• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
Do your onions bulb up for you? In my garden they don't. I can only grow green onions. Looks like you
have plenty of space for your peppers, and other veggie's. I will be starting my sugar snap peas next
month, they are so good raw or cooked.
Holy cow!!! You got a farm right there!!! Gonna be epic come inground time!

Yeah, Shane, "epic." As in . . . sometimes I feel like Hector getting dragged around Troy by an always angry Achilles. Sorry, lol, The Iliad just came to mind when you wrote, "epic." :shocked: Yeah, hope I get some help this year :rofl: burying plants, esp. freakin' maters, which is what am thinking by the time, well, by time it hurts, but am throwing down the "ya don't plant, ya don't eat" word. Again. Absolutely no reason to believe I mean that though . . . hmm. :rofl:

Great update Annie, I can't wait to see your plants invade the garden............that a huge plot !

Thanks Greg, feels "huger" in "short rows." Plants have to live, a lot be seeded first; if/when they live, going vertical with more than did last year for space. I love cukes or hot pickles, but pickle some regular esp. dill, so gonna trellis them, and winter squash . . . wow. Challenge. Might take a cattle panel. I grow some ole timey varieties from seed been in my family, like neck-pumpkin . . . don't know if a cattle panel would hold those :doh: . I let one run just to see what it would do last year and used stakes to keep it in line: started at back of garden and went beyond raised beds over to neighbor's . . . but my primary concern is always the peppers and always plant more of those than anything else, which is a joy.

Nice lookin' patch of ground, Annie. What to you use to till that with?

Hey, JJJ! '59 Allis D-14. A beauty. At my cousin's, since he can work on her. But we both pay for maintaining that gem. Oddly, my grandfather, TERRIBLE poker player (I mean terrible) but then guys around here who made white, never had enough sense to stay outta their product in a poker game; but one night, Lady Luck (or pity) smiled on him. He won that tractor off a "feller." Sold the mules. But wish I could have seen the mule action. He had one pair, according to everybody, wouldn't move. A lot. He left them standing in a field with a harrow one afternoon: then, they took off! :rofl: Mawmaw said last she saw that "harrer" it was bouncing up and down a "crik" bed, my grandfather trying to chase them down in his old "woodsaw." I never saw that either except in pictures but truck "modified" to hold a wood saw. Cuz has a '95? Ford that runs really well now that he fixed it. I'll try to get up there soon and get some pics of "Alice." Since I load the field down with wheat straw, I mean, load it down, to suppress weeds, then have guys spread manure on it in fall, then I turn it under with that straw, I don't need a walk-behind any longer. But that took winters and winters and winters, often at night when I got off, with headlamp, of digging up bermuda grass, crab grass, which never dies (like kudzu) but I got it back to where it might be on edges but plants don't "feel" it, I don't see it. But thanks for noticing the till! I did best I could, as it used to be LOTS more sloped @ middle. That's another story.

Thanks for lookin.' Annie

Do your onions bulb up for you? In my garden they don't. I can only grow green onions. Looks like you
have plenty of space for your peppers, and other veggie's. I will be starting my sugar snap peas next
month, they are so good raw or cooked.

Linda, I don't normally make suggestions, but gonna:http://www.dixondalefarms.com/category/intermediate_day_onions I love these onions. Candy is amazing. Mike's suggestion of the "day" length variety is right esp. if buying onion transplants or sets, but I doubt you're planting long-day varieties. Unless you're growing them from seed, accidentally and I doubt you'd do that. I think if they aren't bulbing big, might be either not giving them enough bone meal or potassium, maybe. Better bet is planting depth. They barely need to be in ground, rich fertile ground, but barely in there. Water in and if they sink, pull them up a little. I just lay them down and barely stand them up. If I want green onions (and I do), I'll often plant deeper or just plant close in one patch and thin. Really don't think you'd be planting a variety for eg., Minnesota in VA Beach.

I love sugar snaps but whew, got no place to put them, given my choices for the raised beds and this year, choice happens to be some beets and such. But then again . . . thanks Linda for maybe more work :P (Dang, those are great to just munch on, walking around garden!) Peace. Annie
RAMON! It's a . . . girl!


