• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
RocketMan said:
Annie, Shane might just have the right of it, your update are just chock full of great information. Last year i might have had to look up a few things to make sure I was understanding right but I'm on top of it too. Oh and I love the tid bits of country humor and charm you throw in too. 
Hope your muscles relax a bit for ya and you get to feeling better, heck it's Friday Eve :)
Brotha Bill! Glad ya like the "country humor." T'warnt nothing funny about crawling back to house yesterday, however. Got in 80+ pepper plants. 80% of those hots and supers. Amendments, AACT watering in . . . totin' and luggin' heavy stuff--whew. Last night was pain I just don't want to go beyond. Today may have to wait. (She says, thinking, "If I can bend over to clean the litter boxes, am good to go," which is pretty silly thinking!) Thanks hon! Prayers for healing would be appreciated so I can get this garden in and done! ;)
Devv said:
Cool, glad you're finally out there having fun :dance:
Yeah, I know it's a lot of work, but soothes the brain type. Dang 96 here today, forecast was 82, but you know how that goes...
Don't over do! (said the pot to the kettle)
Kettle says to pot, Scott: overdone it! It cooled down yesterday in high 80's but back up there today into 90's. Heat is hardly the issue! My bod acclimated to Austin temps and never looked back to "temperate zone weather" = cold? Want to get rest of summer/winter/cukes in as know it's gonna thunder/rain, probably this afternoon. But litter box test for back?
Child, thought I was gonna DIE last night or death might have felt welcome at couple points. I'm gonna just sorta play this one (today) by sciatica. At point where would offer somebody 100 bucks for: "if you will take this tiller and run over these two rows/beds. Lug that compost, use this blend of amendments, mix in with compost, make mounds, put depression in mounds and after I stick plants in, hoe up around plants without cutting them, then just water in with that stuff bubbling over there." Works for me :party: Actually, I might pay 100 just to have somebody lug the compost. Wow. :rofl:  Have a good one, darlin'!
romy6 said:
 We need pics young lady. :rofl:
Jamie, my sweetness: camera would have died from nutrient OD, or grunge OD, had I picked it up yesterday with worm castings and compost on hands. Ya'll just tryin' to kill the camera! Patience grasshoppa ;)  Ya 7 Pod Brown x Naga out there! In dirt/amendments with bunch of other 7 Pods. Planted it beside a Douglah, as I recall, but my recaller really sucks tea kettles at this moment. Still, it got a special place, special treatment, as did Ramon's JA Habs :party:
JJJessee said:
Hmmm, never heard of a neck pumpkin other than cushaw.
Yeah Okra. Pickled is best. Better than a pickle to me. I just can't stand around waiting to nab it before it gets too big.Blink and you missed it. I lacto-ed some last fall - 'tweren't bad. Thaw that stuff, sausage, shrimp, peppers to taste, and make some gumbo. I finally figured out what  filé is and the stuff grows all over the top of me but hasn't leafed out yet.
I can't believe I've set out 120 plants plus 30 today. I should do a recount and make a map while I'm at it.
I'm swearing off toms for a few days, and focus on my little Capsicum counterirritating chinense friends.

