• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
I'll agree there was many times is was LMAO at some of the posts in the Glog. Very entertaining. The bunny is awesome, I take care of one little guy in my backyard all winter too. Almost to the point where I can walk right up to him. Always throwing out some carrots and lettuce and other various greens for him to eat, I'm sure he appreciates it.
OMGosh Annie! Some of your family tales crack me up. You should really make a book with all those stories. They are good for the soul of all those you have shared with (myself included).

We have bunnies in our yard too! None as friendly as Harvey. Luckily the only thing our neighborhood rabbits have done is eat the grass and poop. Last year one of them had a litter under the kitchen bump out and some how the little ones made it into the basement! There were baby bunnies falling into the basement for several weeks. All winter I have been putting habanero left overs around the bump out. In a month or so we will find out if that worked.

Looking forward to all the things you grow.
Hmmm those cute bunny's eat peppers plants like crazy here...guess it's cuz it's so dry. One year I had 12 set out to harden and they ate them before they even hit dirt!

Yep, the darn bunnies here ate all my cantalope seedlings....twice!!
And sampled watermelons, cantalope melons, squashes, tomatoes, peppers, lettuce etc.....

Yesterday I saw a bunny run through part of the yard, and the 8 month old goat chased it away...hahahaha
Good goat :)
Man, bunnies are controversial topics! ;) Actually, you've not experienced me "going off" yet on groundhogs--give it couple months. Long story, but a neighbor needs to have a controlled burn of some honeysuckle . . . I could help him with that :D. This is THP so some pepper shots. Yesterday after they got a feed/water but just posting today. Took them out just now for 15 minutes late sun, again tomorrow, since supposed to be partly cloudy. 20 minutes tops. Might just do maters too. Mid-morning sun.


Strange group of peppers, grouped by height: annuums like Giant Jal, Jals, Cayennes, Tabasco, Serrano and Serrano Tampequino but there's Nagas, Trini CARDI, TScorp Moruga Blends, Choc Bhuts, Orange Thai, JA Red Haba&ntilde;ero and I have a thought on why this group of annuums has helped the "not annuum" grow, bush out and up. Later on that:


Top shot of annuums mixed with Scotch Bonnet yellows, Fatalii reds, the weird looking wrinkled one, looks like holly tree, but always has, other one looks "normal" but . . . Harold St. Bart's, Bonda Ma Jacques, more TScorpion Yellow, Peach Bhut . . . and in this tray are more orange thai, Choc Habs, 7 Pod yellows . . . but they weren't this healthy until placing them on lower shelf, mixed with larger healthy annuums.


Red S. Bonnett


Mexican Orange Manzano . . . getting tall!


Trini Scorp Moruga Blend Yellow (I think yellow--didn't pull plant tag up)--but it's BIG! (and blurry) As tall as:


This gigantic dang Cayenne.

I have absolutely no proof that this could be true except a few studies . . . Aristotle wouldn't or didn't explain this but his student, Theophrastus moved in the direction of plant socialization that was much like animal socialization. Sawyer, "Arkansawyer" posted this the other day, link am going to repost. Today, some of this work is being spearheaded by Dr. JC Cahill at U. Alberta. What Plants Talk About is an astounding PBS video/online documentary (thank you, Sawyer!) that could explain the sudden growth of some peppers that were not growing in an entire flat of chinense BUT began growing when put in a flat beside larger annuum peppers, all fed same thing, all at same time, all same methods.

