• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
WalkGood said:
Amazing … pod blessed by Shane and Jamie, looking great Annie ^_^
Word, Ramon! Very blessed.
romy6 said:
 Oh Annie and the first plate also has two yellow 7's and two yellow scorps. 
romy6 said:
 Glad they arrived in giood shape girl. Here be what i sent ya :)
Top plate
 8 not douglah's ( thinking maybe scorp douglah cross from shape and taste) 
2 yellow scorps. 3 dorsett nagas, 2 small madballz's, and 3 dorsett nagas. 
Bottom plate
top left
2 more not douglah's. 
top right 
3 brainstrains
mid section dougies and choco habs
2 choc habs
3 douglahs's
couple barrackpores more ribbed with little baby tail
couple naga crosses( Might be nagaboms) 
 Enjoy girlfriend. 
Thank you so much again, Jamie and might be a Nagabon??? Hmm! :drooling: The not Douglahs taste sweet . . . at first. (Yes, I had to.) After "Oh niiiiice" comes "wtf!!!" :onfire: Allstate "Mayhem" commercial got me :shocked: . Yeah; I just ate one. Thank goodness the maid had been to get groceries and butler went to pick up garlic from cousin. Jazuz. (Had to send "the gardener" for Maalox.)

Great glog! Harvested and mailed pods look awesome!

My condolences for your losses. And besides that, sounds this year's weather has been a real thorn in your paw. You seem like a good soul who has endured much. I'm sure the future will treat you well, or at least I hope so. I'm not a particularly religious individual, but nor am I an atheist either. So my sincerest prayers are headed your way.
Picture of first ferment of season. (Thanks, Wes, Jamie, Shane!) Peppers, unless otherwise stated, I grew them. Red Brains and Red Congos (Jamie and Shane respectively.) Wes sent a few Bahamian goats. :party:
Recipe: couple, three pounds scotch bonnets mine and forgot Vincent/Coheed, couple Carib Reds (thanks!), JA Reds (from Ramon/WalkGood seed), some other JA reds, other seed. Some red and few green cracked jals, red serrano, some yellow fatalii, few Harold St. Barts, one big yellow brainstrain, mine. Saved seeds. Referred in air-sucked out bags, then air dried loose peppers from any condensation overnight on towel. Clean, dry peppers and minced by hand (in Nitrile gloves). Long exhausting process. So got out the small B&D mincer. A blade by any other . . . is still a blade and could no sweeter be.
Yesterday cut up rest of this and let comet to room temp:
1/2 gallon glass wide mouth with grommet/airlock
baked 1 red kuri squash to point of tenderness enough to mince/grate.
yellow raisins--attempted mince
few tomatilos, super sweet--cut up
3 so cups onions Dixondale Candy and 1015's chopped in Vidalia Chop Whiz
garlic minced
ginger minced
3 Tablespoons Himalayan Pink Sea salt + 1.5 teasp. canning salt dissolved in warm, purified water
1/4 cup whey from Greek yogurt with "Live and Active" cultures
Stirred with wooden spoon
Glass beads in sandwich z-lock to weight--mashed air bubbles out with gonzo pestle my grandmother left me--had too much brine, removed; could have done this dry mash the Greg/PIC1 way with couple tablespoons salt and evaporated cane sugar but had no ECS.
Put airlock firmly in lid, tightened lid down HARD. Added cheap vodka to airlock:

In basement on grow shelves (thoroughly cleaned with mix bleach/water after finished with plants)--have towel around with heat mat loosely wrapped to back to get LAB going (not pictured here)--watch it do nothing or explode--temps are running, around jar at 96. Holding there. Will move in few hours, but basement is cool. It was not a great idea (at all) to think I was getting away with glass jars all over . . . anywhere but the woman-cave. Tinfoil to back, heat, and blanket around shelves to block light.
I was prepared to do pics of process. But middle bro got trapped in 3 hour long thunderstorm (people who like to show off parked, wet Harleys?) and hung here last night while wondering, aka talking incessantly, what I was doing baking that pretty squash and cutting it up. Put some in his mouth to shut him up. Cut-up/prepped everything last night but peppers and could easily have cut up a cup of ginger rather than onion with bro wanting to show me something(s) on his new phone/gadget. Kid was like that as child: could not be still or shut up. I slammed some homemade cream cheese, some bagels, hot pepper jam in front of him and that worked for a while. No; he did not want to help me sort peppers. No; did not want to help me chop/mince stuff.Then, after he left there was the "conniption" as in, "WHAT ARE ALL THESE PEPPERS DOING HERE ON THIS TOWEL?!" I said, "Either drying or staging a coup. Your choice."
Know that killer song by Joe Ely (Flatlanders), "I Thought the Wreck Was Over"? This morning as am cutting peppers and some go to golf :party:, my other bro comes by before his going to church to ask about Cent AC unit, leaking a little. I said, "Know an HVAC guy? If so, don't go look, hon. Just write down a name." He went and looked. :rolleyes:  Says, "You really need HVAC man. Call this guy." Duh? "Tell me whut I say." :rofl: Cats got out of basement and were following him out front door . . . trick cats into coming in with hot pepper junk on my gloves? Not. I tried to made bro do it but he's saying, "I'm allergic!" (Since when?) They came in after an hour of thaaat. New gloves. Whew. Back to mincing peppers.
Then, as was about to stir it all up, peppers, etc. whey, salt water, friend came by. Freaked about vodka. Had to explain that it went in airlock, not gonna drink it :rolleyes:  but she insisted on taking it with her . . . that "discussion" ended with me keeping cheap vodka but after a slight tug of war, I didn't have cap on well, and some ended up on floor with one cat lapping away. At least he's asleep: the cat. IMO, everybody shoulda had a big ole drink and just . . . gone to sleep from about 3pm yesterday until noon today. However with exception of friend, rethought it all: my mother would give anything to have her brothers back. Gratitude! :banghead:
Didn't want to disappoint with no NARRATIVE smh of events. Dayum.
But is a pretty mash, I think. It might look/be the same for next 100 years, but let's hope not. Next mashes will be much more simple. I know I say that . . . Thanks for looking! Annie.
Annie awesome looking ferment mash start and I just love the vodka to airlock touch, brilliant muchacha ^_^
Plus dem funny stories, did you put some chopped pepper in bros mouth? hehehe ... and dat fight over da vodka, lol, I trust you wouldn’t drink it but I can’t say the same for me, lols. Have a great week girl and I can’t wait to see how it comes out ^_^
Hi Annie!
Never ventured into fermenting, it kinda scares me. Maybe cuz I know nothing about it :D
Hope yours come out the way you want it too:)
LOL at the cat licking up the vodka!
HVAC, yuk, mine was leaking for a few years, we nursed it along, I even conned one tech to leave me some R12 so I could charge it myself versus paying every 9 months. Finally it bit the big one, the compressor lunched, and it wasn't worth patching a 19 year old system....$6,900.00 later...but it's cool now and the electric bill went down by 30%, so it will pay for itself in 5 years...at least that's what I tell myself.
I think it's nice your family stops by! Mine is spread out in Oh., Sc., Az., and Pa..LB's are still stuck in Ny. Sorry for that...
Have a great week!
WalkGood said:
Annie awesome looking ferment mash start and I just love the vodka to airlock touch, brilliant muchacha ^_^
Plus dem funny stories, did you put some chopped pepper in bros mouth? hehehe ... and dat fight over da vodka, lol, I trust you wouldn’t drink it but I can’t say the same for me, lols. Have a great week girl and I can’t wait to see how it comes out ^_^
Thank YOU for trusting that I wouldn't drink it, querido! I wish I'd been cutting up peppers while he went on and on and . . . ad infinitum. As for the BIG cat being drunk, I just checked his breathing; he's good. Poor thing will probably have a hangover and cry all night long: the pig (might have to give him bit of hair of . . . dog? :D ). Airlocks and grommets just too inexpensive not to mess with for keeping 02 and other stuff out, and allowing C02, if there is any (so hope there is) out. Got a bunch at homebrew place. Thanks hon! I have glog catching to do . . . want to do!! :party: ;)
Devv said:
Hi Annie!
Never ventured into fermenting, it kinda scares me. Maybe cuz I know nothing about it :D
Hope yours come out the way you want it too:)
LOL at the cat licking up the vodka!
HVAC, yuk, mine was leaking for a few years, we nursed it along, I even conned one tech to leave me some R12 so I could charge it myself versus paying every 9 months. Finally it bit the big one, the compressor lunched, and it wasn't worth patching a 19 year old system....$6,900.00 later...but it's cool now and the electric bill went down by 30%, so it will pay for itself in 5 years...at least that's what I tell myself.
I think it's nice your family stops by! Mine is spread out in Oh., Sc., Az., and Pa..LB's are still stuck in Ny. Sorry for that...
Have a great week!
Scott, this type scared me. Still does: might not work and that's a lot of stuff to mess up but . . . has to beat taking mold off Tabascos in wild ferment with just salt (unless they just rot!): this can be done with just salt on vegetables, long as they self-brine, like cabbage for sauerkraut, and can add lid with airlock, same principle. Another day for the kraut excursion. lol
AC's not that old: just probably has clog, could be lint, or acidity of water has corroded some copper. But, always can be more complex. :shh: But then you know that!
And I would miss my brothers/family if not around. Very much. I'm sorry yours are so scattered.
Have lived in far more hectic but when measuring stuff, ya know? Something never done? Hmm.
Cat's sill passed out! :rofl: Normally I'd have stopped him but by then, "WTH." O.A.: Ocicats Anonymous. Peace, sweetie and have a great week as well!
Great stuff here Annie! I have to say that I just saw liquid up in my airlock yesterday on my Hatch ferment day2. I just mentioned in the hot sauce thread that I had not seen that. My newbieness shines through. I've had one failure out of three ferments so far and two more going and still can't get enough. Exciting it is!

