• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
Also, everybody have great Memorial Day weekend! Many thanks to my father--Army, Korea--uncles--Air Force, Korea and 'Nam, 3 great-uncles, Marines, WWII, H.G., Army, a friend, woman, wounded near Kandahar, niece's husband, Army.
For servicemen and servicewomen who put it on line every day, here and abroad: deepest appreciation! I'm especially touched that Daddy, via VFW, keeps flags on graves of all who served and continue to serve in this town.
But ya know I can't post this without posting cute story. I always grill or smoke something for my father/fam for Memorial Day. And every Memorial Day, I go through this, thinking it will be different but it isn't: after 10+, "Daddy, this year is no different, so what would you like me/us to grill or smoke for you for Memorial Day weekend?" I finally got, "Ribs be good." So, we all (my bros and I) go buy spares as they were (astonishingly) on sale few weeks ago. Yesterday, talked with my father: he wants beer-can chicken. No: didn't text my brothers this update. Heck no! He wants both. It happens every year!
Have a great, safe Memorial Day Weekend and ya get foodie shots IF I can get "somebody" off a golf-course.
A few updates.
First, I watched I think, the 3rd longest baseball game in NCAA baseball history last night, but my Heels prevailed: game started at Durham Bull Park at 7:45 pm and was over at 2 am. 2-1 over MOO-U NC State: but Carlos Rodon is a pitcher for The Woofies. He will be great in the majors. Battle of pitching and defense. Battle of rivalries. Tobacco Road rivalry at its best. Battle for announcers to sound remotely intelligent, "A major majority of the record-breaking crowd has left." I had more tea and waited for the Heels to squeak it out. They turned around and beat VA Tech for ACC Tourny Championship in 2.5 hours, beginning today at 1 pm and ending around 3:30 pm. Oh to be young again! No sleep and win a tournament! SKO HEELS! Onward to Omaha! Oh, more more thing: I want to see Tyler Hansbrough for Pacers knock the ever-loving HELL outta that ex-dookie THUG Battier; any minute now will work. Dear LAWD, how I hate dookies and former dookies! smh, dirty, dirty ballers.
On to other important things. I got no shots of plating, no shots of final products because it was and still is, evidently, a good day for golf. Who knows? I've heard winter is next 3 months?? Enough that.
Daddy ate at two different places today: THRILLED and that's all that matters! Chix on grill-offset at 12:30, after I planted a couple more pepper plants in garden, watching Earth rotation, slant of sun shifting, got more sun than I thought.

Can post recipe but is Carib flavored, like most everything I do: Mojo with lime juice/oil some etceteras; mnt.-dew can chix with mango juice, onion, allspice berries, sprigs thyme, cilantro, Carib Red in cavity, similar additions to marinade: one bag marinade whacked up, one whole Carib red (thawed) de-seeded, marinated over night and the rub is extra secret! lol. Not at all but is heavy Carib with Mex oregano, cumin, allspice, coriander, brown sugar, blended with Harold St. Barts/Yellow 7 Pod/garlic/onion sea salt powders, etc. One was not hot and one was. My father doesn't like hot stuff. My mother loves it, so all was well.

Pic is a tad obscene, me thinks. lol Chix only been on grill 30 minutes at this point.

Booty calls: "mas picante!!" This is the one with the super-warm rub. Menu was chix, Eastern NC cole, slaw, red tater salad that I made yesterday afternoon, tostones--since the man can't seem to get enough of them--seriously, he killed about 5 dang plantains all by himself! Good on him! His fav kind of sweet tea, very limey with lime slices, and spearmint. Also, homemade coconut cream pie, as it's Daddy's fav. Made that couple days ago. Again, sorry no plated shots; I was in kitchen upstairs, down at grill, and out in garden. I sent some of remainder of hot chix and rest of regular home with parental units, kept some of the hot chicken since the golfer hates hot stuff :D. The important thing is that Daddy LOVED it. He called me after they got back from my brothers to tell me how much he loved that chicken and "Them banana things." My brother called me to ask me why I didn't tell him that Daddy said he wanted chicken: "He hardly ate any ribs over here! Kept talking about those 'banana things' you made." Me: "Yeah, he hoovered on tostones. Really need to learn to make those, bro; I told you he LIKED them!" Moihaha. Sibling rivalry is oft a wonderful thing. Esp. when ya brother can't believe his father would actually like tostones. :rolleyes: lol
While chicken was on, I went to "straw" the garden.

Couple rows hot peppers. I only got 10 bales down before had to go wash and check chicken.