Now, most of us like to feel inspired or at least not threatened. So, if we're in a class with students who are doing a lot better than we are because we were just thrown into the class, less prepared than those students, many of us would stay up later, study and try to catch up, not just to compete (self-defense) but to move toward higher being, toward knowing. I understand I'm talking existential crisis in plants . . . I believe it happens. (The doc did not go into this! ;) ) But 911 to its own survival, if nothing else--defense mechanism. "If that pepper gets much bigger than me, I won't get any light." Also, maybe the larger plant wants to help one of its own kind: they are all peppers. Same family. "Kin recognition," "familial altruism" as it is discussed in the video. Kinship study among plants! Or maybe that entire tray of chinense would've caught up; regardless, I just moved a Douglah down there a couple days ago, surrounded by annuums, and it's grown substantially in 3 days! I kept WAITING on it, so tried this after watching this online PBS that Sawyer posted. 30 minutes in, they begin to discuss plant socialization. Just wonderful documentary! Thanks for looking! (Thank you, Sawyer!)
You're welcome, Annie. That show blew my mind. I've always felt there was more to plants than we suspect, but I never thought it went as far as science is starting to show us. The mother tree feeding its sapling (the C14 experiment) was one of my favorite parts.
Annie! Great looking peppers you got over there!! It finally is warming up here and I am thinking I will plant all my peppers in two weeks. What timeframe are you looking at over there? Keep up the good work!

Annie! Great looking peppers you got over there!! It finally is warming up here and I am thinking I will plant all my peppers in two weeks. What timeframe are you looking at over there? Keep up the good work!


Mikey! No way I'm trusting that frost date of 15th again! So, might start on 24th and ask moon goddesses forgiveness if I go into waning :pray: which is about 2 weeks. I'm looking for info on "gardening by the square inch." I wrote down the list of peppers while I had them outside. And . . . it scared me :shocked:. The heirloom tomatoes are also . . . thriving after pot-up and . . . hmm. lol. How many you got to deal with? ;)
Mikey! No way I'm trusting that frost date of 15th again! So, might start on 24th and ask moon goddesses forgiveness if I go into waning :pray: which is about 2 weeks. I'm looking for info on "gardening by the square inch." I wrote down the list of peppers while I had them outside. And . . . it scared me :shocked:. The heirloom tomatoes are also . . . thriving after pot-up and . . . hmm. lol. How many you got to deal with? ;)

Oh yes I thought you might be right behind me. Lows here are mostly forecasted nothing less than 50 degrees so two weeks should work here. I should have around 80 pepper plants along with another 40 plants of maters (chadwick cherry, floradade and beefsteak) and sweet peppers (Jimmy Nards, red marconi and emerald green) will be busy but I can't wait!! 120 total a nice round number :)
Oh yes I thought you might be right behind me. Lows here are mostly forecasted nothing less than 50 degrees so two weeks should work here. I should have around 80 pepper plants along with another 40 plants of maters (chadwick cherry, floradade and beefsteak) and sweet peppers (Jimmy Nards, red marconi and emerald green) will be busy but I can't wait!! 120 total a nice round number :)

40 mater plants . . . (I went a little overboard) . . . if I give half away . . . but with 100+ maters, none seeming to die from pot-up . . . uh, uh, at least I get to unload the Better Boys on the tillerman! I'd give him tea but . . . kick-butt Cat Stevens album ;). Yep: am trying to divert because if I were in Raleigh, I could more easily sell some of these tomato plants, but around here "Whut's a Red Boar? I never heard tell 'at. Now on up in mountains they got wild boar but never heared 'bout one bein' red . . ." I could imagine a pronunciation of Ananas Noir! Probably give some to my cousin . . . yeah, I need to not think about that tonight :rofl: Garden's huge: it's just everything I want to plant! Beautiful weather--shorts out and in use! I'll figure it out . . . "Tomorrow! I'll think about it tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day!" Houston, we have a problem: she's quoting Miss Scarlett. smh! :P
I probably won't have the time to view the "What Plants Talk About" video until this weekend...but this sounds way interesting! Ever heard about Oaks that connect up and share their root systems, feeding the weaker ones in distress?

Nice Update Annie! Probably should have put that first but am excited about that video, maybe that's why the youngest (Bhuts and Primos) are catching up to the older plants.

Peace girlfriend..

