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pests aphids?

Conrad_Turbo said:
True! I am running a hydro setup, one perk is that it doesn't offer a hiding place (like soil) for pests and bugs...so instead they are all in plain view and a PITA to get rid of. I have considered cutting down all my habs to stumps, throwing out the plant matter, spraying any cranny an aphid can hide and regrow the hab plant again...starting in November (when no aphids can fly in from outside).

srin2, I am using Safer's Neem oil:

I only have 1/4 or 1/5 of the bottle left after about two months of use, then I have been spraying Safer's soap the past few weeks:

Still have aphids...

I'm going to look for some Sevin, it seems to be a bit harder to come by than the Safer's products...but hopefully it does the trick.

hi Conrad_Turbo
I tried The Hollyberry Lady method. i have been spraying under the leaves nicely to remove the aphids. last two days i have not seen any more aphids under my leaves but... i saw a few winged ones coming back to the plant's leaves, they fly off before i could kill them. i have to check back today after work to see if any more is back or not.
I had a terrible aphid problem on a few of my pepper plants. I tried neem and that didn't help too much. I had very excellent luck with this:



Lowe's carries a few products from the same company that have exactly the same ingredients, but they are priced differently for some reason. I guess some marketing is more valuable than others? A combination of a few consistent applications of this stuff, and the summer heat, drove them off. I haven't seen an aphid for months.

...Keeping my fingers crossed!
Pyrethrum works well but pests can build up resistance and then breed this resistance so in my opinion its best used in rotation with other sprays such as soaps, horticultural oils, and blasts of straight water.
In Ontario pyrethrum and many other pesticides are banned, but only if its a "garden" product. If it says house and garden then its allowed to be sold but they often put tags on the bottle saying not to spray outdoors
well all this pesticides/soaps ....kills the insect but how do we prevent it from coming the first place ??? if we can repel it from coming then the plant doesn't get damaged.
We mite be abel to order Preditor bugs in these Countys. But its not easy, I hope they be like Cuba for useing bugs to help keep them in cheque. Is there maybe a way to get bugs in these County ?
In my experience as I mentioned earlier, plain old water is one of the best and most effective deterrents of pests, and an excellent preventative measure.

I blast my plants with hard sprays of water, both indoors and out, to prevent insects from buiding up again or thinking they're welcome. Consistency is the key.

For me, whitefly, spider mites, and aphids, are a thing of the past and I use nothing but water to keep them away, year after year!

: )
The best option for aphids I rekon is our wonderful friend Aphidius Colmani they hunt and kill aphids like Neil looking for a hab....! They are resilient little wasps around 3mm long! They work a wonder!
The Hollyberry Lady said:
In my experience as I mentioned earlier, plain old water is one of the best and most effective deterrents of pests, and an excellent preventative measure.

I blast my plants with hard sprays of water, both indoors and out, to prevent insects from buiding up again or thinking they're welcome. Consistency is the key.

For me, whitefly, spider mites, and aphids, are a thing of the past and I use nothing but water to keep them away, year after year!: )

Southern bugs must be a tougher breed and definitely more numerous due to the milder winters.
That would require a tedious daily ritual I don't have time for. :)

So far this season I've used Spinosad for horn worms, DE in and around the containers and let the natural predator/prey bug balance run its course upstairs. It costs me a few leaves and pods here and there, but nothing major thus far. When the plants come indoors this winter is when my main bug battle will commence.
The Hollyberry Lady said:
I only have to do it once a week because I never miss - only takes me an hour to do all my plants.: )

That's nice. Like I said, bugs down here are much more numerous. It must have something to do with the climate. :P
You are probably right but I think like anything it just depends on how far you're willing to go to outsmart the buggers. I am relentless and I don't give up.

I used to be plagued by many pests and infestations, but not anymore. My plants are too important to me to allow them to be devoured.

: )
This past winter/spring I was able to keep aphids under contol by rotating my arsenal of sprays, but most years the only solution that works for me, especially when I get lots of plants, is natural predators most often ladybugs. I also treat the soil of all my overwintered plants as well as all houseplants but I have lots of indoor plants which makes things difficult
Another thing worth noting...

When you're buying soil for your indoor pots - don't be cheap! Always make sure the mix is sterile and clean, or you will be bringing many bugs and their eggs into your home and onto your plants! I learned the hard way that cheap soild really sucks.

I am partial to sterile soil-less mixes, that are light and well draining. Soil is everything, so always get the best.

: )
Two of my Thai peppers had severe aphid infestation. Here's what I used to kill them.

In a clean spray bottle, I mixed
1 oz. Wesson Oil
1/4 oz. Dawn Antibacterial Dish Soap
1/4 oz. Listerine
6 oz. CocaCola
6 oz. Warm Water
Shake hard to mix. Spray the plant hard, be sure to soak the aphids.
Let the plant sit for two hours. Rinse spray bottle and spray down plant with clean warm water to remove the oil. All aphids were dead and no damage to the plants.

i have dry Chrysanthemum flowers.i got it from a chinese medicine shop. Can i use it to make Pyrethrum ?
Well...I couldn't find a spray application of Sevin locally so I left home all last week to Hawaii... Came back to three habs growing (only a tiny one when I left) and a TON of aphids! :onfire:

Found them on the floor, on the walls...and all over the plants... I decided to take drastic action. I cut all the plants down to stalks, left the three habs to grow, took the whole hydro setup outside and sprayed it all with water (to knock off all the aphids and to wash off the neem/soap film on the leaves). Then proceeded to blow every square inch of the plant with compressed air to knock off any remaining aphids. Then I sprayed the plants with neem oil and then a good coat of safer's soap and brought them back into the house. The root mass is quite large so I would guess that the plants will kick back into high gear and begin growing heavily again.

F'in aphids!