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Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
That's how I feel today lady...long day, longer drive home but a nice package of seeds from coheed and some I ordered from Reimer waiting on me at the house! Plants are rockin I see!
That's how I feel today lady...long day, longer drive home but a nice package of seeds from coheed and some I ordered from Reimer waiting on me at the house! Plants are rockin I see!

Shane, isn't it nice, when our days just couldn't go much wronger, long, longer, we get generous gifts from folks on here? About Reimer, are their seeds . . . well, germ well, come true to the name on package? :P Jest wond'ren. Peace, hon. Annie
I dunno yet about Reimer...will tell once the jury is in. I will say at least the tomato seeds looked like tomato seeds...have to wait and see what happens next I guess. They got mixed reviews. Service was pretty quick though. They were one of only a few places that had "spoon" type currant tomatoes which is what I was looking for. I only ordered more because shipping was the same and figured I might as well grab some other stuff to get my $$$ worth.
Annie, Holy shiz, I just took another look at your boys and they out number the girls like 50 to 1 &hellip; dem girls are in serious trouble :O
Happy VD Day! :woohoo:
10 day update from sowing seeds:


Caribbean Red: is that a true leaf beginning in far left, back? :pray:


From top Carib Red.


Camera op error (I moved) and JA Reds have been adjusted, to lean a little less toward light, lol.


Can't wait for the "Ramonettes" to pop because these things make me shake OR they camera-shy. JA Red(s).


Scotch Bonnie and friends, Orange Thai, Trini Perfume, Giant Hal--I mean: Jal, some weird Cayenne-type.


JA Red (back at the house), Mex Manzano (orange or supposed to be), Red Manzano, few Tabasco and whole lotta Serrano Tampequino and I been yankin' em! Or, thinning, like radishes.


Yellow Manzano (hiding JDM, the first hot, a Datil--more below him on 2nd shelf), Naga to left off YManz, a few Eplant, a lotta Cracked Jal, too many Giant Marconi--been doing the radish-thin-thing with them . . . dang, 3 seeds per cell and one would know Giant Marconi, and not quite seen clearly, as many Anaheim (see "radish treatment").


Naga, Jaloro, Jal M, Trini CARDI, some Trinidad Perfume in here too, Jal M, 7 Pod Brown, and . . .


That tall Choc Bhut is my girl, now! 3? Not so fast, today, a baby choc bhut . . .


See! Another baby Choc bhut that I gotta figure out some freakin' way of gently prying away from Big Sis. On shelf 2 and not pictured, because I'm worn out, Fatalii and ya know that they'd have to clump (but more are hooking), Yellow Brain, Peach Bhut, more Red Manzano, lots more Datil, Guajillo, Poblano, Harold St. Barts, Aji Limon, Choc Hab (YAY!), Red Hot Cherry, and Acongaua.

And much to my surprise, because I was giving up, airing out basement today, thought look in on the 7 Pod Yellow (3rd seeding of those, which can't live without) yesterday, Ramon's chicas (Ramonitas), Jamie's 7 Pod Browns, and FTW! The blasted Pasilla Bajio (there will be mole!), has hooked, longest annuum, I ever . . . but more importantly, the Moruga Blend is showing 4 hooks, the Keriting Long, another annuum that has puzzled, is showing a hook or two. No signs of life from the Douglah but am giving it touch more time (and faith); however, Jamaican Hot Chocolate, none from it and it makes me wonder if that's not a "sign." There are Choc Habs looking happy under lights, and could be Peruvian White Hab or Bahamian, which might be better deal, in that 6 pack anyhow. Suggestions welcome! Thanks! Annie

Annie, I was thinking, you are a newbie, but it looks like you know what your are doing girl!