Oh, yeah, "bland" is VeryOldDressagePooh, mini-nuggets, mountain sand, dolamite, and azomite
"Bland" sounds like it's gonna really help some stuff GROW big and strong and have full range of main and micronutes, lots of beneficials!!!
Yeah, that's right: you got Sassy trees! Grind em up! (Good excuse to plant okra? Wrong! Could reason to buy it for f-gumbo.)
Carl, yes indeed: hot pickled okra is yum. I can kill a pint in one sittin.' Again, another reason to BUY it as I can't stay on top of pods either! See above posts, but got 7 rows/beds 40+', about 80+ pepper plants, 2 sweet, 4+ hot in yesterday. Was "half in love with easeful death"--Keats--around 5pm. Barely made it back to house. Bath in Epsom salts works if ya can get out of tub. Just don't know about today. Gonna go do more PT stuff and see how feels, but I suppose 7 hours hard labor--the amendments getcha or get me--plus watering peppers in with compost tea: did too much lugging, toting, prepping, digging--planting is easy, comparably. But wanted to get all the peppers in that could. Still have some left for containers. Have summer squash, zukes--same difference, winter squash, and cukes to put in. They might have to cool jets until tomorrow.  Peace and have a great day!
I swear am going to--it would be lovely to have the leisure time--a functioning body--to check on people's glogs. TOTAL BLISS, actually. Peace everybody . . . am trying to remind myself that slow and steady wins race but "race" should never have been in that Aesop fable, as "race" to me, means full-tilt. Why couldn't the tortoise and the hare have just done an Emerson-Thoreau stroll?
Speaking of, my mother learned to dance in the 50's and she taught me this, among others. Had the 45 worn out a gazillion times; she bought 4 copies of it. Want to be able to dance still, apres garden! (My parents can be caught dancing sometimes: more like "The Still" than "The Stroll" but hey! 59 years marriage and still dancing!) The Diamonds:
Not sure how you guys do it, it's mid 80s here, hot as hell and probably higher humidity ... killer I say, it really takes a toll on you :o ... BTW I'm feeling good that my girls got "special place, special treatment" like Jamie's \o/ ... btw Annie, I have 6 mas young ladies (JA Habs) that I'll be up-potting this weekend, just looked earlier and 2 are flower budding at 5" tall ... dem girls a full of spunk mon, hehehe. Have a great day!
Update, pics in lightening ground strikes, taken out transformers near my brother's house, half the town, so gee, I got a few pics (a damn few as the flash wasn't necessary this morning since could just wait on a lightening strike!) More to come later when I can walk in garden without fear of electrifying ez-perience.
Nons and some quick shots of peppers/garden:

Cukes in inverted old tom cages. Couldn't do much about lighting as it was doubled by flash and lightening!

Almost the entire garden--standing between couple rows tomatoes: 4 those. 2 of sweet peppers, 5? hots, 2 rows/beds summer and winter squash. Summer and winter got put in yesterday in rain: had to get it done. Rows/beds are 43 feet. Yes: I measured to see how many plants could get per row/bed. No mulch down yet, got truckload of it well composted pine bark coming, soon as it dries, as much soil conditioner as mulch, and to use in container mix, and then, straw goes down. Cages go in, probably caging everything except summer squash, will stake those, have room for more cukes in uppper left . . . ugh. Whew. lol

Standing near edge, not wanting to walk on wet garden: Jals: giant, cracked, some other kind, Jal M, Cayenne, Serrano Tampequino,  annuums in this row/bed.

Couple Ramon's/Walkgood's JA Habs, Scotch bonnets from some seed co., Carib Reds, Choc habs: this is one of the "Hab"/Carib beds.

Pretty boy! One of the Ramonitos! In bed/row with:

Bonda Ma Jacques! Thanks Kevin/Wayright for these seeds. Been wanting to try this pepper for long time. Am concerned how fast they shot up in that gentle rain, underneath supersoil charge. Don't know why concerned as Jamie/Romy6's 7 Pod Brown x Naga and 7 Pod Browns did same thing since Thurs.:

See? Sucker turned into jolly green giant bean stalk overNIGHT. This is in a 7 pod bed/row. No pics of the other Trini's. Lightening hitting closer. Headed back got some of the pub/bed/row:

Yellow manzano--3 of these, 3 reds, 3 Mexican Orange more in direct sun, as I think they like sun better than the yellows/reds. Pretty flowers!!!

Fav tomato to eat, just to eat, as in cut, salt, pepper, eat, in entire WORLD! Pink Berkley Tie-Dye!

