• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
Good to read your plants like the ground outside, they look very good great! I hear ya on rain VS city water; I can see the difference in new growth sprouting faster and much more lushness/coloration in the leaves, plus twice the number of flower buds on my girls. I just up-potted 7 mas JA Habs this morning, seems I can’t stop planting, hehe.
On another note you got me curious about you eating green cayenne pepper, not that I’m going to start as I love dem ripe red but I’ve never tried them green, how’s the taste? Hopefully yours will take off growing now with that rain your now getting; I know mine has grown a lot with sky waters and she’s now full of pods. From the looks of things over there you’ll be having a bumper crop dis season! Keep up dat awesome grow muchacha and have a great week ^_^
WalkGood said:
Good to read your plants like the ground outside, they look very good great! I hear ya on rain VS city water; I can see the difference in new growth sprouting faster and much more lushness/coloration in the leaves, plus twice the number of flower buds on my girls. I just up-potted 7 mas JA Habs this morning, seems I can’t stop planting, hehe.
On another note you got me curious about you eating green cayenne pepper, not that I’m going to start as I love dem ripe red but I’ve never tried them green, how’s the taste? Hopefully yours will take off growing now with that rain your now getting; I know mine has grown a lot with sky waters and she’s now full of pods. From the looks of things over there you’ll be having a bumper crop dis season! Keep up dat awesome grow muchacha and have a great week ^_^
I LOVE green cayenne! Tastes . . . good? In that it has good taste. Hotter than jalapeño but with clean, sweet, hot taste. Once they turn red, unless they do so prematurely, get a little chewy as water really exits, at least around here. But to each his/her own :party:  And dang have we had RAIN!? YES! Finally! Glad to hear you're still planting JA's!
stc3248 said:
Glad you're feelin better lady...I always do after I play with...um, well glad you're feeling better! I think your plants look great??? Kinda hard to tell they look like greenish ink-blots...
Shane, you'z forewarned: "Here come ya Rorschach tests!
  (Except for a few.)" Green Rorschach! Xackly! (Wonder if I could persuade some folks into a green version of the MMPI . . . :think: )
Almost no rain. A quick sprinkle here and there, but no real rain. Had to water at dusk, so soaked them good.
Plants are looking spectacular! The yel BS are so Yummy! And mine last year all beefed up like yours, thick ass stems and all. Your on the right track! Good to see so many pods forming on everyone's glogs!
Sanarda said:
Awesomness to the umpteenth power!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Pia! And if you could tell me why the Naga tends to bloom/fruit/color so much faster than bhut? Did same thing last year but these are my plants from my seed sown. Didn't buy these! And would love, love, love some BLACK NAGA pods to try . . . hint, hint. HINT? :rofl: Pweeze? :pray: Seed for next year? Thanks again, sweetie!
Silver_Surfer said:
Lookin' good. Hope ya get some liquid gold soon; we got a good soakin' last night so maybe it's headed your way.
You sent the rain our way, Allen! We got a real good soaking; storms came from South. Why does the Naga tend to bloom/set fruit and color faster than bhut? First year me growing from seed, but 3rd year growing Nagas and bhuts and . . . I really would love some BLACK NAGA SEED . . . for next year . . . :D :pray: but . . . why does the Naga do that? Any clue, SS? Bhuts always slower to pod, color? 3 years in a row is not coincidence. Thanks for dropping in!
GA Growhead said:
Almost no rain. A quick sprinkle here and there, but no real rain. Had to water at dusk, so soaked them good.
Plants are looking spectacular! The yel BS are so Yummy! And mine last year all beefed up like yours, thick ass stems and all. Your on the right track! Good to see so many pods forming on everyone's glogs!
