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ARGH!! Once again....

HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
My sis and bro in law have a cottage out there.Havent been out in a few yrs.Gonna see if Gunner is a swimmer :lol: as
far as the plants 10 plants countless pods 4 fatalli's ripening
1 hab 1 tabasco its frustrating:lol: naga plant has huge pods
none ripening :(:lol:
oh side note everytime g/f comes over see looks at the tabasco plant as says "this plant is pissing me off" lol
I say why she says "nothing is ripening" lol

That Tasbaco plant isn't ripening yet..o come H.P.F.F Get your finger out should have ripened weeks ago..
i feel the same way, but shit JUST started to ripen it's going to be 105 tomorrow which might be record setting for here. a bunch of pods just ripened TODAY from the heat. they'll ripen the day you don't look at them :). then the next day you'll jump and hollar.
Tala I know 1 bright orange pod on the entire plant its got at least 200 pods too bees are loving it :lol: has about the same amount of flowers too too bad I cant over winter :lol:
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
Tala I know 1 bright orange pod on the entire plant its got at least 200 pods too bees are loving it :lol: has about the same amount of flowers too too bad I cant over winter :lol:

Damn thats one productive plant :shocked:
teh purple penguins said:
i feel the same way, but shit JUST started to ripen it's going to be 105 tomorrow which might be record setting for here. a bunch of pods just ripened TODAY from the heat. they'll ripen the day you don't look at them :). then the next day you'll jump and hollar.

105 wow they should ripen in that buddy,No what you mean had our first bit of sun Tuesday for a while and plants went grow mode.. :)
I will take a pic of it this week. Thing is huge (at least
to me :lol:)200 pods might be a tad generous but its has tons of pods. My fave plant with the Bonnet a close 2nd.
TPP 105 yikes highest it will get here in the next 7 days is 86
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
I will take a pic of it this week. Thing is huge (at least
to me :lol:)200 pods might be a tad generous but its has tons of pods. My fave plant with the Bonnet a close 2nd.
TPP 105 yikes highest it will get here in the next 7 days is 86

Where getting into the 70`s so cant complain :)
I've been staring at my first cayenne that was about done growing early August and that this is STILL green.........argggg. I have quite a few other peppers that are just staring at me and daring me to eat them. They just don't want to ripen on me:lol:. I do however, this one single purira is starting to get a slight shade of purple on one side though. It's one of the younger ones, but I picked the branch off above it due to some disease I didn't want to spread. Maybe it's speeding that one up. It sure looks like it's starting to turn. I hope it is. All of this work and I just get to look for now. Also, those Naga Morriches are flat out mean looking aren't they? The rough pimply look they have just says........Ohhhh realllly so you want to eat me huh? I triple dog dare ya wimp:shocked::lol: That's the feeling I get when I look at them though..lol!!