Ok, it's not Cereal cooking but using a pressure cooker so that there it hits a higher temperature and there is no need to stir or concern over scorching of the mash. This is from the HBA forums:
it's all the way down at the bottom if this c/p doesn't work.
The last time I did a decoction, I took stirring out of the mix. It was a simple mash out decoction for flavor only.
I filled a stainless bowl with thick mash, covered it loosely with foil, and set it in the pressure cooker. 15 minutes at 15 psi and I got some nice darkening to my grist. Smelled amazing, too. No stirring, no scorching, no problem. YMMV
Next time, I'm going to source a larger inner container so I can decoct a larger volume. This was a good first experiment, however.
About 95% pils malt.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2013, 07:57:58 AM by dcbc »