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Any Midwest Growers Having Trouble with their Gardens This Year?

In my parts were're apparently having the coldest summer since the 1930's:(

This is the effect of the global warming. No kidding. When the globe gets warmer parts of it get colder. Hard to wrap your head around, but I don't see myself living where I do in 20 years as we will have permafrost because of the so called global warming...
Climate change has been obvious in my parts for some time now. I believe a lot of it is due to global warming and/or planetary warming but we've also made many changes affecting water and air currents, as well as increased cloud cover because of airplanes and other pollutants
It was interesting to see the cloud data that they were able to measure during 911 when there was no planes in the sky. It was the first day in modern times that they could measure the cloud cover without planes, and apparently there was a huge difference.
Chris,perhaps a lite sprinkling of lime on your raised beds would help a bit.Sorry to hear of your weather issues!I'm refraining from complaining about ours as long as were hurricane free!
My tomatoes are full of life!there all full of green tomatoes.
I hope they ripen soon.
my peppers seem to be doing well also especially my bell,and sweet banannas but my super chilli,habanero and thai hot have had green pods on them for almost two months now.
first time hot pepper grower so im assuming this is due to the unusually cold nights and low daytime temps.
Lesson is never say die. :) Through aggressive fertiling with homemade compost tea, amino acids and other crap, I've gotten my plants to set maybe 700-1,000 pods in the last 2-3 weeks. :) The warm weather helped too. lol. When mother nature gives you garbage, you gotta do something about it. :)

My toms and peppers are exploding. I probably have a 1/2 bushel of long cayennes I could pick - my son wanted them for the restaurant where he worked. After they were planted, the place closed. The habs, jalas, hot wax and bananas are also going nuts. The tomatoes - 138 pounds in eight days! The potatoes are starting to die - I hope they hurry so I can dig some. I need at least 50 quarts to can and 50 pounds to to stick in the basement, though I will wait as long as possible to dig those.

In the mater department - Red Zebras are larger than cherry toms, but smaller than a tennis ball. They are great for juice and talk about productive - I picked 12-18 ripe ones off each plant yesterday. The Romas are just starting to turn red but the plants have so many fruits the string cannot hold the plants in the weave!

The bad news is it is suppose to rain for the next five days.

Nice job Chris. I think we've been very lucky in the East this year. Generally a cool summer though were getting some hot days now. 90F+
cmpman1974 said:
Lesson is never say die. :) Through aggressive fertiling with homemade compost tea, amino acids and other crap, I've gotten my plants to set maybe 700-1,000 pods in the last 2-3 weeks. :) The warm weather helped too. lol. When mother nature gives you garbage, you gotta do something about it. :)


Very nice to hear Chris. First the aphid infestation and then the weather, I am glad things are starting to turn around for you.

wordwiz said:
The potatoes are starting to die - I hope they hurry so I can dig some.


Hey Mike,
My sister recently mentioned she wants to plant potatoes in her garden next season. I was wondering, how you know when to dig them up?