Damn, that's too bad, Jay. Rains were good to us from South. I wish you'd have gotten some rather than having to water.  But yeah! BS yellow is delicious. Kinda got a powder recipe, along with "Yellow Bouquet" (seed from Kev/Wayright)--ya know one of his odd-azzed peppers that are apparently rare--mix of Yel Bouquet with BS Yel or 7 Pod yel for powders. Got any idea why Naga is faster to set/color than bhut?
Yep, everybody's pods makes me excited for us all. Even with a month set-back in planting out, I take heart from Bonnie, Rick, people in COLD parts of country, that grow hot peppers and are sucessful doing so. Respect for them; respect for everybody. (Dang: Ramon/Walkgood has invaded my heart-mind :shocked: )
Sanarda said:
I got you sista. You know I'm going to load you up with some black naga pods. I think one of mine is budding. Won't be long now.
THANK YA, THANK YA, THANK YA!!! :dance: And it probably IS budding. So, what makes the Naga sooner? Or let's just not give a shit and enjoy it? :rofl: <sign for "thumbs up!">
koskorgul said:
Looking good Annie, glad you are feeling better.
Thanks Rob: could you please convey that "better" message @ herniated discs, in neck, back etc? :rofl: Put down about 45 cages for maters, tomatillos, a couple poblanos . . . uh, lost track. Some big bell peppers. uhh, brain's frito'd. Hammering in some stakes/t-posts/handles off stuff that broke, etc. tomorrow, but since ground was soft from rain, most cages in today. Thanks again!
When you get done with dem mater cages I could use some help turning soil, up-potting, planting, carrying some heavy block stones, ect. ect. lolz ;) In all seriousness I hope your neck & back feels better muchacha.
Ouch! Herniated discs are nothing to F*@% around with. My Dad was a steelworker with a ruptured disc in his lower back, and he was in intense pain for years until he had a surgery done to take the pressure off his spinal cord. Don't let it get that bad for you!
WalkGood said:
When you get done with dem mater cages I could use some help turning soil, up-potting, planting, carrying some heavy block stones, ect. ect. lolz ;) In all seriousness I hope your neck & back feels better muchacha.
Mi hermano, ya made me spit out sweet tea. Good sweet tea too: key lime with agave, dang, bro! Hey, my head cold's better and thanks for your concern. I'm upset that you didn't want any rebar driven to pour concrete. Shucks. smh. I took a leave of absence to enjoy this and after some stretches, crunches, stretches, PT stuff, long run, feels better. Gonna celebrate with trip to lake one day soon with old friend, go fishin,' swimming, hanging, just chillin.' Iffin it gits bad nuf ("it" is me and my stubbornness), I'll just set timer on irrigation and head down ya familia's way, hermano. Sometimes, I do need to be saved from myself. AND, we could cook for your wife and sons, and go fishing (pick upJamie for gator bait on the way--have to drug him for that but hey), have some grilled gator with MoA's!! We'd also save Jamie, just as he was coming too, and he'd be grateful. Sounds like a plan for fun vacation! :party:
stickman said:
Ouch! Herniated discs are nothing to F*@% around with. My Dad was a steelworker with a ruptured disc in his lower back, and he was in intense pain for years until he had a surgery done to take the pressure off his spinal cord. Don't let it get that bad for you!
No, Rick: they'z not something to mess with. I'm sorry about your dad but glad he got relief, esp. if it enabled his movement afterward. If it should get bad enough, I'll have to do that maybe; know a neuro-osteo group in Austin, Texas. NOT having that done around here. Thanks for your concern, hon! So far, PT exercises, Naproxin for inflammation, and other cardio and conditioning exercises bla, bla really help. A visit to Ramon's, drugging Jamie to use him as gator bait, now that'd really help. j/k! :P
Slight update and the first pic is for Shane :cool:. What is this? (We're still doing Rorschach :rofl: . Actually, this is pretty close!)

