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Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
Dang Annie you sure gotta a way of telling a mighty fine story. Also got afew goose bumps .

Seedlings are looking super healthy and as mawmaw says. Don't cradle them too much. That mykos should be all they need for a good bit:)
&iquest; Muchacha donde as estado? te e buscado pero ahora veo donde estavas escondida, hehe &hellip; Love dat Mawmaw story, reminds me how much I miss both my abuleo&rsquo;s y abula&rsquo;s :/ It was my fathers father &ldquo;abulo&rdquo; that started me growing stuff when I was young and later with my mama. That&rsquo;s why I do the egg/huevo ting mon &hellip; in da honor of the one&rsquo;s I love. Well Annie gotta tell you you brought a tear to mi eye and a good one. Hell I forgot to mention how great everything looks &hellip; keep dat positive mental attitude :)
BTW I&rsquo;d love to try your Pico de gallo muchacha &hellip; don&rsquo;t forget da pics &hellip;

He estado en varios lugares . . . y pues, donde has estado, hombre? ;) Ramon, de veras; los abuelos estan inmortal . . . con nosotros todavia: el corazon receurda todo. Y por eso . . . my grandmother is actually very sick. Infection. Just got back from seeing her. Kind of depressed. But . . . fotos de pico de gallo, claro, mi hermano; pero quiza sin mi abuela in este mundo. Estoy muy triste, mi hermano. Muy triste. One Love, querido.
Dang Annie you sure gotta a way of telling a mighty fine story. Also got afew goose bumps .

Seedlings are looking super healthy and as mawmaw says. Don't cradle them too much. That mykos should be all they need for a good bit:)

Thank you Jamie! I would never, ever ever baby a seedling too much; just ask Pia! :rofl: Thanks about my grandmother, Jamie. She's not gonna be hanging out much longer, don't think. Much love.

And I only saw one: my bad, dilute kelp stayed in tray too long but:

The bastids will die! Sprayed everything with Pyrethrin: crumbled some dunk pieces over all after drying medium beyond belief, watered in with Bti soaked in water: astounding on the Pyrethrin spray as well: room spray; found a freakin' earwig too! DEAD. All is well. Just saying to all those who don't knows no better, and I knew better: don let the stuff sit in dilute kelp overnight. Or dilute anything. But good to have the dunks. Plants all VERY dry now even after watering. Have two clip on fans ordered as well, but the deal is: don let ya stuff sit any anything liquid overnight! (No, Jamie; I'd NEVER love the babies to death :rofl: .) And I know this will have to be repeated as it's those jerk larvae can live a while; thus, the dunks, which will remain in my feed schedule. smh :rofl:
Jamie, I will double your thought and quadruple it, read this story and I&rsquo;ll say it again, I wana party with you girl ;)

So, "Gusa" . . . we make new stories? I already like the one about alligator steak and snook. As both are totally illegal and snook, illegal in summer. Cuando se corta en filetes . . . "Officer, &iquest;que pez esta hablando? &iexcl;Claro que era un red! Albino red . . ." :liar:
Don't use that one...but I use similar clip on fans and they work well. Nice to be able to move them around to hit different plants from different angles without having to shuffle your trays around. I also use a tower style oscillating fan on the floor that hits them all and moves the air around during the day when its warmer in my grow room. Think you'll like them!
Thing is . . . I'm actually in class while this kid is trying to pronounce "k-nicht" or "knight" in middle-Eng. Taking him a while. So flipped my audio on of The Knight's Tale, aka The Knightes Tale, in slow mo, and now they're all repeating in deep voices . . . dear lawd. Sounds kinda weird--Gregorian Chants in spoken word . . . :rofl:

I have two fans going--floor oscillating and BIG one oscillating but hard to hit lower shelf and upper shelf since fans RIGHT on the shelves and lights RIGHT on seedlings. Guess I better get back to work but wonder if I could get these estudiantes into studio. Comedic death metal? Hell, I am a singer-songwriter musician by first/foremost profession . . . why do freshmen take Chaucer in M-English? Masochists. Peace, Shane :cool:
Update 3-2: pot up of some MoA's via Ramon/Walkgood and 7 Pod Brown x Naga via Jamie/Romy6 and other children.

