Are there black ghost peppers?

Chocolate Bhut? The Black Naga is also very closely related to the Bhut.

Other than that you have your 7 pot Douglah, Black Scorpion, Black Stinger, Black Hab, Chocolate Hab, and Jamaican Chocolate hab.
ok I guess the next step is where can I get ahold of some, not frozen or dried?

Not "where", but "when".

Just give it some time. My chocolate bhuts usually start producing in July.

Some of the Southern growers might have them before then, but its not the most popular pepper, many people seem to hate the taste of it.
I personally think that the choco bhut's flavor is very similar to the red bhut with just a more concentrated "bhut" taste. It is hard for me to explain.

Some say it has the "battery acid" taste. Some say it has an earthy or "dirt" taste.

I personally enjoyed them fresh, but the powder I made was too intense of a flavor to use straight.

I think you are going to get different flavor profiles depending on growing conditions and such, so your best bet would be to get some to try out for yourself when you can.
The difference in taste I notice in general with color variations of the same pepper is the yellow ones are more citrus, or Pineapple (7 Pod Yellow), and the like. The red ones tend to be hotter and with a more berry flavor and the, dark red ones tend, on average to be the hottest with less fruitiness and more heat. That is the pattern I notice the most. Sometimes the dark ones are so strong, they are better powdered or blended. It is like beer, to red wine, to whiskey. If that makes sense.
most chocolate versions are about this brown or purplish brown