I don't know what to name her: Ramonita, MoAjita, naw; methinks, Ramonita and her other sisters, who best be coming on, todas se llaman "Ramonitas." (Unless "Dad" has some suggestion for a name :D.) Thanks for your seed, Ramon! We just can't have an only child now, lol.
Some updates, whew: pot ups.


Ixtapa Jalape&ntilde;o, Trinidad Perfume, Orange Thai, Caribbean Red, Serrano, Serrano Tampequino.


Scotch Bonnet Yellow, lots Mex/Orange Manzano (the big'uns), Cayenne. Next:


Some of same (Cayenne), with "JDM" Datil (yeah, more Datil), Yellow Manzano, Poblano to left. Next:


Yellow Manzano, JDM, Poblano, Giant Marconi, Pintung Long Eggplant--got one accidentally buried almost--raised it--Black Beauty EPlant, Listada di Gandia EPlant.


Trinidad CARDI, Tabasco, Giant Jalape&ntilde;o, Anaheim, and Giant Marconi.

Whew. And got more in case meybe kilt these: are not soaking, but getting a feed of liquid kelp, dilute, Biotamax, Actinovate, water, lights right on them. After potting put them on heat mats in similar solution.

I figured out a way . . . let the soil dry to a CRISP . . . lift out with stiff metal, clean fingernail file, separate roots, holding leaves, run roots through kelp solution by leaves, then run roots through a little powdered mycorrhizae, drop in hole, as I prepped the pots for almost a week, bottom feeding on heat mats, not dripping wet but moist. Made hole in 2.5 x 2.5 x 3.5 deep pots in soil with finger, depending on depth, laid the root in hole, back-watered (liquid back-fill) lol, with syringe of dilute kelp, same mix, slightly set in, tamped down easy. Let them sit a hour out of light but after an hour, back under lights. I only have 6 more trays, moihahaha, to go of peppers. Damn things better live as this took me all day, trying to come up with a "method" until got in rhythm and once in rhythm was jack-hammered dog feces tired. OH, and watered the extras, which gonna have to get tossed, as I intentionally let them get really, really, really . . . dry before taking out of little 6 packs. (Wonder if I could just thin to one and keep the things in tiny 6 packs?)

Also, really: ADVICE? Because these are in a mild, super light, "soak" aka, 1/8 inch over bottom of pots if that, should I keep the lights right on them? Because I have the lights back down on them, not touching leaves, but ON them, with fans now?????? or :idea: :pray: :!: :?: :think: :scared:. Would appreciate advice: lights are T-8's, 4 bulbs over all. Thanks! OH! and after all that clean up, my Dixondale onions came today and are resting in brown paper bags suspended from ceiling in basement, waiting . . . for me to pot fill up 6 more trays . . . day off? Yeah . . . right. On to feed cats. And to see what the new starting line-up does against GA Tech. SKO HEELS! Annie ;)
Just make sure the leaves are dry then set the lights almost right on top of the babies...They'll take off in a couple days. Nice work! It'll pay off!

Leaves are WAY dry . . . great way to burn if wet; so the minor soak and lights right on the youngins is good, Shane? Any other suggestions, please feel free: those manzanos got fuzz! LOVE it!
RAMON! It's a . . . girl! I don't know what to name her: Ramonita, MoAjita, naw; methinks, Ramonita and her other sisters, who best be coming on, todas se llaman "Ramonitas." (Unless "Dad" has some suggestion for a name :D.) Thanks for your seed, Ramon! We just can't have an only child now, lol.
Wow, that's great I can't wait to see dem girls all grown up! Name the first one Emma, 2nd Kenya, 3rd Shekeia, ROFLMAO just call dem all girls, hehe! Super update and nice pics, way to go!!!
Dang.......all those pots look like rows of students with their laptops open...

