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Any growers in KS?

Micro hail (ten mins pea size) caught me off guard..... Bhuts took a beating but my birds came out fine. A lot of flowers took a beating too..
robbyjoe01 said:
Micro hail (ten mins pea size) caught me off guard..... Bhuts took a beating but my birds came out fine. A lot of flowers took a beating too..
Back to back 4in + rain weekends here along with 20-25 degree high temp swings still has everything weirded out, not just the peppers but all the perennials, trees, and grass. Odd start to the year... Once the cold rain moves out and we jump to the 80's it always seems to be accompanied by 20-30+ mph sustained winds.  
Beginning to think my SBJ7's are cursed. Had two snapped in half during a windstorm while still hardening them off and then my remaining "un-topped/broke" one took a major tree branch on top of it yesterday all but obliterating it.  So I switched it out with my last one still regrowing after it snapped in the winds a month or so ago.  Think I need to take Wicked Mike up on some SBJ7's in a box, may not be getting any of my own this year, sheeez. Hang in there boys!  :banghead:
Well it didn't rain here today, but looks like it is gonna start back up tonight. I have some SBJ7's that are hanging in there with the rest of the peppers. Most of my super hots look terrible. The bells, eggplants, and tomatoes are doing really well considering all the damn rain. Just remember it won't be long and the temps will be around 100 degrees and no rain in sight. Keep your heads up. It has to get better.
I have 28 superhots with 13 varieties and most look horrible. They have yellow leaves and some of the leaves are falling off of the plants. There is also brown spots on a lot of the plants. It's not looking good this year. I hope I at least have some pods this year.  I've never experienced such a rainy year ever. I'm in Derby BTW.
wrinklenuts said:
They have yellow leaves and some of the leaves are falling off of the plants. There is also brown spots on a lot of the plants. It's not looking good this year. I hope I at least have some pods this year.  I've never experienced such a rainy year ever.
 It was overcast the other day so I hit my plants with some Epsom salt. I didn't know what else to do. They still look crappy.  I'm 10 miles East of Concordia.
Yeah, I'm still alive. Too much to do. Too little time. As spring/summer ramps up I get and stay pretty busy. May. What a month. Rain. 11+" of it. There is a strange glowing orb in the sky. I was told it's called "the sun"? I finished the mods to make my smoker work better and more consistent. No. No competition bbq here. We just enjoy eating! I decided this is the year I get better at it. I finished putting the last 12 plants in the ground Saturday night. At a rough count I have approx. 265 plants in the ground. Nothing like having a month separating the first to go in and the last ones. I also notice a ladybug explosion last weekend. Little orange beauties everywhere!! Hell they were even landing on me! My 'ol lady laughed about when I was mowing over at the mom-in-laws house 10 miles away and as I was collecting errant ladybugs I almost mowed up and putting them in a water bottle for safekeeping to bring home with me. I told her I was diversifying my bugs DNA. Now it's time to top dress around the plants and put a good layer of hay on the garden. That won't take long at all. I'll get some cages on the bigger plants as I go. I'll shoot some more shots and post them soon. Maybe by the weekend. 
Wild flowers succeed despite rain.....onions and garlic good....,.bhuts bad but will get seeds for next year....Thai yellow and Zimbabwe bird great.....Still a year full of hope.......is it too late to start peppers that your gonna overwinter ? ....just wondering cause I'm jealous of my garden gals who have my coral reef peppers looking ah so good....
someguy said:
We had 2 days of sunshine and now it is raining again.
Ditto, was supposed to be 86 and partly cloudy today, instead the high barely hit 71 and another inch of rain!
robbyjoe01 said:
Still a year full of hope.......is it too late to start peppers that your gonna overwinter ? ....just wondering cause I'm jealous of my garden gals who have my coral reef peppers looking ah so good....
Had similar thoughts, guess it doesn't hurt to give it a go.  Just got some absolute killer chocolate scotch bonnet pods in the mail and damn if I could pull it off I'd like to grow it and try my hand at overwintering them.
Well, it doesn't take much for me to run an experiment. Lets just see what happens to some Chocolate Scotch Bonnet seeds being sown on June 3rd in Kansas. Wife's gonna be so :censored:  pissed when she see's the lights are back on  :shh:  Who's to say that September and October won't have above average temperatures... April and May sure seem below average. Maybe KS will even itself out with a warm fall.  Time to read up on overwintering techniques. 
