chinense Are these real carolina reapers?

TamTam79 said:
Ugh, it is not a second or whatever. It's simply an example of an average grower producing its best it can in winter. Coles is the largest supermarket in the country and it would be the biggest contract that the company has to fill at this time of the year. There is no completition for these pods right now.
These aren't "uglies" or whatever you wish to call them. This is simply what they're producing. I also work for Coles.

Anyway, I'm over this convo now. Nothing more to say.
Hmm, 4 days a member and 4 posts in all spent arguing over winter produce suppliers & terminology... Smh
Brutaldiver, thinking it might be me not him.  Often folk take great issues with the words I choose to use.

TamTam, dude it is just a word used to describe things that are not the best example / most desired product.  Why is this bugging you so much? 

Wait, you work at Coles?  Well OK then, you google you a picture of a Carolina Reaper pepper and give it to someone there who buys peppers.  Willing to bet the produce buyer will be instantly concerned.  Kind of like selling straight banana, something just aint right.

Now what does winter have to do with this?  Australian winters range from near tropical conditions to a great place to go on a ski vacation.  Right now you could go snorkeling off Queensland's Great Barrier Reef.  You are confusing the hell out of me.
Brutaldiver said:
Hmm, 4 days a member and 4 posts in all spent arguing over winter produce suppliers & terminology... Smh
I've been here for years. Only registered the other day because I was interested in contacting somebody in particular.

I stay off the forums for the reasons coming up in this thread. People seem to align time registered with credibility. My real name is on my profile, feel free to do a background check on me it bothers you.
I don't even know what's going on in this thread anymore.
They don't look like reapers to me.  Matter of fact, a lot of the pictures I see on this site don't look like reapers.  I don't know what they are but they don't look like Ed's product.  My Carolina Reaper plant consistently produces very similar pods, as shown in the picture, and they consistently match what the developer sells as reapers (although I still think Ed's reapers are just Primos, but that's a different topic.)  It's downright unusual for a large grocery chain to sell something that hot, but it's a different country so I can't really comment on that.  In rural, southeastern US there are never peppers hotter than an habanero in a chain store and often the habs go bad/moldy before anyone even buys them.
It was a pretty big deal down here. A lot of the local growers were not only shocked that they'd sell them...but $350 a kilo? Plenty are thrown out as they don't sell in my town. Good reason as well, superhots are a niche product, grown be few, regularly eaten by probably even fewer.

They tell us that the stock will continue to roll in, but I have my doubts.
TamTam79 said:
I've been here for years. Only registered the other day because I was interested in contacting somebody in particular.

I stay off the forums for the reasons coming up in this thread. People seem to align time registered with credibility. My real name is on my profile, feel free to do a background check on me it bothers you.
Sorry, wrong. It wasn't time on here that validated your arguement pro/con. It was (what seemed to me) the dismissive attitude. As though being a buyer somehow made you the expert and nobody else's opinion (which I thought the OP had originally asked for) mattered or could conceivably be correct. That to me is a little ironic considering your previously stated concerns over strangers judging you over time in a forum. I looked you up just to see what else you'd had to say, to see if I might learn something. It just so happened that the only thing I learned was your time on here and that all your posts related to this singular thread. So, there that was it.
I have no dog in this fight. I've never chatted with anybody involved in this thread so your assuming my time here means something is laughable. *and i don't say that to belittle you, it's just that with only a couple exceptions, nobody here knows me from Adam...*
Anyway, I won't bother with a background check on you. I think my NCIC credentials have long since lapsed and our internet is down. Besides, is there some kind of Interpol of Chiles Database tucked away under a mountin somewhere?
Like Helvete said there are so many "reaper" pictures that pop up that look nothing like what a reaper is supposed to be.

For instance this is what my so called reapers turned out to look like.

Brutaldiver, I dont think there is a fight at all.  I use the term 'seconds' to describe something that is not top quality.  He doesnt use the word the same way.  Nothing but a word game.  For all I know, people who work in grocery stores use words completely differently than people who sell to grocery stores.  No clue.  Doesnt much matter.

TamTam79 said:
It was a pretty big deal down here. A lot of the local growers were not only shocked that they'd sell them...but $350 a kilo? Plenty are thrown out as they don't sell in my town. Good reason as well, superhots are a niche product, grown be few, regularly eaten by probably even fewer.

They tell us that the stock will continue to roll in, but I have my doubts.
350 Australian dollars equals about 262 US dollars
1 kilogram equals about 2.2 pounds
If I am doing my math right, I take $262.00 dollars US and divide by 2.2 to get the price per pound.

About $119.00 US dollars per pound for a mystery pepper with a label on it that says Carolina Reaper and that is wholesale to a chain grocery store?  Seriously?

Guy, your buyer needs to give Ed Currie a call.  I am sure he can figure out the export laws and hook your buyer up.  Hell, at $119.00 a pound I'd figure out how to hook them up.  It would be like money for nothing and chicks for free.
No scales here so I sell by volume.  Gonna guess maybe 30 peppers per pound.  Might be a horrible guess but I am going to run with that cause it comes up with really funny math.  So you are saying your grocery store pays about $4.00 US per pepper and then sells a whole pack of them for $4.00 Australian?  OK, I believe that.

Am thinking you googled the thing and accidentally found a price for dried pods or powder.
Yeah, that's the price and we all know its a joke. "My buyer" however is some suit in a national office sitting on a squillion dollars. Like I said, the supermarket is pretty large and has a national network for this stuff. No grower who knows a thing about produce would think selling the pods for that amount makes sense, but here we are.
We have a couple of respected commercial growers here in Oz who were horrified to hear of the price they were charging, but such is life. That's big business for you.

And am I reading this think Im making this up?


Just in case you cant access the page from out of the country. This is a screen cap I just took. The price is incorrect there, it is $3.50 per 10g,
TamTam, this is OMG funny cause you are in Australia.  Looking at the advert, I see that you guys list the price per serving (in this case 10 grams) and then list what that means in bulk (in this case 1 kg.).  Here they do the opposite.  They list the price and then tell you what that means in the smallest unit.  So if it were 10 grams they might also say the price at 1 gram.  Either way, it is not really a price it is a fixed point to compare a thing.

But the funny thing being that people say Australia is upside down cause of the whole reversed seasons thing.  So the grocery pricing is upside down too.

Am thinking that is not really a price guy.  If you buy a soda at a movie theater for $5.00 it does not mean a 12 pack is $60.00.  It is just a way of showing you how ridiculous the price is / letting you compare the two.  They sell individual pickles at the check out here.  Forget the price but sure if you multiplied it into a jar of pickles youd see fifty bucks a jar or some such thing.
ajdrew said:
Brutaldiver, I dont think there is a fight at all.  I use the term 'seconds' to describe something that is not top quality.  He doesnt use the word the same way.  Nothing but a word game..
Ajdrew, lol. A pefect example of the word problem, eh?! I know I used the word "fight" but in this particular case, that saying really only meant I had no personal interest in the outcome of what was going on between you two in this thread. I am way beyond over it all. Lol. I have bigger problems after 70mph winds & thunderstorms uprooted and or blew over approx 20 of my 32 plants...
Well they are starting to look a little bit more like Carolina Rapers, but if they are going to slap heat level warnings all over them they might want to wait till the things are ripe.  You guys got one weird grocery store chain down there.  Do they also sell green oranges?
ajdrew said:
Well they are starting to look a little bit more like Carolina Rapers, but if they are going to slap heat level warnings all over them they might want to wait till the things are ripe.  You guys got one weird grocery store chain down there.  Do they also sell green oranges?
like these ?  