I devoured the info on this site, Linda! Ya didn't read the post about the seed bake, huh? ;)
Lookin good Annie! Give them babies some LIGHT! :rofl: On the transplanting of the multiples I use a small bamboo skewer (Kebab) to gently loosen the one I want to move while gently tugging at it until its free...then use the same skewer to make a hole where I wanna put it and drop it in there, firm the soil up around it and give it a drink. (and me one too) Never lost one...the trick is to not care as much about the one your moving as you do about not disturbing the "keeper" sprout. I have severed the main tap root just below the soil...replanted and still had the transplant survive. You're gonna have one heck of a season!
I can only imagine 7 pot brown apple butter on some of those tasty ribs come fall Annie. Now just make it happen:)

That's an excellent idea Jamie! Because I can't KEEP that Fatapple or whatever "calling it" sauce around. Friends on Sat. about wiped me out. Was it you who gave me that idea or Bill? Musta been good one, as I made mistake of letting folks taste it. It's really great with pork. AS I'M SURE, Shane, darling, la salsa de pimiento caliente del MANZANO would be good with pork as well! :rofl:

Damn Jamie...what's with you and apples? Apple sauce with my chops...apple butter with Annie's ribs??? Apple=Manzano only Manzanos I eat are Chile Manzanos. Where's the plant pics Miss Annie? C'mon show us some pics!

Shane, shuga, ya gonna stroke out, now. You come from a state where they don't grow pig like they grow cow. BUT see the pics: that Mex Orange Manzano is gonna make a killer sauce . . . with apples! :rofl: Just kiddin' but then again . . . it could be a sauce called, "Manzano de manzano." "Mucho Manzano"? Friend of mine owns an orchard. But in truth, I was thinking some 7 Pod yellow with mango, maybe with the Mex Manzanos or melon or maybe winter squash . . . or maybe . . . you got a manzano sauce recipe ya wanna hint at to me? That certainly has no affiliation with . . . apples? Much peace: y'all are a riot! ;)
oh oh oh...I got it.


Now go to bed I gotta read some other folks posts too ya'know!

Riiiiiiiight. (Oh, no wrrrrong!) But cool name for company: "Salsa de Lorena." The ingredient list in very fine print. smh! PM me suggestions for manzano sauce not involving apples of any kind; please kind sir ;)
Oh...I get it. Kinda like the difference between Juevos Rancheros and Juevos De Rancheros...not the same at all. Learned that lesson long ago!

I don't use Manzanos for many sauces...only one thus far really. Mixed with Scotch Bonnets, very good, will have to dig that one back up for ya. Manzanos are a great smoked pepper, and for powders. I will have to get you a batch...gotta make it first though. Fresh out...I think???
Annie, Holy shiz, I just took another look at your boys and they out number the girls like 50 to 1 &hellip; dem girls are in serious trouble :O

Depends on what you mean by trouble, Ramon :D : The Ramonitas gonna be very . . . loved.

Oh...I get it. Kinda like the difference between Juevos Rancheros and Juevos De Rancheros...not the same at all. Learned that lesson long ago!

I don't use Manzanos for many sauces...only one thus far really. Mixed with Scotch Bonnets, very good, will have to dig that one back up for ya. Manzanos are a great smoked pepper, and for powders. I will have to get you a batch...gotta make it first though. Fresh out...I think???

Huevos divorciados . . . del cuerpo?

And man, oh man, manzano sauce is good! Please dig: no machetes, lol: just please "look up" the recipes. That just gave me an idea for sending some promised pods this fall to a particular person. Hmm: THANK YOU, SHANE!!! :dance: And ya out of powder :tear: . I'll share the "idea" with you in PM, since you inspired it. I luvvvv it.
I have 30 or 32? cousins. Yep. Or as my grandfather once remarked when one of his son's wife was pregnant again, Unc thought he'd throw some Bible on Pawpaw: "Well, damn, Daddy. God said to be fruitful and multiply the Earth." My grandfather looked up from his ounce of "white," with grits, eggs, livermush, said, "He didn't mean for one damn man to do it all." So I got these cousins. I'm the oldest of 4. I only have brothers. All are males. Yeah: out of 30-some kids, I have two female cousins. Count them: 2. They're twins and surprised not fraternal and one male, but nope, fraternal, both female. The one I like, who LOVES hot peppers, hot sauce, anything hot and tasty--our grandfather raised his few granddaughters right--lives in G-boro, NC and sent me this Valentine's gift she had made, came in mail yesterday; she apologized for the ethnic overtones. She knows one of my fav songs, is "One" by U2. As a songwriter-musician, I don't wish I'd written many but "One" and "Moment of Surrender," yep.


"Have you come here to play Jesus to the lepers in your head?"--Bono, The Edge, Larry, Adam. Cool t!

And when ready to just quit on something: Trinidad Scorp Moruga Blend, hope some are yellow, as sowed both, but no clue what side 6 pack now, forgot to label, doh, but both sides have some, so it's all good. Now under lights:


Also relevant or not, but I think it is: "Signs, signs everywhere a sign"!!!!


