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Arrested Development new season on Netflix

I watched them all already. I love it. I'll have to rewatch to pick up everything I missed, as usual.
It starts slow because there is so much going on that you do not understand until later. They wrote the season trying to allow the viewer to watch the show in any order they choose and pick up on different elements/jokes at different times etc - which means no individual episodes have enough information to fully tell the story on their own. It's a fun concept but not the easiest to follow.
Would have preferred the show to just get picked back up fully in the old style, but the individual character based episodes thing is interesting and done well.
[Possible spoiler below - highlight to view]
I'm curious if anybody has an explanation for the George Sr. Testosterone thing... I can't figure it out. Was it the lemonade that Oscar never got any of? Seems like George and Oscar's personalities began to swap when they ate the macca.
[Possible spoiler end]
Ok I'm still in the midst of trying to finish the newest season
I can say on this new season the dynamic has completely changed.
It is very clear how edited this whole season is. Hence why each episode focus only on one persons story.
They couldn't get the entire cast in the same room at the same time due to scheduling conflicts and this is very apparent.
I too waited 7 years for new episodes, but this new season is very forced, and very edited and pieced together.
With that said, I do love AD, and am very happy to have new episodes to watch though.