In back, Trini Scorp Moruga Blend Yellow, another Datil, one more Aji Lim&oacute;n. Up front, Douglah :D (and he has a friend or two waiting until mid-next week), my treasured 7 Pod Yellows. Next:


In back, another Red Manzano (unseen), a Naga with 2 sets true leaves, hmm: got to be sure on my Nagas :rolleyes: , 2 more Choc Habs, as have to be sure on those as well; upfront, 2 7 Pod Brain Yellows, 2 of Jamie's fruitful 7 Pod Brown X Nagas, and a Jamie 7 Pod Brown not in picture: shy thing! And next:


The "Mojajitas" really do have a set of true leaves. One is just amazingly shy. In back another Red Manzano, Fatalii Yellow.

And looking at some growth in 10 days:


Weird colors--some are green but some have yellow cast, and many have lost cotys or are losing them so . . . not showing shots of annuums because the damn things look like they want a field. Actually, Anaheim in back has 3 sets true leaves and not lost cotys so . . . pots are light-weight and dry . . . should I water, bottom feed them some nitrogen by way of Neptune's Harvest? OR let them almost droop before watering--just because pots feel light doesn't mean the BOTTOM of the pots are dry--around the edges, yes, but, not around the rootball. Found that out when potting up today. Top, dry, rootball moist. Gonna let the new transplants settle in--absolutely no feed, lights were up and fan right on 'em for 2.5 hours after they sat in some dilute kelp until getting the fans and slight light. Also separated out some Blushing Bell and Orange Blaze Bell, so more of their siblings could hatch. Meanwhile have another tray of annuums to do . . . but am waiting on clip-on fans before do it. Anybody with ANY ideas about some with yellow true leaves, lemme know. I ain't no gecko (or lagarto in D.R. Spanish) but I worry about my babies so: "[DO] I HAVE A FLAT TIRE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???" Please; as as always, thanks for lookin'! :banghead: :rofl:
I can't help with feeding schedules...I added some peat moss to my organic soils last year and they seemed to stay more evenly moist, but I ended up right back at my ole standby MG soil...I understand some peoples aversions to it, but that stuff sure makes it easy. I would imagine your yellow is because your soil is too wet down low...but could be nutes also??? Good luck. They aren't looking too terrible right now though. Are you using the same soil (Promix right???) as Greg (Pic1)? If so, I would send that man a PM ASAP, if anyone will recognize what's going on its him.

I'm going to go back and review your soil choice...

K...so your own mix is what I found. Geez, that makes it more difficult. I would still hit up Greg.
I can't help with feeding schedules...I added some peat moss to my organic soils last year and they seemed to stay more evenly moist, but I ended up right back at my ole standby MG soil...I understand some peoples aversions to it, but that stuff sure makes it easy. I would imagine your yellow is because your soil is too wet down low...but could be nutes also??? Good luck. They aren't looking too terrible right now though. Are you using the same soil (Promix right???) as Greg (Pic1)? If so, I would send that man a PM ASAP, if anyone will recognize what's going on its him.

I'm going to go back and review your soil choice...

PM BX, Shane. I'm leaning toward over-watering, man. But will hit Greg up and ask. And I've probably over-ferted them, for their age or lack of age, as well. Thanks, sweetie!
Hey Annie. All I can say is that by the time my babies started to wilt, it was almost too late. My pots were very light. At the advice of Millworkman, instead of tossing them, I soaked them good. After that, I found that the next day the pots were light again. I bottom fed, at the advice of Shane. I lost maybe 12 seedlings, but most of them were multiples. I lost my Fish and my infinities. I resowed them. I cant say that watering them is what you should do. All I can say is light pots led to almost certain death. Good luck my friend.
Pia, what mix were you using when you under-watered? We mothers have to go to extremes, right? I PM'ed Greg since he uses Promix BX as well, but mine are no where near close to dying, not wilted at all: just that coloration. I don't want to over-water and kill them either. Some of the plants look great:

A little leggy but I fixed the Serranos with adding more soil today. Now, how do I explain this one? :doh: :?: :rofl: Thanks sugar!
As you know my problem was kind of a month long process. It started with that Shitty Vigoro organic Shit. Then I got some FoxFarm Ocean Forest. Thats when I noticed the extra light pots. I believe my problem was a combination of shock and really really dry soil. Also I check the soil for all the light pots before bottom watering. There was moisture in the middle but not enough for seedlings. My seedlings are in very wet seed starting mix and coir. I think the going from really wet to really dry doomed many of my seedlings. Its a definite balancing act that is hard to get right. so many factors are in play. Soil, heat, room moisture, ect. ect. Im sure you will figure it out.
As you know my problem was kind of a month long process. It started with that Shitty Vigoro organic Shit. Then I got some FoxFarm Ocean Forest. Thats when I noticed the extra light pots. I believe my problem was a combination of shock and really really dry soil. Also I check the soil for all the light pots before bottom watering. There was moisture in the middle but not enough for seedlings. My seedlings are in very wet seed starting mix and coir. I think the going from really wet to really dry doomed many of my seedlings. Its a definite balancing act that is hard to get right. so many factors are in play. Soil, heat, room moisture, ect. ect. Im sure you will figure it out.

Yeah, I remember you went through HELL with that. "Soil, heat, room moisture, ect. ect." I wonder if they've been getting too cold at night? I've not "flipped the switch" on the wood stove every night lately and we've had some cold temps. And the annuums are more resistant to that as well as manzanos more resistant to chill. But the danged lights are giving off heat. Again, it makes no sense except for over watering and maybe cool temps??????? I need a freakin' pepper-whisperer. :rofl:
Annie what happened, you were doing so fine &hellip; my advice is that only you know for sure. I don&rsquo;t know if you gave them too much ferts or not. Or if you gave them to much to drink or not, you should know muchacha. I&rsquo;d go with what you feel is right, personally I don&rsquo;t feed anything to seedlings though this year I have given them a little of the seaweed tea and I don&rsquo;t think it hurt them. That said I&rsquo;ve lost a few and had many no starts but I think it&rsquo;s cause I do everything outside and normally in late spring or summer. This time I did starts in Jan. and did have to bring in the babies on cold nights. Good Great luck muchacha and let us know what you do/did ...
Annie what happened, you were doing so fine &hellip; my advice is that only you know for sure. I don&rsquo;t know if you gave them too much ferts or not. Or if you gave them to much to drink or not, you should know muchacha. I&rsquo;d go with what you feel is right, personally I don&rsquo;t feed anything to seedlings though this year I have given them a little of the seaweed tea and I don&rsquo;t think it hurt them. That said I&rsquo;ve lost a few and had many no starts but I think it&rsquo;s cause I do everything outside and normally in late spring or summer. This time I did starts in Jan. and did have to bring in the babies on cold nights. Good Great luck muchacha and let us know what you do/did ...