I was a bit disappointed with my overwintering experiment I did a few years back. I overwintered about 15 different plants. Read the sticky on here. Basically you dig them up or unpot them. Trim all the leaves off. Trim back the roots to fit a smaller pot. Rinse the plant especially the roots. No soil transferred. I washed the plant in a mild Dawn solution. I can't remember if you soak it in another fungicide or pest killing solution or not. After repotting with new soil you use a 3 way spray to deter any errant pest or fungi. Not real picky on how much light unless you expect them to bud and produce. The whole idea is just to get them through the winter. Not necessarily to prosper in the winter. Or be like me and cut corners and fight the pests all winter in a losing battle. And then do it all over. Again. The right way this time. If you have potted plants outside and you bring them in you better be damn sure you have all the pests removed or else you will grow peppers and you will grow bugs. So here it is in the spring and now I'm bringing my plants out of dormancy and they are slowly leafing out but that years seedlings are growing like weeds and equal the size of my cut back plant with a fraction of the cost and effort. Of course if I did it right the first time mine may have been further along than they were. But I did it my way. That is just my experience and "result may vary." If a person had a favorite or cherished or rare plant it would be worth it.
Chief, my overwintering results have been similar to yours. Only one season out of four did I not have an aphid party in my basement by Christmas. This year it was especially bad, even though I only brought in four plants. I was infested so bad this year they started chomping on my seedlings and I lost a few to aphids. Ah well, I'm taking solace in the fact that I am seeing lots of ladybugs while planting outside, and I know they are going to eat well at least early on this season. I won't be overwintering inside the house again. I may throw a few in the unheated greenhouse to see if they will survive a long, cold Kansas winter (doubtful), but it just isn't worth it to me to bring potential pests inside.
Thanks mwc! I think I would have had better luck if I had started sterile from the get go. After I did I had very few issues. I initially just dug them up and plopped them in buckets after a garden hose rinse of the foliage. Obviously I didn't get off any bugs or eggs in the dirt and any clinging to the leaves or trunk. So by the time I decided I was an idiot it was almost Christmas or New Years before I re did all my plants. That set my plants back and they didn't start getting greenery back until pretty late in the winter. Still, it is a lot of work for the results unless a person has just a small number of plants. Indoor aphids are the pits. 
Well we just got an inch of rain in less than an hour. It is just sprinkling now. My pepper plants look so sad. At least everything else in the garden looks good.
midwestchilehead said:
...Only one season out of four did I not have an aphid party in my basement by Christmas
...but it just isn't worth it to me to bring potential pests inside.
WichitaChief said:
Indoor aphids are the pits. 
My area for starting/keeping plants is across from my bedroom... hmmm lets see... tough to do... not great results... possibility for bugs upstairs. :mope: I'm convinced, i'm out.
Well looks like this is the year to give ChilePlants some business. Looks like I caught them in their last shipping week with chocolate scotch bonnets still left. :party:
A credit card charge might be rough when the wife sees it but it will be much easier to explain than 'why are the plants being dug up and brought upstairs?' in the fall, :rolleyes:  
I'm thinking:
A credit card charge might be rough when the wife sees it but it will be much easier to explain than 'why are the plants being dug up and brought upstairs?' in the fall,  :rolleyes:  
you are probably correct. Mine just rolls her eyes any more and shakes her head. 
Your Shishito plant is getting some good looking peppers on it. We are drooling waiting to sample them! I know. I know. Pictures or it didn't happen. 
Although I've not suffered from bugs overwintering it has been about half survival rate. Still I got only a Thai yellow to winter so far so tonight I'm starting Coral reef and C. Galapoense (2 that didn't germinate). Maybe I'd better read up on it too
Wow, bad storms here last night...  :shocked:  Lost power, had a section of fence come down and a river going through the raised beds.  Thankfully they are raised or I would have no more garden.  Plants took a beating. Several lost leaves, my bubblegum now looks like a palm tree, ugh :banghead: Hopefully a lot of those were about ready to come off for the sake of the new growth anyway, or so I will tell myself...
According to my sophisticated meterological setup in the backyard :rolleyes: last nights 3.5" of rain makes for over 16" of rain in the last two weeks.
Anyone else take a beating?
Some rain here. Not sure how much. Got woke up by my wiener (dog) and thunder sometime around 4. Din't go look at garden this A.M. 
We got a morning micro rain shower. Hoping our southeast has a normal June. Poor Peach Bhuts hated all the rain last month....I dought anything good from my superhots for the season....