• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Apartment garden war, (mercy, sweet mercy)

Also, and just drawing on what little legal knowledge I have, but unequal enforcement of the rules and acquiescing to a behavior for a certain amount of time might give me some leverage here in a landlord tenant situation.
Hell, if you can just draw it out long enough you can get your fruit...

This is first and foremost plan A. I am going reorder the letter, and hit them with my financial loss and how many months are left, at the beginning of the letter and again at the end. Even if they tell me that ok, they'll give me 2 more months, i'll be either done or down to 5 containers by then. One month will require some sacrifices, tomatoes might have to go. I am also going to end with "hopefully you can understand where i am coming from. If you are willing to work with me I would appreciate it."
I think it's totally wrong what he's doing and I'm on your side, but you have to look at it this way. You no rights and if they want them gone the best thing to do is take them down and move on. Maybe consider an indoor grow?? It's clear you already realize that any and all lease agreements are written so they clearly allow the property manger to do whatever, whenever, and however he wants. They have no obligation to repay you anything for violating their "policy" and the fact that your asking them to do so will probably not be taken well no matter how you sugar coat it because the guys clearly seems like a jerk on a power trip. If I was the property manager and you where giving me this amount of difficulty I would be looking for a new "more cooperative" tenant so I can terminate your 30 day lease. Tread carefully my friend.......
I think it's totally wrong what he's doing and I'm on your side, but you have to look at it this way. You no rights and if they want them gone the best thing to do is take them down and move on. Maybe consider an indoor grow?? It's clear you already realize that any and all lease agreements are written so they clearly allow the property manger to do whatever, whenever, and however he wants. They have no obligation to repay you anything for violating their "policy" and the fact that your asking them to do so will probably not be taken well no matter how you sugar coat it because the guys clearly seems like a jerk on a power trip. If I was the property manager and you where giving me this amount of difficulty I would be looking for a new "more cooperative" tenant so I can terminate your 30 day lease. Tread carefully my friend.......

Agreed. That's why I am rewriting the letter, going to have more of a "please work with me tone." It stull burns me the hell up about the other shit people have done behind their places, but I am the only one getting "cited" for anything.
Agreed. That's why I am rewriting the letter, going to have more of a "please work with me tone." It stull burns me the hell up about the other shit people have done behind their places, but I am the only one getting "cited" for anything.

I can understand your frustration and point, I just never had any type of luck negotiating with a power hungry control freak jerk. Good luck if you do, but my advise would be to just let it go and move on as your only setting yourself up for more disappointment.
Although, you said this is a letter to the A-hole's boss, who may or may not be a garden lover, being bossy is still not a good thing. Kill him with kindness and he may get on your side. Wouldn't that be a kicker!
Often times, the right path is down the middle. I called the pm himself, talked to him, discussed his concerns, outlined briefly the stuff in the letter about how much money I'd be out, other people's backyards and why i thought i was going about it ok, offered a compromise of ditching my biggest plants, the tomatoes and tomatillo, he put me on hold, came back and told me i could keep the garden until through the growing season. Pretty cool of him. I understood where he was coming from, he understood where I was coming from. Thanks for the input, guys. Guess I'll get to enjoy some choc habs this year after all.
renting has its downsides. Prolly, as you indicated, your yard faces the road and represents the neighborhood. It sets a precedent. As another has mentioned, tomato plants aren't exactly ornamental in the best of circumstances either. Add to that the height. Just my $.02 Best of luck.

edit: looks like face to face worked out in your favor.
Wow great win. I guess he's not that much of a jerk after all. Plus you do have a good point the season is almost over and you did invest a lot of $$$. Now hurry up and plant more and just say they were already in the ground now that you have the green light.
Wow great win. I guess he's not that much of a jerk after all. Plus you do have a good point the season is almost over and you did invest a lot of $$$. Now hurry up and plant more and just say they were already in the ground now that you have the green light.

I'm surprised he compromised with me, he wasn't budging very much at the beginning. Simply based on tone I can understand why other people have complained about him. REGARDLESS, I am thrilled at the outcome. However, from the convo it appears some other apartments are about to be in for an overhaul. I think the rental company is re-evaluating its enforcement, or lack there of, of their policies. If they follow through it's going to be interesting with some of these other properties.

Anyways, mods, due to the power of google, and not wanting to make a bad impression should this be uncovered by any of the other parties involved in the former proceedings, any chance this thread can be nuked by the end of the day?
i still think you need to take them some tomatos

it is a kill those others first gesture

but proper placement of excess tomatos for your benefit

use the fruits {tomatos} to drive your point home

now when he is agreeing to allow for now is choice opportunity
since you didn't post addresses or real names I would think this thread should be fine. IMO.

When that deck gets ripped down see if you can get some wood for an indoor growbox :rofl:
since you didn't post addresses or real names I would think this thread should be fine. IMO.

When that deck gets ripped down see if you can get some wood for an indoor growbox :rofl:

That's just the thing. I don't mind the deck. I think the best analogy would be I get on a highway not sure of the speed limit. I see most of the cars are going 80, so I drive at 75, just to be safe.
Nice outcome dude, well done.

It's a bit late now but one strategy, which you used to some extent, is the headache method. Basically you just keep asking questions and sending letters and talking and talking and talking, and sending more letters and getting other tenants to talk about it, and you draaaaggggg the thing out, in such an inoffensive tone that you can't be blamed for being aggressive but you cause the guy a headache. Then he will give in just to get you to stop bugging him.
It definitely works and I'm guessing its the opposite reason he started the whole thing. He probably just wanted you to roll over and give in without a fight and when you didn't he backed down.