Annie I'm liking the look to the seedlings,... healthy green color, thicker stems, open books (leaves pointing up) and the fact you potted up ...its never too early to move the sprouts as long as the roots aren't disturbrd too much. The seedlings will probably have their true leaves before I get done typing this......ha

Keep the lights close, if you decide to foliar feed (when the plants have their true leaves) do it away from the bulbs to prevent splatter on the bulbs and fixtures. Check the weight of the containers, when they're light then give them a drink...if they feel heavy let the soil dry out somewhat between waterings. The young plants prefer and will grow faster with less moisture. I tend to tilt up the end of the tray to judge the weight. Its easy to get the knack of it and beats picking up individual pots. Nobody likes torn leaves.
Great update.......things are heading in the right direction for ya...
Wow, that's great I can't wait to see dem girls all grown up! Name the first one Emma, 2nd Kenya, 3rd Shekeia, ROFLMAO just call dem all girls, hehe! Super update and nice pics, way to go!!!

Ramon, ahorita, ni&ntilde;itas, pero se est&aacute;n convirtiendo mujeres fuertes. Y muy sexy! ;) Hay 3. And they're all Ramonitas . . . :D I'll keep you updated regarding "child support." :rofl: Thank you, my friend!
Dang.......all those pots look like rows of students with their laptops open...

Annie I'm liking the look to the seedlings,... healthy green color, thicker stems, open books (leaves pointing up) and the fact you potted up ...its never too early to move the sprouts as long as the roots aren't disturbrd too much. The seedlings will probably have their true leaves before I get done typing this......ha

Keep the lights close, if you decide to foliar feed (when the plants have their true leaves) do it away from the bulbs to prevent splatter on the bulbs and fixtures. Check the weight of the containers, when they're light then give them a drink...if they feel heavy let the soil dry out somewhat between waterings. The young plants prefer and will grow faster with less moisture. I tend to tilt up the end of the tray to judge the weight. Its easy to get the knack of it and beats picking up individual pots. Nobody likes torn leaves.
Great update.......things are heading in the right direction for ya...

"Dang.......all those pots look like rows of students with their laptops open..." :rofl: I'll transfer pics to my phone and show my students what they really look like . . . thanks, Greg!

"I tend to tilt up the end of the tray to judge the weight." Smart. I like any easy life I can get at this moment. Did what you suggested: trays totally dry, sucked that stuff right up. Thanks, again!

So tempted to raise lights but want stems stocky. Some or most have 1st set true leaves now. Should I hit them with 1/4 to 1/8th strength fish fert foliar or just wait and do both when I bottom feed them again in few days--VERY dilute kelp on bottom. Am potting up more tomorrow. Because as you said--"never too early"--I just potted a couple without true leaves yet, just to see, and they seem . . . happy. Of course lights on 24/7 with fan. And really careful with stem and roots. Tried not to touch stems much by holding leaves. So far, so good. Should I feed, at this point, once every 3 days? Then back it off to once per week? Thank you so much for all your help Greg, on indoor grow! Ramon, thanks for that child support check in mail . . . lol, One Love! Annie
New pot-ups pics.

And if the annuums look cayenne heavy, that's because my mother goes out to breakfast with my father in summer, and totes a few pods of cayenne with her for breakfast. Last year, I got a trick seed: it was mild or sweet cayenne and she griped about it all summer; this year, got 3 seed sources for cayenne and she gonna have her some cayenne plants, aka, "breakfast," ha!

So first up more annuums, and really like idea of using Aconcagua smoked, with apple-wood, with manzanos:

Jal M--just had to--have Giant Jal, Ixtapa Jal, Jaloro and might as well have old standby. Aconcagua, like a weed, growing in back. Next up:


Inca Red Drop (love this pepper) and one done shed cotys. In back Red Hot Cherry: make some good harissa with that and "others." I grew it last year, was much more like a Mexibell. Again, nice harissa blender. Next:


Jaloro is gettin' down, now. Makes a nice addition to " Hot-Sweet Mountain Chow-Chow" and is excellent with any red Caribbean pepper for the same. Gotta get more serious about this grow-thang:


Peach Bhut--more in tray but they need to be more "grown"--are more in focus in RL ;) 7 Pod Brain, Yellow. Trini Scorp Moruga Blend. One of these is supposed to be yellow: one side 6 pack yellow, one side red. We'll see. Aji Limon that's big girl enough, more brothers, sisters in 6 pack, waiting; Red Manzano, Guajillo, and Pasilla in back: mole is happening and many other dried things for powder blends, etc. Keeping it serious:

Entirely out of focus Naga Morich(s), got leggy on me overnight, hmm. YAY! Chocolate Hab, and again big yippee! (More of all, growing in 6 packs), Harold's St. Barts, again, yeah buddy: love the taste of that pepper. My seed, hard to say what it crossed with as it was growing between Fatalii and Yellow Brain :idea: Speaking of fatalii, half this 6 is supposed to be fatalii red: we'll see.


Okay, can't see, not in focus, but I was one more tired pup, not concerned with much but clean-up. JA Reds, are not supposed to be MoA's like girls of Ramon's/WalkGood growing: they got a day or until Sunday, before they're potted up. I don't know why I planted more Anaheim and already explained the Cayenne issue. Last some CB's and friends:


More choc bhuts in 6 pack about to have true leaves. No more danged cayenne gonna get dirt (from my other potting up, whew). Along with Jamie/Romy6's 7 Pod Browns . . . be in pots by Sunday as well, along with Datil, which has got to be my slowest growing seedling. 7 Pod Yellow, Brown, and goll-lly: a Douglah has finally hooked. (Still waiting on Birgit, but another topic.) But speaking of her. Received gift in mail today from Kevin/Wayright:


Donne Sali, going in soak tomorrow (all are) so I can have a tiny :onfire: to "inspire" as walk through garden. Mama might like to take some of those to take to breakfast: most in my fam are hot freaks, as long as got good taste: since this is Kev's favorite, shall be called "Junior." Yellow Bouquet, that he really recc'ed, so in soak as well, Bonda Ma Jacques, super soak, as I want this pepper in time to harvest it. Vietnamese Tear Jerker sounds like it'll taste great, no clue what a Blackbird's Eye is, but kinda bettin' it's small, bird's eye, and dark colored! Hey. Anybody know, lemme know, okay? Fish. And "Cluster Rod." (I love that name!)

The generosity, the curiosity, the love on this site, continue to astonish me: many thanks to all who have sent seeds! You get pods in fall!

Cute one: went to see my 97 year old grandmother in nursing home this morning. Took her a KENtucky chicken leg, biscuit, per usual. She asked how my plants were doing. And she said, reminding me of indoor growing real estate, "Ya know I done decided that the Lord don want me . . . until I have me one of your German Johnson tater leafed maters . . . and what you made me last summer that I put on a bolony and cheese sandwich . . . I don't hardly recall the name of it now . . ." I said, "Pico de gallo, Mawmaw." She lit up, grinned, and said, "Well, could you make it a tad more spicy than last year'ns, Annie? Wadn't quite warm enough for me, if you don't mind, honey." And ya'll, I burnt that stuff UP! Afraid it'd be too hot for her and she wants it "spicier." And the GJ tomato. Oh, yeah, maters . . . space.

Will update more later and on those potted up first of week; they got dilute foliar fish squirt today, away from lights and back under to cook: trying to hold 'em back, keep lights right on them, fans 24/7, strong stems, but they got their own minds about that being held back. Thanks for looking. Annie
Annie that story about your grandmother is priceless. I can't believe she said it was quite warm enough for her :rofl: :rofl: I know she is a priceless gem in the fam. Godbless her. Your babies look wonderful. You have a lot of peppers over there lady. very nice.
I like the way she pronounces German Johnson tater leafed mater. :P I'm going to have to google harissa. Need
to find more things to do with my peppers.

OT: I ordered the intermediate day sample pack from dixondale. They said the week of 3/11 is my plant out date. I
put 3/4 as my ship date. Thanks
Annie that story about your grandmother is priceless. I can't believe she said it was quite warm enough for her :rofl: :rofl: I know she is a priceless gem in the fam. Godbless her. Your babies look wonderful. You have a lot of peppers over there lady. very nice.