Tomatillos in the midst--one on other side of blanket flower: got dianthus, nasturtium, zinnias that survived my digging, onions, rosemary bush/tree I keep cutting back, black-eyed susans, lilies, money plant, and to left not seen, shasta daisies, divided, given away, never minding it as they continue to multiply, dang it. Not mulched this bed either yet. Also have basils, dill, chives, parsley, thyme, other herbs in this bed to the far, far left. Cilantro is in pots, so can move them to shade later, entire 4 x 8 bed of onions, big containers of onion, another 4 x 4 bed of onion with salad greens, mixes, arugula, etc.
Would have taken more pics, but if ya see that big shot of in-ground, ya get the "picture." Everything from seed. Except onions, as bought transplants from Dixondale. The perennials in flower/tomatillo are older . . . have other beds in front, whew.
Am gonna explain the process, so I can come back and pick it up next year. Kinda like posting hot sauce recipes, then tasting sauce after it's "set." Know what to tweak.
Dug holes, some DEEP and WIDE holes for tomatoes on Tues. after opening up beds, after the 6 inch flood couple weeks ago, after big till. Ground was super-dry on Wed. when put in tomatoes. Then sprayed holes with Actinovate/Biotamax, slapped straight worm castings in with mycorrizhae and sprayed again. Sprayed surrounding ground, saturated. Let sit overnight.
Then, the fert mix: vermicompost, composts, mine (horse, cow, goat, heated early last summer)--not baked--baked is reserved for containers, some Black Kow, some perlite for drainage, a little Happy Frog 5-5-5, some blood meal, alfalfa meal--3 cups because it has triaconatol, micronutes; steamed bone meal 6 cups, some fish bone meal 3 cups, collodial soft rock phosphate from FL--basins in Tennessee too, which 5th Season carries, 10 cups. High phosphorous bat guano, 4 cups--but saved a bunch for later; kelp meal 6 cups, greensand--just doused it; Azomite, lots and lots of Azomite for micronutes, minerals; 5 lbs. cornmeal, regular, couple boxes powdered milk, 10 lbs. Epsom salts, dolomite lime--big rain had pH a little low, so not heavy with it.  Also, soil is not that low in calcium but is in mag, and without mag, plants can't uptake calcium.
Brewed compost tea 4 five gal buckets, from pond water, with 4 more 5 gal buckets straight pond water for cutting it, on it's 24th hour of bubble--bacterial based (worm castings in paint strainers) with some oatmeal/straw fungi grown in vermicompost over past week--Neptune's Harvest tossed in with molasses. Brewed, cut, toted.
Then in hole between the organic ferts, compost, sprayed again with Actinovate/Biotamax in off-gassed de-clorinated water, of course. Then the compost tea, let settle, then the plants, more compost to cover, then more Actinovate/B-max, then little more dilluted tea. Sprayed again with Actinovate/B-max.
Over the top? Just from the LITTLE bit of this I did last year, plus the wheat straw and manures atop that, tilled in last fall, wood ashes over the winter, I couldn't dig a hole in DRY, super DRY soil, without pulling up gazillion earth worms! I had some fungal issues last year: septoria on toms, angular on cukes, wiped out cuke crop almost, and just because peppers resist fungal diseases, doesn't mean they are immune to the effects, regardless of crop. Moreover, that land used to have chicken coops and some hogs penned in it--just trying to get it back to how it was in 1940's. "Mistakes were made" by in-laws not knowing any better, well, thinking chemicals were just miraculous, buncha 10-10-10, or 20-20-20 really messed up that beautiful soil. 
Just a restoration project! Peace, thanks for looking: will post more pics when I can walk without compacting soil, although to this point, we've really not had that much rain and it's been relatively gentle. Also, more pics when I've fully recovered from . . . work?! :rofl:
stc3248 said:
Whole lotta work right there! Great job, glad you could finally get it in there! Those little ones are gonna grow like crazy now that their roots have some room to roam. Congrats on plant out lady!
Thanks, Shane!! Yeah tad of work. Will post pics as they grow, already growing! Seriously, I put that 7 Pod Brown x Naga in and said, "You poor little thing; you'll never catch up to Ramon's." By golly he took it as a challenge and said, "Watch this beotch!" Seems like the ones most root bound are the ones zooming not only to catch up but surpass the ones I potted up and not root bound. Hmm.
Devv said:
Glad to see it! There gonna take off now!
Congratulations looks wonderful!
Scott! Thanks! You gettin' in amazing size crops! And don't let the mites happen or I'll "217 'em" again! I posted that on your glog, if all else fails.
JJJessee said:
Bravo! That's a marvelous super mix recipe. Can't wait to watch it go into action.
Me too, Carl/JJJ--hope it does. Dang it oughta! Just found out (last night with pain keeping me awake, lol) can add Biotamax and Actinvate, and soluble mycorr to end--last hours of compost tea--which might be more effective way of administering from here out--foliar and soil drench. We'll see around mid June about that. Keeping the super mix activated--aka multiplying as all have micronutes, probiotics, etc. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! How's your plant-out going? Sun's finally come out here. Highs supposed to be just short of 90's next few days. We dodged bullet on that BIG RAIN: thunderstorms just are. How about y'all?
stc3248 said:
I am a big believer in building a good root ball before going bigger. You're gonna be one busy chica here in a couple months!
Are ya that believer Shane? Really? (Actually, I read that in your glog ;) and then read it from another tomato "person" who recommended it for peppers as well. I like staying busy so hope I am! Me busy? You got the busy going ON! :P Wish the soil would dry a little faster, slow gentle rain of 1/4 inch+ is still--roots last year extended, some of them on 7's and bhuts 4 feet in all directions from root ball so I don't wanna compact soil by walking on it while wet. Do need to get mulch spread to retain water, suppress weeds but holding off until . . . it'll dry. Thanks, Shane!
WalkGood said:
Awesome, breathtaking and downright beautiful … I bet you feel great now *_*
Ramon, mi hermano! Yeah, feel sense of accomplishment. Feel sense of some pain too, lol. Shouldn't have done that much in that short of time but they kept calling for some kinda deluge over weekend. NEVER HAPPENED . . . why do I keep trusting weather forecasts in spring???  :rolleyes:  Yeah, soil's wet, but NO downpours . . . YET. Y.E.T.  = "You're Eligible Too." If it misses us today, w/sun out, will spread that first round straw mulch and begin caging/staking tomorrow. Can you believe ya girls? I'm having difficulty. Walked out with binoculars this morning and dang! They'd be centers in basketball. What gives with height on these gals? Love it! Thank you, sweetie!
romy6 said:
 Awesome update Annie. Can't wait to follow your garden. It should be epic Mother Nature cooperating and all  :fireball:
Thanks Jamie of the 7 Pod Brown, CARDI and 7 PB x Naga etc. seed! Sun's out but put on muck boots, aka, manure compost boots, and finished unloading sprayer of Biota and Actino, agitated with Neptune's Harvest--garden's still too wet to mess with much but I doused the CARDI, 7 Pod plants from your seed and Ramon's JA Hab seed plants with that concoction--way too mucky--might have been slow gentle rain but sun's out: those are my trial plants. 1. They all germed well, superfast, at same time 2. They're very healthy, been that way since popped. 3. All in same tray--same treatment. 4. 7 Pod tends to get taller than "hab," so am seeing if I give them nearly exact conditions--like extra mycorr, etc--different parts of garden, yeah, but just seeing if, with MNature's friendliness, I hope, how those specifically do, contrasted with more neglected plants--not that any are neglected but I do a trial of some sort every year. Not a competition but trial. Gonna put 2 other CARDI and 2 more 7 Brown in pots this week, along with Ramon's as well. That has to go more inorganic with Dyn Gro Foliage Pro as am using some composted bark, a lot, so roots don't rot.
"Oh damn, Annie types too much detail." But this is my first year growing peppers from seed. Wanna see what worked and didn't for next year. Thanks for putting up with the newbie stuff, hon! ;)