Trini Perfume planted this morning. Also buried another Mex Manzano--they LOVE sun and shun water. Go figure. If anybody has a clue about what the Mexican manzano that Judy (pepperlover) offered as seed, saying they were huge and tasted like mango, please let me know? The other manzanos seems to like a little shade, more water, but this one acts more like an annuum. Any experience to share, appreciated!

7 Pod Brown x Naga (Romy6/Jamie) growing strong, becoming big boy!

Sooooooo excited: Rambonito (Walkgood/Ramon) JA Hab givin' pod!

Aji Limon, podding up.

Finished straw after parents left. Inca Red Drop, also podding up.
Sorry about pics, per usual. Had excellent reason to fear the straw aka, lousy pics, however; one other great reason for whacked pics. Out in cammy's, sports bra, garden gloves, spreading straw. Straw bales got wet over several weeks. Straw harboring ants. Mean ants, bit shit outta me. To point that when I came in for 3rd shower--not one I planned today--I was breathing funky. So took a Benadryl and am loaded as I type. In fact, typing is a tad challenging. Shooting pics was an adventure: Rambonito is almost not there or coulda been really flattened as when I leaned down, about fell on him. But didn't; need to hit garden with neem oil, not worried about ant damage to plants as doing that and potting up some plants, another Rambonito, among others, in 5 gal nursery pots tomorrow. Since covered cukes with blankets, the non-temperate zone cold night, they more than thriving; gotta toss more strings at tendrils to get em to go up those cages, which 3 are doing like wanted them to do.  Peace, thanks for looking, and any suggestions, welcome: yes; I will have to get more straw in few weeks but want to let this settle in/down. Also saturated newspaper/cardboard in wheel barrow, put it down to suppress weeds, organic matter, bla, bla, under straw in places. Again, thanks! Said that already . . . dang, beny's cheap thrill. Hope everybody's having a great Memorial Day weekend!
Holy smokes …
Look up in the sky, its a Bird... its a Plane... No Its SuperAnnie. Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Who disguised as mild mannered pepper grower for a family plot cooks for parental units, plants peppers, throws bails of hey, takes pictures, produces pods on JA Habs, talks to bro on phone, blows parental units away with mad skills, fights the unending battle of bugs on peppers, shares all information for truth, justice, and the American way. Hat’s off mon muchacha \o_ ...
Pods already? Congrats on that!
Garden looks wonderful!  And so does the chicken!
Plants are loving that dirt!
Sorry about the fire ants, hate them as much as mites!
WalkGood said:
Holy smokes …
Look up in the sky, its a Bird... its a Plane... No Its SuperAnnie. Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Who disguised as mild mannered pepper grower for a family plot cooks for parental units, plants peppers, throws bails of hey, takes pictures, produces pods on JA Habs, talks to bro on phone, blows parental units away with mad skills, fights the unending battle of bugs on peppers, shares all information for truth, justice, and the American way. Hat’s off mon muchacha \o_ ...
Just love this, so fitting :party:
Have good one!
WalkGood said:
Holy smokes …
Look up in the sky, its a Bird... its a Plane... No Its SuperAnnie. Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Who disguised as mild mannered pepper grower for a family plot cooks for parental units, plants peppers, throws bails of hey, takes pictures, produces pods on JA Habs, talks to bro on phone, blows parental units away with mad skills, fights the unending battle of bugs on peppers, shares all information for truth, justice, and the American way. Hat’s off mon muchacha \o_ ...
Thank you, Ramon . . . lol! (I'd so love to share this with "the golfer" but won't: @ dark o'clock, I'm putting alcohol etc. on the grain mite bites--not ants--but those; they die after heat/light exposure--after cleaning grill, dumping ashes etc., had couple arthritis strength Tylenol to go with the Beny. The hunter-gatherer of golf balls came home. I watched him put that HOT chicken in oven bag to warm it. I smiled. He fixed a plate, took BIG bite down on breast meat--good crispy HOT skin--I left it on--and heard him cuss. "What did you put in this chicken? Godd*(**&##!!!!" I wish had had camera to capture that dance he did--might become new rage. :cool:) Mama taught me to never use sex or money as a "weapon withdrawn" but she sorta fixed up my father with food, from time to time. He came home late one night, out w/the boys, drinkin.' She'd gotten some recipe for Beef Stroganoff and it was messed up! Or she was hipping a baby after working all day, keeping my other brothers from killing one another, helping me with homework and she got distracted: stuff cleaned her pot really well, however. But before that, Daddy came in, half-drunk or fully so, and ate the stuff. Little later Daddy said, "Honey, my stomach's about to kill me; do you think it'z that dish you made? Did it make the kids sick?" My mother: "Surely you don't think I'd let my children eat something like that!" Hmm :P
Thanks Ramon! Also have a "Kill Mite" recipe, cheaper and based on SNS 217, if interested. How goes that battle, querido? Happy Memorial Day! Thanks to all who have and are serving!
stc3248 said:
Those birds look fantastic Annie! I am sure pops was super pleased...and coconut cream to boot? The man was livin large! Your grow moving right along too...and podding up nicely. You got it goin on Annie!
Shane, thank you for your service to our country! I'm so grateful to my dad! He actually spoke about Korea yesterday. First time he's ever said anything. Said it was cold. And then said, "Everybody . . ." and just shook his head. Damn. Also grateful to my mother for 1. waiting on him; they got married when he came home and 2. dealing with his nightmares. Yeah, looks like plants are still enjoying compost tea "watering in," which might have helped them through cold/wet spell recently. Thanks, hon!
roper2008 said:
Chicken's look mighty good Annie.   Where's the picture of the tostones?
Ask the golf person, Linda, lol.  Dey Law,' I'z a juggler running out of hands, yesterday and a camera was last thing on mind, upstairs, down to grill, and when time permitted, to garden! Thanks for having my back, there, Ramon. ;) But we uh, sadly can't grow plantains. (And yes; my father did ask if they'd grow around here. smh--just unusual for a guy who's eaten the same thing for this long to suddenly crave something new: I like it!)
Devv said:
Pods already? Congrats on that!
Garden looks wonderful!  And so does the chicken!
Plants are loving that dirt!
Sorry about the fire ants, hate them as much as mites!
Just love this, so fitting :party:
Have good one!
Yeah, Ramon can serve up some "true dat"! Chix was good to Daddy--the hot one was good to my mother and I. Not so good to "the golfer" last night upon his return to castle, but ya know . . . lol.
Hey, I went back through my mind and not ants or fire ants but danged grain mites. Rained on cold bales--some folks who handle  grain products are allergic to the bite(s). But again, they die in warm, dry, open areas--like they in now--UNLIKE evil, evil, spider mites. How's that battle going for you?
Heck, poor things hardened off for a month, off and on! (Weird weather, we had.) Started flowering in that process but pinched flowers. Poddage is nice; you been knowing that! Thanks Scott! ;)