Thank you, Pia about Mawmaw! I love that woman, so so much; lived most of her life as a widow, well over 50 years of it; got busy when my grandfather died young, got d-license, got job, got land, built house, visited her sons in hospitals and jails but never bailed them out, and has outlived everybody in huge families, has buried her children, her grandchildren, great-grandchildren. I've never known anybody with her determination and resilience, grace, knowledge of plants, flowers, medicinal plants, and with those losses in her life, faith: she just took her Bible and went into the woods to grieve it off. And her sense of humor. Yeah, man I blistered that pico and she wants it hotter. WTF? Whew. I reckon I got it naturally! Both she and my grandfather introduced me to hot peppers when I was 4 or 5 yrs. old.

She was living unassisted in that hollar until last December. Still thinks she's going home. I've been threatened with death if I tell her the truth. Of course, if she outright asks me, I'll tell her the truth. Only member of my gigantic family never lied to me. I wish when the time comes, they'd let her go to the place she built to pass. Of course, she has her way of letting me know it's alright. She said, "You know that old sayin' about soldiers never dying but just fadin' away? Well, old women don't die neither; we just fade away into our own sunsets." I got scared, me being selfish, not wanting to lose her, and said, "Mawmaw, you ain't fadin' into no sunset!" SHE SAID, with a glitter of humor and determination in those crystal clear blue eyes, grinning, "It's my damn sunset and I'll fade into it when I feel like it!" She's one more firecracker but she also got me out of my selfishness, wanting to keep her here, and put me in my place at same time, but gently. Besides, I owe her hotter pico :shocked: and that GJ tomato!

She also said, about the plants, and I thought of you, Pia (and me, obviously), "Now, you ain't messin' with them little seedlins much are ya?" She was grinning, big time. She grew everything from seed and knows the temptation to help them :P

Mawmaw used light weight feed sacks to do that. What are you using to bag/tag stem? I just can't do the entire plant. Don't own a fabric store. And I don't have chickens and hogs and . . . old feed sacks! Yeah, so far, no losses after pot-up and the Nagas must've been on some Kevin/Wayright steroid: 2nd set true leaves? Peace girl.

I like the way she pronounces German Johnson tater leafed mater. :P I'm going to have to google harissa. Need
to find more things to do with my peppers.

OT: I ordered the intermediate day sample pack from dixondale. They said the week of 3/11 is my plant out date. I
put 3/4 as my ship date. Thanks

Yep: that woman's true Southern Appalachia! If she said "potato," I'd faint. Harissa is whatever ya want it to be since it's not exactly a local chili paste. Here's a link to start from and amend at will: http://amazingribs.com/recipes/rubs_pastes_marinades_and_brines/harissa_hot_pepper_paste.html His quote: "there is no single definitive recipe." I had some in Morocco and seemed like they had something like 5 spice in it. I tried that and am still working on getting the flavor that I had there. But what I got gets gone: if you have a pressure canner or can get your hands on one, can pressure can it in jars to keep. Great stuff!

Cool on Dixondale, Linda! Am about to soak some beet seed, toss seed some kale and spinach in raised bed, and might just try to get onions in later today. Some. We're due for a few warm days, and then some rain but then again, might go ahead and just fert that onion bed a little more and hold off on onions until . . . so tempting, as they can take some cold. But not good to plant onions by full moon. Or beets: ain't I in luck? Moon's not full until tomorrow. Ole timey stuff saves me from myself! But the danged kale and spinach gonna happen . . . again, you'll like those DDale onions!
&iquest; Muchacha donde as estado? te e buscado pero ahora veo donde estavas escondida, hehe &hellip; Love dat Mawmaw story, reminds me how much I miss both my abuleo&rsquo;s y abula&rsquo;s :/ It was my fathers father &ldquo;abulo&rdquo; that started me growing stuff when I was young and later with my mama. That&rsquo;s why I do the egg/huevo ting mon &hellip; in da honor of the one&rsquo;s I love. Well Annie gotta tell you you brought a tear to mi eye and a good one. Hell I forgot to mention how great everything looks &hellip; keep dat positive mental attitude :)
BTW I&rsquo;d love to try your Pico de gallo muchacha &hellip; don&rsquo;t forget da pics &hellip;