This substance goes in bag submerged in one of these:

Stuff floating in buckets with 1000 mg. vit c tab crushed, just in case for possible chloramine. I called the city, talked to two guys I know at water tx plant and they claim not to know (?) either, so every time I make compost tea or off-gas water, I throw VC in there. (Actually, tired of playing and hitting fish store tomorrow for dechlorinator that also removes chloramine.) The floating stuff is BTi. Not for any purpose other than shelf-life on that pack dunks about up. Might raise pH some but negligible. Just off-gassing, aerating water before hitting fish store tomorrow.
Two different types teas. One bacterial and one, more fungal. Does it make a huge difference? Probably not. Experiment.
This is fungally based compost--lotta straw and carbon-rich--more banana peels, less coffee grinds--more fish bone meal, more kelp meal helped horse manure cook.

How to make varieties of compost teas, depending on plant cycles and types of plants, well, youtube's full of 'em but this site is good too.
Reason trying two different types of teas, for pest prevention, to engage friendlies; saw ladybugs, a couple lacewings, and about impaled myself on a tomato cage, trying to avoid stepping on a Braconid wasp that flew off a pepper flower and landed on straw in garden today. The stuff in bloom or fruiting is likely to need less bacterial than fungal. But to play safe, fungal is getting some vermicompost. Also temps--we have "cold" front coming through--temps in high 70's which is about perfect in shade, for brewing compost tea. Other option is to brew in basement shower but if can be avoided . . . and since plant-out, had one frog-strangler, so conditions are great for AACT. After pet/fish store, heading to lake to a friend's dock to get couple 5 gal buckets lake water to dilute, as these gonna be some strong teas. Thanks for looking!
annie57 said:
You sent the rain our way, Allen! We got a real good soaking; storms came from South. Why does the Naga tend to bloom/set fruit and color faster than bhut? First year me growing from seed, but 3rd year growing Nagas and bhuts and . . . I really would love some BLACK NAGA SEED . . . for next year . . . :D :pray: but . . . why does the Naga do that? Any clue, SS? Bhuts always slower to pod, color? 3 years in a row is not coincidence. Thanks for dropping in!
Glad to here ya got wet. :) That's just the nature of the Naga. While a little smaller pod, it's much more prolific than the Bhut and tastier too IMO. One of my faves for hot sauce. They are closely related, but through selective regional breeding in NE India they certainly display striking differences in their characteristics. Have you tried the Naga Morich Jukka? A little smaller still, but makes up for it in added production. I've got Burmese Naga, Monster Naga, Naga Morich Black, and Naga Morich X Congo growing this season and you're welcome to some pods if they produce for me.
GA Growhead said:
I got one tore and one ruptured in my lower back. It's definitely no joke. Don't exceed your limits! There will be tomorrow, and things just have to wait!
Thanks and am so sorry you deal with this mess too. I'm being careful: like the cages were in the garage, so get some in, because as we know repetitive movement is just NOT GOOD, and could have taken more to garden at time but, walking back up there, careful with posture, breathing, a little T'ai chi, and crating them back down, broke repetitive motions. Sitting just makes it worse. I really do need want to take a day and just go fishing/swimming with a good friend. Just chill. I'm really sorry you have this!
Silver_Surfer said:

You sent the rain our way, Allen! We got a real good soaking; storms came from South. Why does the Naga tend to bloom/set fruit and color faster than bhut? First year me growing from seed, but 3rd year growing Nagas and bhuts and . . . I really would love some BLACK NAGA SEED . . . for next year . . . :D :pray: but . . . why does the Naga do that? Any clue, SS? Bhuts always slower to pod, color? 3 years in a row is not coincidence. Thanks for dropping in!
Glad to here ya got wet. :) That's just the nature of the Naga. While a little smaller pod, it's much more prolific than the Bhut and tastier too IMO. One of my faves for hot sauce. They are closely related, but through selective regional breeding in NE India they certainly display striking differences in their characteristics. Have you tried the Naga Morich Jukka? A little smaller still, but makes up for it in added production. I've got Burmese Naga, Monster Naga, Naga Morich Black, and Naga Morich X Congo growing this season and you're welcome to some pods if they produce for me.

OKAY!!!! An expert has weighed in! :clap:  Yes, much better taste than bhut and next to fatalii apple butter that Bill turned me onto idea of, amazing sauces! Used a base of butternut squash and neck pumpkin, I'd canned from 2011 to concoct that one Naga sauce. Made another sauce with smoked maraschino cherries . . . yeah, a little sweet (and a little crazy) but I was out of ideas. I'd LOVE some pods if they produce for you? (If they don't produce for you, it's because some nocturnal pepper eating intergalactic beast was beamed down to devour them.) I've heard of the Black Naga, but none of the others. Am hoping seed that Jamie send me, the 7 Pod Brown x Naga will be an early producer. So far, seems like it has more traits of 7 Pod fam but could surprise after effects of rain and next round compost tea hit them. Yeah buddy! I'd pay lots for some those pods, Allen! :party:
Thank you for the clarification about North Eastern Indian breeders.
Damn Annie, Herniated disks, not a good thing
My dad had 3 back surgeries for herniated and ruptured disks. The first 1 they made a 1" cut on each side of his spine, went in and did what they did. He was off work for about 6 mths, he went back to work and ended up hurting his back again. He had the same surgery again, with the 1" cuts, off work again for 6 mths. Goes back to work again and yet again hurts his back. This time they made about a 6" cut right down the length of his spine. He was off work for another 6 mths. When he would go back to work the company would put him right back on the same job he had when he hurt his back. He never made it back to work after the last surgery, he passed away about 9 mths from retiring from thre. He was around 75% disabled because of the company. I told him time and time again that he needed to contact a lawyer because they kept putting him back on the same job with an ultimatum of do it or you are fired.
All I can say is take it easy and hope that everything works out for ya