("Like this."
How could I have reached my quota of "positive votes for the day"?? :rolleyes: )
Annie that garden soil looks phenomenal. I am taking notes as I am only using fish ferts and rotted fish innards. I may have to borrow that recipe you have for amending the soil. I am spending most of my one just keeping the soil from getting to compact as it is mostly clay filled with red worms.
annie57 said:
… Sun's finally come out here. Highs supposed to be just short of 90's next few days. We dodged bullet on that BIG RAIN: thunderstorms just are. …
Nice to read, you sent dat rain to me ;) it just stopped for a little while and I stopped counting how many open flowers I picked up in the MoA pots after ... Dam it, after 25 I stopped counting :( Well at least the ones that set or the pods didn’t come off, dis a heart breaker :/ »» Foobar2k ::: Grand Funk - Live Album (1974) - 05 - Heartbreaker ::: 3:52/8:02 (••••••••••) ::: 403 kbps «« ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
annie57 said:
… Ramon, mi hermano! Yeah, feel sense of accomplishment. Feel sense of some pain too, lol. Shouldn't have done that much in that short of time but they kept calling for some kinda deluge over weekend. NEVER HAPPENED . . . why do I keep trusting weather forecasts in spring??? :rolleyes: Yeah, soil's wet, but NO downpours . . . YET. Y.E.T. = "You're Eligible Too." If it misses us today, w/sun out, will spread that first round straw mulch and begin caging/staking tomorrow. Can you believe ya girls? I'm having difficulty. Walked out with binoculars this morning and dang! They'd be centers in basketball. What gives with height on these gals? Love it! Thank you, sweetie!
Must be all da loving you are giving my girls, I told you before if you treat dem right they’ll take care of you. I have a few that have been producing for us for years. Since I grow mine in pots I don’t get them higher than 3 to 4’ but a local Jamaican friend of mine that got seed from me grew his girls to 6’ plus. Take it easy with all that work, I don’t want to read about any muchacha setbacks, great job on everything ^_^
annie57 said:
… But this is my first year growing peppers from seed. …
No one would know from all the experience you bring to da table muchacha, thanks for all da great info you be posting ^_^
Sanarda said:
Annie that garden soil looks phenomenal. I am taking notes as I am only using fish ferts and rotted fish innards. I may have to borrow that recipe you have for amending the soil. I am spending most of my one just keeping the soil from getting to compact as it is mostly clay filled with red worms.
Pia, which fish fert are you using? Is it Alaska or hydrolyzed? I used Alaska last year with molasses and haven't seen the difference yet, since using Neptune's Harvest. But fish guts? GOOD DEAL! Waiting on local lakes to clear from that 6-10 inch flood we had, so can go catch some, clean some, eat some, feed guts to black snake (Chester) and garden. Might not wait and just go down to pond to relieve the owner of some mudcat--only thing they're worth is guts, aka, the entire fish is gut-worthy.
If you got clay and worms, ya got the best soil in world! Some people hate clay based soils but I'll take 'em any day over sand. And with some amendments, clay will eventually will compact less and less. Thanks for lookin' and commenting, sweetie and if that fert regime works, please have at it! Can send it to ya: I actually typed in word doc. :rolleyes: :rofl:
koskorgul said:
Looks good Annie.
Thanks Rob! Am outta "likes" for today.