Buenas, querido. Ya know, I think what I've done is over-watered, then over-dried them because I over-watered, and OVER-FED! :rofl: I don't know that that's true yet, but the primary cause of yellowing leaves on peppers is over watering. AND the supers are more sensitive to this than the annuums. When house heat goes off tonight, am firing up the wood stove, letting the babies have consistent warmth and not worrying about it: they do not look wilted. I've seen one fungus gnat since I've been using the dunk water, which won't hurt them . . . I just took the temp under those lights with meat thermometer and it's reading 78+F. Which HAS to be warm enough. Not for germ of supers but way warm enough for the babies. They'd be fine at lower temps but the lights are keeping them warm too. The more I chew on this chicle the bigger it gets in la boca, so I gotta let them be. I ain't about to water them. Nope. They kinda like cacti: they like it on the dry side so the roots can reach for water. I know there's moisture near the middle of each pot, so I'm gonna let the roots reach for a day or two unless Greg tells me different, because if the roots don't reach for water, the roots won't grow. And the more water in the pot, the less oxygen. And hon, that little MoA I potted up with barely true leaves forming, had roots forever. Good ra&iacute;ces, on ya hija m'ermano! :P But I did do this: stale air. It's cold here, brr, but I just opened a window to pull out stale air down there with fan and gonna blow some chill-ass air in to give them some fresh, clean air right after. Dry soil: roots gonna like fresh air. Hell, man the gato got his whole body in the window and ya know how much cats hate cold. I think gonna draw it out and pull it in until he runs back upstairs to the warm place. :D
Using the Promix BX here too. I will agree and say overwatering too. I have found with the PM I am watering maybe every 5 days to a week. Sometimes even when surface top looks dry if I touch it it still feels moist too. I so overwatered my plants last year but this year going with less is better. Cut back a bit you will be alright.

I can tell which is the PM soil in your recent pics but is the lighter soil your seed starting medium? Just noticed and was curious to ask. Keep at it the seedlings look really nice!
Lookin' good, Annie. I've got that yeller thng too. Mine got a good 2 minute +/- bottom drink at pot up 3 days ago, but it had just barely wet the top a few hours later. And I gave them some nutes too. It's really just the true leaves and new grow tends to be a little more chartreuse-y in a lot of plants. I ain't too worried yet. The annums do seem to gulp more than the supers. I can foresee having to giving annums and chinense different trays, but I hope it don't come to that.
Using the Promix BX here too. I will agree and say overwatering too. I have found with the PM I am watering maybe every 5 days to a week. Sometimes even when surface top looks dry if I touch it it still feels moist too. I so overwatered my plants last year but this year going with less is better. Cut back a bit you will be alright.

I can tell which is the PM soil in your recent pics but is the lighter soil your seed starting medium? Just noticed and was curious to ask. Keep at it the seedlings look really nice!

Thanks Mike: Greg/PIC 1 just answered my message: everything is normal and what you see is ALL PM BX. Just, along with airing it out and in, with wood stove down there, I doused a dinner fork with H202 and loosened compacted soil in every pot. What was the point in me putting extra perlite in the stuff if it was gonna be like the clay outside when it was unamended? I'll add more vermiculite to tomatoes but peppers love it dry. So yes: OVER-watering. OVER-feeding. They aren't getting anything until Mon/Tuesday, because they gonna get AIR every day. Out with old and in with new to keep 160+ pepper seedlings aerated with O2, now that I've broken some soil, gently: make next feed/watering more efficacious. Have a great night in "Rally" ;) Your plants look gorgeous! Viva Norte Carolina! :rofl:

Lookin' good, Annie. I've got that yeller thng too. Mine got a good 2 minute +/- bottom drink at pot up 3 days ago, but it had just barely wet the top a few hours later. And I gave them some nutes too. It's really just the true leaves and new grow tends to be a little more chartreuse-y in a lot of plants. I ain't too worried yet. The annums do seem to gulp more than the supers. I can foresee having to giving annums and chinense different trays, but I hope it don't come to that.

Well, JJJ, my mountain friend, Greg/Pic1 says chartreuse is normal: he grows in Promix as well. And no need for different trays. It's just what they do at first. At this point, tap root is about all they got. I asked about separate trays and no need. It's all normal and NO they don't need water! Or mine don't. OR MORE NUTES :rofl: . . . right now. But if ya read above, once soil gets moist and dries it will compact: we know clay, right? (Too well?) So . . . I aerated with fan taking stale out, fresh in, wood stove cooking and fork to loosen top soil. Let the roots get some O2! And as cold as it is, one cat didn't come back from basement, so I checked it out: it was NICE down there, tropical, warm breeze--had wood stove cherry--could hear the plants BREATHING! (One might think if I'd had a mind, I'd lost it. :dance: ) If you've seen Greg's Glog with Promix as medium, knows his stuff, so let's no worry no more and be happy ;) Peace, hon!