I love Joe Ely, but haven't seen him for awhile. My daughter has had a couple years of acoustic guitar lessons so we got her an electric for her 13th.

Best of luck with the sauce!
capsidadburn said:
Great stuff here Annie! I have to say that I just saw liquid up in my airlock yesterday on my Hatch ferment day2. I just mentioned in the hot sauce thread that I had not seen that. My newbieness shines through. I've had one failure out of three ferments so far and two more going and still can't get enough. Exciting it is!

I love Joe Ely, but haven't seen him for awhile. My daughter has had a couple years of acoustic guitar lessons so we got her an electric for her 13th.

Best of luck with the sauce!
Mike, am going for siphon tubing or something that will fit in the airlock for a blow-off since kinda burnt out on fouling airlocks  :rolleyes: 
Joe and Butch and Jimmie Dale kinda disappear for spells. Heard Jo Carole Pierce was up to some stuff but not kept up with JCP. SHE is a serious talent as well. Great that you got her amped up! What did you get her? I can suggest some nice pedals, distortion, flange, delays. Link them all together and . . . noooooooo. :rofl:  Kids probably should learn to play "clean" at first.
What's link to your fouling issue with airlock?
I'm for real--gotta call to find out what size tubing will fit my airlock. I am by no means overfilled, just really active ferment and living in Austin or that area, dang it's an easy place to foul airlocks with the heat. There ya go! Really Mike: who says can't put blow off tubing on a pepper ferment? I've changed out the lids and al's 3X now. Over it! And when the "wort" settles down, put airlock back on. smh
When my content pushes up I was thinking that only liquid was at the airlock. If it has been fouled by this then I have just been oblivious. I haven't seen any indication that is happening. When it settles down I either push contents back down with a clean spoon and put the lid back on and have not worried about it. Sometimes I see pockets or cavities of space in the contents. I hold on to the half gallon and pop it down on the palm of my hand trying to close those pockets.

