contest April is Ramen Challenge

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I'm going for my 3rd "on-a-stick" crown. Ramen-on-a-stick.
Boss I am so excited..... thank you. Finally something I am not totally intimidated by.

Just so everyone gets me.
Megan likes to cook but I am not the greatest far from the worst. Aaron's been cooking for years even in a five star restaurant so I get nervous cooking. I know construction like the back of my hand but cooking not so much....

Anywho.... I am sure I can pull something off with ramen.... gonna be so fun!!!!!!
Considering that ramen was my very first DC food, ever (pre-THP)....I'm looking forward to seeing how/if my skeels have improved! :rofl:
I am going straight forward with this. No Ramen Ice Cream or Ramen Spiced Chicken livers with noodle souffle for me. Just freshest available ingredients and a ton of respect for them It will look like Ramen, but nowhere near what you had in college (your mom goes to college). Channeling Top Chef Angelo or Paul for this one.

One thing is for sure, you are gonna be speechless.

Remember I am a the First Second Place winner for the African TD and I took it easy on you. Won't make that mistake again.
I have just smiled my way through four pages of posts!!

WE GOT RAMEN!!!! WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!! HELL YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those who are opposed to the idea, refrain from posting your hate. You just don't get it, and won't enter anyway.

Bananas Ramen Foster, flambeed.
Ramen and Pork, stuffed in a sausage casing, smoked, and then finished on the grill (or on a stick...).

Did I see someone bust out the ice-cream machine??

Oh this will be magical.
I have ramen, but need to explore flavors other than chicken for this challenge. I can't believe there hasn't been an Iron Chef episode using instant ramen...ha ha ha ha!
Bootsieb, The tiara is a reference to the drama queen tiara that THP came up with and that currently resides with its original owner Paulky2000.

It's an earned honor. I wear it with a certain amount of pride.

After 15K posts, you're bound to rub folks the wrong way..... ;)

what's that saying?......something about .... "if they can't take a joke..."
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