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Anyone have sleep apnea?

I was wondering if any of you have sleep apnea and use the machine each night?
I have been extremely tired the last several weeks and nauseous often during the morning and mid day hours so I went to Kaiser yesterday and saw my doctor.
He did blood work to rule out thyroid, etc but he asked if I snore and I said yes, my wife makes me sleep in the extra bedroom as it bothers her. So I think if the blood work is fine the next step will be to check for sleep apnea which I believe is my problem.
My pops has apnea - sleeps with the cpap (?) machine.  Really improved his productivity during the day - no more falling asleep in meetings, etc.  If that is what's going on the machine will help you a lot.  
Central apnea from injury.  I am on Cpap and O2.  Huge difference in energy level and mood.  Without it, my blood oxygen goes so low that I wake up very combative for not knowing where I am or who is waking me up.  With it, I am not in the best mood to wake up but I am not a bear.

If you need it, use it. 

On that topic: Has anyone noticed they put clocks in everything?  My radio has a clock, my TV has a clock, my stove has a clock, my microwave has a clock, my computer has a clock.  Just about everything digital has a clock, except Cpap machines.  They have an internal clock cause they keep a record of when you use them. 

Now think on this, the damn thing is made for sleep right?  Why not have a built in alarm clock?  One that brews the coffee fifteen minutes before you wake up.
Thanks for the replies everyone.
I am going to get checked out for that as I am always tired, irritable, short tempered, etc and that could very well be not enough sleep.
Scuba_Steve said:
I have apnea. The cpap really does help. Plus you will be able to move back in as long as your wife can handle sleeping next to Darth Vader. 
Btw, snoring does not mean you have apnea. You have to physically stop breathing regularly while you sleep. 
Very true Steve.
sicman said:
dont have that but Ive suffered from insomia for well over 20 years,it sucks. There have been times where it very severe and I become a diffrent person.
That sucks sicman. Sorry you have that problem that would really be hard.
Sicman, when I was first wed I ran my own store and did a lot of craft shows.  Would stay up for three days at a time to get ready for store events or craft shows.  My wife would dose my ice tea with liquid benidril [sic] and it was lights out.  Ever give it a try?
ajdrew said:
Sicman, when I was first wed I ran my own store and did a lot of craft shows.  Would stay up for three days at a time to get ready for store events or craft shows.  My wife would dose my ice tea with liquid benidril [sic] and it was lights out.  Ever give it a try?
tried it all. done it all. when the beast is at its worse nothing puts me down. Havent had a real full outburst in a year or so. Last nighgt I slept from 10:00-11:00 and 4:30-6:00. Got up walked 6 miles and did a few chores. Thats beauty sleep for me,about as good as it gets and Im thankfull i got it.
Proud Marine Dad said:
That sucks sicman. Sorry you have that problem that would really be hard.
It can get really dangerous on several diffrent levels. Only thing that helps at all and is still minimial is that devils lettuce.
I was wondering if any of you have sleep apnea and use the machine each night?
I have been extremely tired the last several weeks and nauseous often during the morning and mid day hours so I went to Kaiser yesterday and saw my doctor.
He did blood work to rule out thyroid, etc but he asked if I snore and I said yes, my wife makes me sleep in the extra bedroom as it bothers her. So I think if the blood work is fine the next step will be to check for sleep apnea which I believe is my problem.

Go for sleep study I was falling asleep sitting upright in my chair and out at the drop of a hat also found irregular heart beat you should really have it checked for real man
SmokenFire said:
My pops has apnea - sleeps with the cpap (?) machine.  Really improved his productivity during the day - no more falling asleep in meetings, etc.  If that is what's going on the machine will help you a lot.  
My dad agrees with that.
sicman said:
It can get really dangerous on several diffrent levels. Only thing that helps at all and is still minimial is that devils lettuce.
Devils lettuce? I would say heavenly bud myself. ;)
Did you see where Morgan Freeman is now pushing for legalization as he uses it to treat pain?
The late James Garner did the same thing. It's much safer than popping Vicodin and Percocet daily.
Greenguru said:
Go for sleep study I was falling asleep sitting upright in my chair and out at the drop of a hat also found irregular heart beat you should really have it checked for real man
I have heard they don't need to do a sleep study anymore. You take a machine home and sleep with it on and it records your sleep patterns then they determine if you have apnea.
Yes, that is an auto cpap.  It is much better to get a sleep study done though.  It is more through and can test for other sleeping issues as well.

They can also give you a fitbit to wear to help determine other issues.  Its not exactly a fitbit.  More like a $1300 fitbit on steroids!
Proud Marine Dad said:
-sleep apnea stuff. And weed-
There's also a surgery for it, for those that find the machine annoying. A teacher of mine had it done, and he said it was wonderful once the worst sore throat in your life goes away. But hey, if you can raise a Marine, you can deal with it for a few weeks.
ajdrew said:
  Why not have a built in alarm clock?  
Or, you know, shuts off?
Edit: Sicman, I can't imagine how bad it must be for you. I have a slight insomnia issue where once I'm up, I stay up. Usually get like 3-5 hours a night.
I haven't skipped wearing my CPAP since the day I slept in it at the second study night. I made them give me a loaner as I left, til the insurance one came ...
I have been using a cpap for about 3yrs now. I would stop breathing and choke many times during the night. You will need to go for a sleep study before you can get a cpap. No big deal they just watch you sleep. My nurse put a cpap on me two hours into the study and that had to be the best sleep I had in YEARS. I can not sleep without one. I stopped breathing on my side and I rarely sleep on my back. My wife noticed it for a few years and I was in denial. My doctor mentioned it to me and I agreed to the study. It didnt hurt to know.  Good luck and if you need any info or questions feel free to PM me. 
also they are not all mask type - mine uses nasal cushions, machines are quite and they also have a water reservoir so your sinuses dont dry out
ResMed Swift "mask" and ResMed S10 machine ...
I don't even have to turn it on and off, or pre-heat any longer ...
I just stumble in to the bedroom, place the mask, and pass the fuck out ...
Little side-bonus of CPAP treatment - no hangover's =) ...
grantmichaels said:
ResMed Swift "mask" and ResMed S10 machine ...
I don't even have to turn it on and off, or pre-heat any longer ...
I just stumble in to the bedroom, place the mask, and pass the f**k out ...
Little side-bonus of CPAP treatment - no hangover's =) ...
SO very true a couple blows and away you go
going for a sleep study next month.. pretty sure I will be getting a cpap  , my wife says I stop breathing while sleeping fairly often..  Hard on the heart if you don't get it treated.  It will eventually cause you heart to enlarge. 