And since a friend on here is doing this, just retopped these other day. Have 3 4x8's and one 4x4, supposed to have been for garlic last fall but I forgot and can get garlic from a cuz, trading him hot pepper plants for garlic:


ONLY onions going in this one this year. Ordered from Dixondale, Candies, and should be here Monday. Paw prints: neighbor's cat?

What it looked like last spring:


Tin foil looks crappy but is cheap way of keeping birds out eating arugula seeds . . . and a pellet gun don't hurt none . . . PC, maybe not; but bluejays are just mean. I went out there to run them off and they went Hitchcock on me, so they had a "come to Jesus" moment. I only use raised beds for beets, radishes, kale, ARUGULA, chard, onions, mesclun mixes.

BIG garden currently and way bigger than looks.


And close up of amended and amended soil currently:


This doesn't look like clay soil, which is excellent stuff if amended and amended.

Can ya'll tell that I'm itching for spring? Peace. Thanks for lookin.' Annie
Annie, great update and pics, love dat "went Hitchcock on me" line, classic muchacha!!! and I agree, dam blue jays are seriously mean but those are the female birds, they get that from protecting their babies even if no babies around o_O Beautiful large field, is that yours or are you getting to use it? Nuff said, respect!
The field, which is what I call it too: mine (when my back be killing me, eh, almost wish it was somebody else's). 75' x 175' is a field, ain't no garden. But truth is, wish had more space! And some help but . . . lol. Ramon, m'bredren, are you advancing the case of a bluejay? Eating arugula seeds? When I try to be nice at first? But I like the logic, "protecting babies when none around." Looked awful dark blue to me, kinda male. I hate to kill a male, ha and I have that same attitude toward the Ramonitas!

Then again, I've cleaned crappie, my fav freshwater fish, and seen row sacks and feel sad. For a minute, until they crappie nuggets and in da grease, after overnight soak in buttermilk, salt, lime juice. Sweet Betsy mix, with some chipotle liberally tossed in. Mmm. Those plantains you . . . dear Lawd! That fold over you did with fish tortilla, wow. Will be posting pics of fish foods once they come shallow. Right now, it's snowing. Not much, and we don't get a lot of snow, but . . . there's a remedy for the grow area downstairs:


This was my grandmother's Fisher wood stove: Mama Bear. Ancient. But will HOT IT UP. Keeps grow room toasty and ashes go to garden. I had company tagging along:


Hunkering down. And really the floor is clean just old old concrete. Now the rug in front of wood stove, I gave up. Who steam cleans an area rug in front of old wood stove?

But my boy :D :


A man with a plan! Initially, when rescued him, thought he had Parvo but no: he just licks :cool: Buddy's a trip. Likes to eat, sleep, be loved, be loved some more, lick, eat, sleep, be loved. 3 years old and 22 lbs. A yard long. He's got a chest like a pit bull.

And my baby girl, named after my grandmother and her people, Cherokee, Tsali:


She's my youngin, now. Horribly abused as kitten--both are rescues--she's really tiny. 9 years old, and 7 lbs. But funny, so active. But grew up with her big bro, Jake, Jack Russell, had to have him put down last year. Broke m'heart. But she's learned that when she goes downstairs, the plants are no-go. Dang, snow's picked up. Maybe more pics of that later. My human man has expressed hunger. Peace. Annie
No no, I am not defending the blue jay &hellip; I&rsquo;d put that sucker down if she messed with my plants. I & I only trying to explain her actions mon. I&rsquo;ve had these cute little squirrels living up high in my oaks for many a year now and no troubles. Well the other day I see one of dem digging into one of my potted JA peppers, I immediately chased it out and will consider putting it down if I see that again. Later that day I noted that the alexandra palm seeds are gone from all my tress (their source of food) and now they&rsquo;re actually on the look, who knows if she buried one there one day &hellip; regardless that&rsquo;s unacceptable when it comes to your potted pepper plant.

Wicked looking fisher wood stove, man you can cook on top of dat antique, love the look! Whoa kinky tongue maneuver from da cat, hehe! WalkGood likes dat :rolleyes: Love to see peeps show off other stuff in da glog&rsquo;s, great update Annie &hellip; Nuff Respect!