WalkGood said:
Nice to read, you sent dat rain to me ;) it just stopped for a little while and I stopped counting how many open flowers I picked up in the MoA pots after ... Dam it, after 25 I stopped counting :( Well at least the ones that set or the pods didn’t come off, dis a heart breaker :/ »» Foobar2k ::: Grand Funk - Live Album (1974) - 05 - Heartbreaker ::: 3:52/8:02 (••••••••••) ::: 403 kbps «« ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
Must be all da loving you are giving my girls, I told you before if you treat dem right they’ll take care of you. I have a few that have been producing for us for years. Since I grow mine in pots I don’t get them higher than 3 to 4’ but a local Jamaican friend of mine that got seed from me grew his girls to 6’ plus. Take it easy with all that work, I don’t want to read about any muchacha setbacks, great job on everything ^_^
No one would know from all the experience you bring to da table muchacha, thanks for all da great info you be posting ^_^
Am sorry about that rain de-petaling, but ya know they're too tough to just quit now! My take on rain, since we had so much of it last few weeks, makes 'em stronger in long run! :dance: It is heart-breaking though.
6'?? Wow: a goal :rofl: . I'll just be happy with healthy and pods. Am healing, mi hermano: just knees, hands now--all that is arthritis and can live with that. Man, that nerve pain is "unnerving" but seems to have "anti-inflammed." (Not a word but just made it one. ;) )
I learned most of stuff from here (and from other people's posts + what grandparents taught me.) Have a good one, querido! Still resting up for day, to begin loading buckets and buckets of stuff in wheel barrow for pots tomorrow. Oh and have pic for you gonna post! EXCITED CHICK, I AM!!! Wish I had year-round growing weather! Besos!