sicman said:
:drooling:  :drooling:    oh that bird looks good!   
Thanks siccy! ;) Missed ya post. Have a great one!
Thanks Ramon.  Anything with platanos has to be good.  The only way I have eaten them is sauted in a pan with brown sugar,
cinnamon, and sour cream on the side.
Sounds like you were a busy bee yesterday Annie.  Well, I have to get back to my mowing the front yard with my push lawn
mover.  I was on a little break.
The mites are hurtin' hahaha. The ones in the garden pretty much went away on their own, Lady bugs have been at them. I sprayed a few Hab's out there that looked the worst. The container plants took a beating but are coming back, no more of the rust look, and I continue to treat them. Next year I'll have the 217 on hand or will have figured out how they make it :surprised:
annie57 said:
… Thanks Ramon! Also have a "Kill Mite" recipe, cheaper and based on SNS 217, if interested. How goes that battle, querido? Happy Memorial Day! Thanks to all who have and are serving!
Battle is slow but going good for me, I’m on the up; 5 to WG and 2 to mites I think most are dead but I’m sure I can’t let up as eggs probably be hatching soon and there is probably some stragglers around :/ That said, I’m really bummed that I had to give the MoAs a hair cut, I’ll try to take some pics later or mañana and post to mi glog as I'm on and off too much today.

Sure I’m always interested in new recipes, especially if they’re mite killers and it’s faster. Gotta tell ya if I had kept up on the oil sprays as Al had said I don’t think I’d be in this situation, they kind of got me with my guard down.
Devv said:
The mites are hurtin' hahaha. The ones in the garden pretty much went away on their own, Lady bugs have been at them. I sprayed a few Hab's out there that looked the worst. The container plants took a beating but are coming back, no more of the rust look, and I continue to treat them. Next year I'll have the 217 on hand or will have figured out how they make it :surprised:
WalkGood said:
Battle is slow but going good for me, I’m on the up; 5 to WG and 2 to mites I think most are dead but I’m sure I can’t let up as eggs probably be hatching soon and there is probably some stragglers around :/ That said, I’m really bummed that I had to give the MoAs a hair cut, I’ll try to take some pics later or mañana and post to mi glog as I'm on and off too much today.

