Who's gonna do a ramen Eater basket with ramen as the straw? And some Easter eggs... oh Scovie!
ok im sick i have a 102 degree fever and i can barely breathe and im hacking up a lung and somehow im still in the mood to compete @^_^@ i guess i gotta make my ramen dish before i get stuck in the hospital.
Man up, dude. YOU CAN DO THIS!ok im sick i have a 102 degree fever and i can barely breathe and im hacking up a lung and somehow im still in the mood to compete @^_^@ i guess i gotta make my ramen dish before i get stuck in the hospital.
I have to head off into the remote Alaska wilderness to pick up my main ingredient. I'll see you all later.
Why does it seem so........ comical...... that extra time is wanted for RAMEN?
ramen on a stick for me
waiting very patiently for TD to begin