I haven't heard about the
I probably won't have the time to view the "What Plants Talk About" video until this weekend...but this sounds way interesting! Ever heard about Oaks that connect up and share their root systems, feeding the weaker ones in distress?

I haven't heard about the oaks, but that's right in line with what the PBS show is about. Do you have a reference?
Wow that &ldquo;therapeutic healing massage&rdquo; sounds wonderful I could go for one of dem right now, bbl, lols. I hope you enjoyed it ^_^

Super looking and loads of seedlings, love dem matoes and now you tempting me with that blended Carib Red, Choc Hab, red nagas in pickles and pickled green tomatoes that you canned &hellip; wow that sounds killer :)

Love how you &ldquo;think in music,&rdquo; I feel certain stories and people bring music to my mind as well &hellip; love to listen to tunes while working or playing outside &hellip; especially in da garden. Now I&rsquo;m up to your green house tent, nice and great to read about your temps, wow Harvey da wabbit, hope you keep dat boy under control, lols.

&hellip; Actually, you've not experienced me "going off" yet on groundhogs &hellip;
I remember reading a great story from you a ways back, barefoot and gun in hand &hellip; loved dat one. Great updates and sorry I&rsquo;ve been away, trying to work my way back and I owe you a dozen &ldquo;like dis mon&rdquo; &hellip; Great reading up, you put a good smile on my face, keep up dat great work girl :)
I haven't heard about the

I haven't heard about the oaks, but that's right in line with what the PBS show is about. Do you have a reference?

I read this years ago in a printed publication, it stuck because it was interesting. I Googled "oaks sharing roots" and found mention of it on the bottom of page 1


I found several references to it, but no article about the subject...I out of time lunch is over.
Wow that &ldquo;therapeutic healing massage&rdquo; sounds wonderful I could go for one of dem right now, bbl, lols. I hope you enjoyed it ^_^

Super looking and loads of seedlings, love dem matoes and now you tempting me with that blended Carib Red, Choc Hab, red nagas in pickles and pickled green tomatoes that you canned &hellip; wow that sounds killer :)

Love how you &ldquo;think in music,&rdquo; I feel certain stories and people bring music to my mind as well &hellip; love to listen to tunes while working or playing outside &hellip; especially in da garden. Now I&rsquo;m up to your green house tent, nice and great to read about your temps, wow Harvey da wabbit, hope you keep dat boy under control, lols.

I remember reading a great story from you a ways back, barefoot and gun in hand &hellip; loved dat one. Great updates and sorry I&rsquo;ve been away, trying to work my way back and I owe you a dozen &ldquo;like dis mon&rdquo; &hellip; Great reading up, you put a good smile on my face, keep up dat great work girl :)

Ah mi hermano . . . catching up here too. How are you? Please take care of you, okay? I really suggest one of those massages, Ramon!

I have your address and you might just get some dem pickles and pickled green maters! Much love, Annie
Ah mi hermano . . . catching up here too. How are you? Please take care of you, okay? I really suggest one of those massages, Ramon!

I have your address and you might just get some dem pickles and pickled green maters! Much love, Annie
Thanks mi hermana, hope you doing better too. I'm feeling better, told you earlier that you put a smile on my face girl :) I gonna take your advice and get me a killer massage this week, it can't hurt ... well as long as they don't use mass quantities of capzasin hp in da wrong places, lols. Take care and keep dem tunes playing, your plants a loving them too!!!
Thanks mi hermana, hope you doing better too. I'm feeling better, told you earlier that you put a smile on my face girl :) I gonna take your advice and get me a killer massage this week, it can't hurt ... well as long as they don't use mass quantities of capzasin hp in da wrong places, lols. Take care and keep dem tunes playing, your plants a loving them too!!!

Escribiste "mass quantities" pues, un poquete, como se dice en Barcelona (en vez de "poquito"), un poquete seria bueno, no? . . . muy interestante, mi hermano! :party: :rofl: Me haces sonreir tambien, querido :lol:. Te agradezco por ti mismo, querido :clap: .