I'm in no hurry to get her more pedals etc. yet. That will come soon enough. We got her an Epiphone hollowbody cherry with a small Fender amp. Lots of effects in the amp. She has demonstrated pretty good ability just not as much practice as I would like. She played a church recital (acoustic) AC/DC Back in Black. That made me proud! She wants to learn Highway to Hell cause a boy she knows likes it. I've got problems coming soon!

I hope you get your ferments going to your liking. They are a little scary or concerning to me as well.
A surprise at postoffice!! :dance: :party:

Rick/Stickman sent me some of his red hab sauce--which I uh, had to rip into at car outside PO. So, Rick you have a seriously older woman in love widcha! MY MOTHER! After tasting it, I thought "this is nice, great taste, good heat" and took the bottle by Mama's--said nothing about Strawberry/Rubarb jam, which also rocks--she has some mine that I made her earlier--hiding this jam! But she kept "pinky testing" that sauce and she said that I could leave some if I wanted. Do whuuuu? I don't think so! Nice sauce, Rick. (I will share some with Mama but she is not snagging it!) And Cheiro Recife seeds annnnnnnd the elusive Gotchu Powder, which my mother had to also try and say, "Are you growing that pepper next year? Didn't you say they had Napa cabbage already at 18 Produce?" Geez. The woman not short on hints today, lol.
THANK YOU, Rick!! I can see all kinds of kimchi "stuff" happening with this. Perfect medium hot sweet powder. Again thank you so, so much! Hope to be paying it forward soon, sweet man!
At 3am the idea of the pepper mash was bothering me. I went to check to see if the brine was fouling airlock again with mash weighted with beads in z-lock bag. It was. Had already taken out 1/4 cup solids and 1/4 cup brine. I got some more brine, nuked it to warm it, pulled the beads out, after putting the lid, seal, airlock in Clorox/warm water solution, put beads in there too, tossed z-lock. Had another clean lid, seal, and airlock ready. Got two pestles, added 1/4 cup brine, and pushed on that mash as hard as I could, then tightened down cap with airlock, filled it to mark with purified water. Wrapped towel around it, rather than sticking back in a warmer closet. 1/2 inch brine at bottom but feel confident not much 02 got to it--turned off kitchen ceiling fan while doing this. Really active, airlock hopping up and down like bunny as soon as I did that and now:

And one can say, "The mash is not entirely covered!" but . . . these lids have a round plastic seal inside. I had to ask the HVAC guy yesterday to wash his hands in Clorox--yeah--that's probably in bill but not itemized; AC fixed, though--to get the lid loosened for me when airlock had fouled (again). IT IS TIGHT. So, am not worried. Not with the CO2 this thing is giving off and the added salt water. If ever seen airlock on a good beer wort? This is more active. Raisins and red kuri squash make one really aggressive at 85F? Man, it was turning into pepper wine. Moved to cooler spot and will hold off on siphon tubing today unless it gets funky right before homebrew place closes. One last thing, in just 4 days, this mash tastes amazing! Which is most important thing aside from safety.
Yesterday hot, upper 90's and today, rather cool. Kinda cold, imo, and we're expecting some of that stuff that falls from sky next couple of days. So got two harvests of ripe and partially ripe after securing Rick's sauce and jam in refrigerator downstairs :D :
The mix, couple yellow 7's, Orange Thai, Aji Limon, Trin Scorp Perfume, Naga, Red and yellow fatalii, yellow and red TSMB, yellow brains, some JA SBs? and some gorgeous Ramon's/Walkgood JA Habs and . . . a Douglah:

Brains, Ramons JA Habs--they're huge, taste soooooo good, and the Douglah:

Went into refrigerator in sealed bags while twice this amount of turning, including some Jamie/Romy6 7 Pod Brown x Naga (my stomach is killing me as I sampled one in garden that fell: dayum! :onfire: ) All half-ripe (3X this) went into brown paper bags with apples and a ton of pasilla de bajio turning, poblano, finallyachochab (one word), more brains, yellow Morugas, reds of same, a few yellow bouquet, about the same thing as above, but took two big bags. A lot of Ramon's JA Habs. (If I could stop eating those, I'd have enough to ferment :rolleyes: ) Next few days supposed to be cooler and good chances of rain, then back to hot next week. Also harvested some more winter squash; vines have blooms and more fruits setting.
Once again, thank you so so much Rick!! Thank you all for looking! Peace.
I've made two batches of Rick's sauce so far, I make one change, two cups of drained whole tomatoes (24oz can)(blended) and add no water. Call it laziness, but didn't want to drive 3 hours for the sun dried maters. Brought some to work and shared, people keep knocking on my door (new people) and wanting to taste the sauce. Have handed out the recipe to 10 people so far. Added a few supers to the second batch...just cuz! Really good stuff!
Kudos to Rick!
Nice pulls from the garden, really happy to see this happening...
Have a good one!
Devv said:
I've made two batches of Rick's sauce so far, I make one change, two cups of drained whole tomatoes (24oz can)(blended) and add no water. Call it laziness, but didn't want to drive 3 hours for the sun dried maters. Brought some to work and shared, people keep knocking on my door (new people) and wanting to taste the sauce. Have handed out the recipe to 10 people so far. Added a few supers to the second batch...just cuz! Really good stuff!
Kudos to Rick!
Nice pulls from the garden, really happy to see this happening...
Have a good one!
It is very good, Scott; I forgot to ask him for recipe!!! Dang! (But I will now that I know he's not keeping it a secret . . . or . . . is it a secret? :P )
Gotta run check on choc habs, choc bhuts, a few douglah, other dark peppers, and some jalapeno to make it berable, and such, in smoker. Starting another ferment tomorrow; today has been insanely busy with classes about to begin; why the hell do they want to make a new photo ID badge for faculty ev-er-y year? Waste of time'n money! "We're broke!" No they're not! Nuf that. smh.
Have a great one, Scott!!
Smoking (apple and pecan wood) a few choc habs (Shane/stc3248), jals red and green (mine), douglah (mine and Jamie/Romy6), choc bhut (Vincent/coheed), carrots, onion, tomatillo, with sea salt and cumin for ferment (tomorrow). Initially:

The smoke indirect:
The temp:

After an hour:

Another hour to go, cool down, bag, and warm up to room temps tomorrow for ferment.
Thanks for looking!
Beautiful colors & awesome pull muchacha followed by some killer looking smoked peppers for a ferment, dam just looking at them gets me hungry, hehe … you are determined to drive me away to eat mas, lolz
Bodeen said:
That looks so delicious. Grill up a steak and smoother it with that stuff mmmmm
Bodeen, about ready to grill up da bed! Man, the smoke off these things is painfully hot! @ low temps. But that would be an excellent idea had this day not been so long, so . . . varied. But the more I think about the idea, naw have to add coals. Smoking now just off wood. But had I used WSM for peppers and then used Weber OTG for porterhouse . . . future plans!
WalkGood said:
Beautiful colors & awesome pull muchacha followed by some killer looking smoked peppers for a ferment, dam just looking at them gets me hungry, hehe … you are determined to drive me away to eat mas, lolz
Ramon, now, for a midnight snack, run to store, get a nice thick porterhouse. Choc Scorp with some MoA's, onions, garlic, carrots, asparagus, seasonings of your choice . . . go fer it! :halo: :think: I wish I had the energy :mope: lol. Dinner was the fastest stir-fried veggies, lot from garden, ever "stirred." Because I had to get going on this smoke. Just 30 more minutes to go, praise Gawd! Then to let them cool. And aren't your JA Habs "smexy," como te dices?
Very beautiful pods--threw 2 in stir-fry with warning. "The red is not bell pepper!" More for me! :party:
And think about that steak, now! ;)