Lookie what came from Steve today in mail!!! :party:

:dance: THANK YOU, STEVE!!!!!
Congrats on the MoA seeds Annie \o/ great job in spreading the wealth Steve. Annie treat dem like gold, those seeds are special IMHO, I'm amazed every time I look at how my Jamaican MoA Scotch Bonnets grow. If you start them this year, they're a must OW plant, can't wait to eat some pods off my bush.
Edit: BTW I expected some flowers/buds to fall off and I'm not blaming the rain. Rain, rain it's good great mon, we've needed some and AFAIK we're now in our rainy season, I was just bithchin to bitch, lol. Rain season here means every day for a month or so. Every time we have a dry spell after a good rain, all my plants jump up and have some incredible growth up and new growth.
WalkGood said:
Congrats on the MoA seeds Annie \o/ great job in spreading the wealth Steve. Annie treat dem like gold, those seeds are special IMHO, I'm amazed every time I look at how my Jamaican MoA Scotch Bonnets grow. If you start them this year, they're a must OW plant, can't wait to eat some pods off my bush.
Edit: . . .  Every time we have a dry spell after a good rain, all my plants jump up and have some incredible growth up and new growth.
I will, Ramon, ABSOLUTELY! But no place/way to OW so waiting until next year. May do a primarily MoA and Hab grow next year, as if all turns out well, gonna have lotta Douglah, Trini Scorps to freeze, maybe. If weather, etc. Hoping for Indian Summer!

Forgot I took this pic after washing hands after mater plant out: most concentrated went on pepper plants.

2 x 4 cut @ 6' to four buckets going, paint strainers suspended. Pond water, vermicompost, some fungal straw, vermi, oatmeal for fungi, Neptune's Harvest, molasses, mycorr, etc. Brewed little over 24 hours. Just starting to foam from molasses. Cut a lot with pond water for tomatoes, more straight-up for peppers. Pics of peppers later if sun breaks through fog. OTH, if it rains, it just does . . . prayers for the people in Moore and all areas hit by devastating tornadoes yesterday and day before . . . I'm not about to complain about rain or possible hail, not at this moment: some tragedies just put our weather issues in perspective. Thanks for looking! Much peace.
Shot 20 pics while sun was out. Can post 10 at time. Have chart. Think I know which each are without going to look at knifes and labels.

Flowering and Jalapeño with blooms and tiny pod.


Inca Red Drop

Aji Limon

Carib Red

Choc Hab

Harold St. Barts


Trin Scorp Moruga Red

Red fatalii that continues to look like holly bush but is putting on pods so . . . don't think exceeded 10 but . . . have more. Thanks for looking. Peace!