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Are you getting the MOST from your pods??

Omri said:
With meat you use A LOT of salt for X amount of meat. with veggies you need A LOT LESS. they end up moist, but no longer juicy. they do preserve for long periods of time if stored properly, just like jerky.

Salting chilis sounds great. I'd love to see some more detailed info on how to do that. I've frozen the bulk of mine, but miss that crispness they had when they're fresh. Will regular table salt work?
bigt said:
Salting chilis sounds great. I'd love to see some more detailed info on how to do that. I've frozen the bulk of mine, but miss that crispness they had when they're fresh. Will regular table salt work?

I imagine you'd want to use kosher salt or some other larger grained salt that would draw out moisture without making the pepper too salty to eat. Table salt is a dirty word around my house.
Dude, at risk of unleashing another salt tangent from hell...*looks around all wild eyed and paranoid* we have had a thing of "table salt in the pantry for about 4 years.

It is there JUST IN CASE there is a run on kosher and sea salt AND WE JUST CAN"T FUCKING GET ANY!!!!!!!!!!!


If you use "Table salt" to preserve peppers, I will com to your house and kill you.

Friends who like to eat do NOT let friends cook with table salt.:lol:
last month i made a pepper extract (everclear and pepper powder) and it turned out good and hot but i didnt get very much from it.
cheezydemon said:
Dude, at risk of unleashing another salt tangent from hell...*looks around all wild eyed and paranoid* we have had a thing of "table salt in the pantry for about 4 years.

It is there JUST IN CASE there is a run on kosher and sea salt AND WE JUST CAN"T FUCKING GET ANY!!!!!!!!!!!


If you use "Table salt" to preserve peppers, I will com to your house and kill you.

Friends who like to eat do NOT let friends cook with table salt.:shocked:

What is this "table salt" thing you speak of? ;)

I don't think I've bought table salt for at least 10 years.
Copperfield Red said:
Hi to all. I am a first year chili cook in Houston. Real glad to see this site start. I have often thought a chili chat and posting site would be a real help to all of us still learning. Hi to my great coach Tess and all the Houston pod peppers. Now, as for the rest of you, put your winning recipies on the chat line and back away slowly, no one will get hurt....

Dragon said:
I want to enter as a kid. How old can I be?
bigt said:
Salting chilis sounds great. I'd love to see some more detailed info on how to do that. I've frozen the bulk of mine, but miss that crispness they had when they're fresh. Will regular table salt work?

Me, too! Can you explain the process Omri??
First you need to wash them real good. while they're still wet, rub them with Kosher Salt and store them in some place dry and cold. should look a bit different a week later.
With meat you cover them completely... with chiles you just need cover them partly. I will take some pictures later, and I put mine in a wooden cupboard on a towel covered with another one.

That's just for "curing" them. after that you can store them however you choose to.
Not to preserve it, just with the intent to eat it straight away. That's why I wanna learn about it!
Hmmmm.... I'm making you feel weird.... *giggles*
Love Curing myself,My nan Cured a lot her meats ham,Lamb and beef for the winter,she had a curing room with wooden slats and hang them,Also fish of course,the pepper idea is a good one Omri and the flavor should be good later in the year :lol:
Lmao I just saw waht I posted last night, sorry bout that apparently lots of alcohol makes keanu reeves pictures funny. I like how this thread just kept going like that post never happened lol.

But yeah I'm going to have to try this whole salting thing. I love salted tomatoes, mmmm like chewy leathery goodness. What peppers do you use mostly Omri? Thick walled ones like jalapenos or thin-walled like habs?
Txclosetgrower said:
Lmao I just saw waht I posted last night, sorry bout that apparently lots of alcohol makes keanu reeves pictures funny. I like how this thread just kept going like that post never happened lol.

But yeah I'm going to have to try this whole salting thing. I love salted tomatoes, mmmm like chewy leathery goodness. What peppers do you use mostly Omri? Thick walled ones like jalapenos or thin-walled like habs?
I'm salting some Japs right now, so I'll post the results.