Sure I’m always interested in new recipes, especially if they’re mite killers and it’s faster. Gotta tell ya if I had kept up on the oil sprays as Al had said I don’t think I’d be in this situation, they kind of got me with my guard down.
On second thought or 5th/6th, 100th . . . SNS 217 kills spider mites. Period.
I found a few recipes on, of course, "other" sites, REALLY concerned about not losing ANY of their crop to s-mites. SNS 217 is: 2% rosemary extract oil, 0.6% polyglyceryl oleatehttp://www.makingcosmetics.com/Emulsifiers/Polyglyceryl-Oleate-p143.html, and 0.1% lauric acidhttp://www.3dchem.com/moremolecules.asp?ID=392&othername=Lauric acid and 97.3% water. (From SNS: http://sierranaturalscience.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/sns_217-mite-spray.pdf) Those other links are to cosmetic sites for people who make their own soaps.
If those external links work, can tell that POleate is an emulsifier. And lauric acid is basically coconut oil, palm oil. And water is water. BUT, but . . . the type of rosemary oil: one can make one's own, bla, bla, buy it from health food stores, but some people tried their homemade versions and it burned their plants. Some use a combo of rosemary oil, Azamax or Azatrol (the difference is Azatrol doesn't harm beneficial insects and Azamax will, but both are from neem oil), SaferGro Mildew Cure (has garlic oil, cottonseed oil, corn oil: formerly known as GC-3), dish soap, or wetting agent, and water. Then rinse after an hour.
I was going to post what I want to do but think I'll just do it and see if it works on a plant. Some people say they've been successful in creating a homemade product as good as 217 for under 20 bucks. Who knows?
It can be researched (and researchednth) but the exact amounts per gallon of water? Has to be trial and error. Or more researched and anybody can find what I found. Ramon, Al's right about "oils"--everything I ran across spoke to: "oil." But if ahead of the game, might want to do some research on rosemary oil. Then again, might not! :rofl:  Fascinating stuff :rolleyes:. And Scott, if you've beat them back with ladybugs, great! :party:  Compost teas can also beat them down, according to lots of folks. In fact, I didn't have a problem--compost teas once per month last summer--until I got slack on that near end of season. So . . . that's where my afternoon/evening went after mowing. Thanks! 
koskorgul said:
Looking good Annie,
Just got the first of a few flowers on my Thai Fires and 7-pot. pods are next in line. cant wait
Thanks Rob and good on ya "Fires." My Thai ("Mai Thai"--really, Annie?) smh, variety--orange--wanted to seem to bloom/pod in little pot. 7 Pods are usually sooner than bhuts, IME, which is why I like to grow Naga, as it seems sooner to pod up, color-up, than other "jolokia" types. Looking forward to seeing you pick pods!
WalkGood said:
Thanks Annie, Scott is now testing some of the home made rosemary but I'll let him tell you about it ... don't want to steal his shock and awe :D
Okiedokie! Will trust Scott since he lives in super arid/hot and see what he devises. I just didn't want to post anything steering anybody in wrong direction because how much to how much is maybe not rocket science as lauric acid is an emulsifier--that isn't hard--and coconut/palm ect. oils also, not hard, nor is neem if follow directions, but rosemary oil is evidently potent stuff as is active ingredient in 217.
Or I could do what my mother did: she bought Bayer 3 in 1, doused her hollyhocks--those things are breeding grounds for mites--I cut'n dunked mine one year, gave them to her next spring--the dark black purples are beautiful but they're worse than any rose, fruit, grape, or pepper for getting mites. One of cayenne I potted, gave her, has no pods or flowers yet: she set it near hollyhocks and hit it with Bayer 3 in 1. Courting disaster but wants to see if it works. Now, she could grow another arm or something, but she said, "I'm 78 and your point?" I hope it's more awesome for Scott and not shock :dance: (as well, for my mother).
Thanks Annie, yeah cant wait till I get my first ripe pod. Knowing how impatient I am I will want to pick it before it is ready. Will be hard to not pick it, might have to post a sign up at the plant, do not pick me LOL
koskorgul said:
Thanks Annie, yeah cant wait till I get my first ripe pod. Knowing how impatient I am I will want to pick it before it is ready. Will be hard to not pick it, might have to post a sign up at the plant, do not pick me LOL
Going down to look at garden Rob. Had a small jalapeño yesterday--actually too large for smallish jal plant--so plucked it. Now that reasoning works for annuums but . . . you could shock collar yourself and the plants you might prematurely. . . hmm, drastic, huh? j/k! :rofl: