Soon I am planning on taking everything that is left on all of my plants, completley ripe or not, just not really tiny pods and mixing them all together and toss them into a food processor. From this I would take some into mason jars and just add vinegar and can. Use this just as a puree or paste. I would take some of the rest and cook it with vinegar and other ingredients, blend it more, put it through a sieve and can that for hot sauce. I would also want to take what was left and just ferment that to later make sauce.
Anything wrong with that logic at all?
Also, if I just put the hot sauce into mason jars and canned it for now would I be able to later on put them into normal hot sauce bottles aslong as I reheated everything?
Anything wrong with that logic at all?
Also, if I just put the hot sauce into mason jars and canned it for now would I be able to later on put them into normal hot sauce bottles aslong as I reheated everything?