which sounds more reasonable.) Dang, they're hot. I mean, the burn just comes in, has a seat, fixes popcorn, and watches Gone with the Wind or Dr. Zhivago. Washed and blow-dried 'em on cool setting, nitrile gloves of course. Cats screaming for food, phone ringing. Went to give cats their food--use a pint jar for this--wearing nitrile and they both backed away from bowls. :rofl: I took gloves off and evabody was happy again.
Any thoughts on peach bhut ferment, I'm so game.
“Scott, ain't nothin' over your head: remember, we've seen you convert a desert into an oasis, dude! No, no, no!” Annie this line is classic and so true, awesome point you make muchacha! Scott you have magic green in dem thumbs mon, hehehe.
Annie, I gotta love how you define horizontal & vertical personally I call dem sideways and vert in da surfing world. If I were to define them they might be XXX rated even though we speak of peppers, lols …
Hard to tell the difference on the peach VS yellow Bhuts from the picture but I do note a slight difference. Also it’s easy to identify the particular ones you point out as your description contains pinpoint accuracy ^_^
Sorry can’t help with your peach Bhut ferment as I’ve never made any and I’m not sure it would be worth my time. I only say that cause hot sauce doesn’t last long in our fridge lol. I do make two stove top hot sauces and plan on developing a third soon for the JA MoA Scotch Bonnets but I’ve not gotten to the latter yet.
Have a great day muchacha :)
annie57 said:
Per request of someone near/dear, peach bhuts from Judy/pepperlover. Requires some careful looking--inconsistent light--but yellow bhut is on left vertically and rest are peach bhuts, another peach to right of the yellow* See note below:

*About dead center in bottom of pic is a peach bhut running horizontally, left/right, right/left, whatever. Above it are two bhuts running vertically, up/down, down/up, whatever. One on left is yellow bhut and one on right is a peach. A slow scroll immediately shows the yellow tip contrasted with peach tip. What I've been told about peach bhuts is that kinda hard to tell when to pull; if they get too ripe, are more peach colored but too ripe or have less viable seed. Dunno. But like the look of these seeds. I didn't grow this year because the seeds I kept getting were dark--as if from an over-ripened peach bhut.
I didn't have time, had to "dress up the office" with an espresso/coffee maker. Oh yeah, slap the diplomers back on wall to prove, to prove . . . something admin wants me to prove. I spent some time and money. Naw: worth it . . . but point is, made an appearance there, back, ventured into garden, got a decent haul--looking for Ramon's/Walkgood JA Habs and found them :party: (Tough critters, they are--we had more rain); I saved them from the path of baby slugs (which happen to be thoroughly enjoying Trinidad Perfume, dayum them).
So onto next and maybe last two ferments: peach bhut and JA Habs. Anybody with some ideas on what to add to these ferments, esp. peach bhut, please share. Even though they're sweet, they're :hot: with a burn that liiiiiingeeeeeers. Not into melt-face sauces. Have some yellow bhut saving for powders. Yellow 7's are finally happening/turning. As are more naga, as I like those for powders (and sauce).
Anyhow, back to peach bhut sauce, probably leaving garlic out of ferment. If want it in after/smoke roast some, add. There's < a lb. of peach bhut. Nearly 1 lb. Sweet white Candy onion, carrots, maybe something corny like couple really ripe peaches. Just for the taste of the peach as peaches taste both floral and fruity to me, as do these peach bhuts. Before  :fireball:  kicks in. Or maybe should use just 1/2 lb., dry rest. (Which sounds more reasonable.) Dang, they're hot. I mean, the burn just comes in, has a seat, fixes popcorn, and watches Gone with the Wind or Dr. Zhivago. Washed and blow-dried 'em on cool setting, nitrile gloves of course. Cats screaming for food, phone ringing. Went to give cats their food--use a pint jar for this--wearing nitrile and they both backed away from bowls. :rofl: I took gloves off and evabody was happy again.
Any thoughts on peach bhut ferment, I'm so game.
Actually I be some dried Apricots would be just the ticket to turn that sauce into a real "Peach" of a sauce ;)