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Anybody having problems with snails this year?

I'm just asking because i was chatting with my mom and she told me how my dad used to deal with them in his garden. He used to buy those copper scouring pads from the hardware store and unravel them and make a ring(fence) around the plants at the base, about 6 to 8 inches out from the stalk. She said once he did that, he never had snail problems again. Just thought i'd share that one with you all.
Snails are a problem?! I thought i saw a snail in my watering can, but it was just a dead beetle.

What is the significance of copper?? I like to dump salt on a snail whenever i see one.

You could also make a slug trap, right? I think bury a bowl of some sort in the ground and put beer in it?

Earwigs?! Why?! I hate those things!! They scared me as a child. Are they harmful??
Yeah I use salt or beer. I've also heard of people putting crushed egg shells around the pot as they don't like crawling over rough surfaces, or smearing vaseline around the rims of the pot.
rainbowberry said:
or smearing vaseline around the rims of the pot.

wouldn't that cause you to slip in RB? :lol:
I am a gentle-man RB....I was just remembering the practical jokes we used to play on one another at school....and...smearing vasoline on the toilet seats was one of them....we would smear it on the first floor bathroom toilet seats, open the windows and go outside and listen...you would not believe the comments you heard.... :lol:
spatter spatter spatter...

back on subject...scikmont...I answered the snail question in sydtunes thread...I use an ortho bait/killer called bug geta, definitely not organic but it works...
I'm not having any probs with them AJ(but thanks for the advice though), i just wanted to share that tidbit of info from my dad. I figured it might help someone out.
:doh: just re-read your original post...
I use coffe grinds from an espresso machine. Just put a little bit on top of the pots and no more snails. I wonder if my plants are hooked on caffeine, because the ones that have it are doing much better than the ones that don't.
andres said:
I use coffe grinds from an espresso machine. Just put a little bit on top of the pots and no more snails. I wonder if my plants are hooked on caffeine, because the ones that have it are doing much better than the ones that don't.

I read somewhere that coffee grinds are good for plants, but i can't remember where i read it
Someone found some Achatina fulica not too far away. they had to burn the entire area to get rid of them. scary sh*t... don't think anything can stop the adult ones.
diatomaceous earth is made up of fossilized remains of diatoms which are hard shelled algae. It is very abrasive
ddufore said:
diatomaceous earth is made up of fossilized remains of diatoms which are hard shelled algae. It is very abrasive

Ah. We used to take a drop of water from the lake next to my middle school and then look at the diatoms under a microscope. Pretty cool looking.