Brutaldiver, I dont think there is a fight at all. I use the term 'seconds' to describe something that is not top quality. He doesnt use the word the same way. Nothing but a word game. For all I know, people who work in grocery stores use words completely differently than people who sell to grocery stores. No clue. Doesnt much matter.
TamTam79 said:
It was a pretty big deal down here. A lot of the local growers were not only shocked that they'd sell them...but $350 a kilo? Plenty are thrown out as they don't sell in my town. Good reason as well, superhots are a niche product, grown be few, regularly eaten by probably even fewer.
They tell us that the stock will continue to roll in, but I have my doubts.
350 Australian dollars equals about 262 US dollars
1 kilogram equals about 2.2 pounds
If I am doing my math right, I take $262.00 dollars US and divide by 2.2 to get the price per pound.
About $119.00 US dollars per pound for a mystery pepper with a label on it that says Carolina Reaper and that is wholesale to a chain grocery store? Seriously?
Guy, your buyer needs to give Ed Currie a call. I am sure he can figure out the export laws and hook your buyer up. Hell, at $119.00 a pound I'd figure out how to hook them up. It would be like money for nothing and chicks for free.
No scales here so I sell by volume. Gonna guess maybe 30 peppers per pound. Might be a horrible guess but I am going to run with that cause it comes up with really funny math. So you are saying your grocery store pays about $4.00 US per pepper and then sells a whole pack of them for $4.00 Australian? OK, I believe that.
Am thinking you googled the thing and accidentally found a price for dried pods or powder.