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Not really a gambler, so none of them. I just go for the food, scenery and shows. Less than three weeks and we will be there!

Ever farted so bad you set off the carbon monoxide detector or gas alarm?
My wife stays home with our daughter,because,she'd rather pass out candy than go trick or treating.

I take my son out trick or treating.

What is the one food that once you start eating,you can't stop?
Honestly, brand doesn't matter. I've had great sound quality from many brands. I guess my best were by JBL, Memphis and Bose for sheer clarity. If you were talking guitars and amps, I could easily narrow those down.

Do you play any instruments?
Originally it was Matthias Jabs, Rudolph Schenker and Uncle Ted. Got me started, but after seeing Alex Rydlinski and Nick Forkel blow the roof off of The Underground in Fairbanks... That was it for me. I had to learn more. Two of the most underrated guitarists on the planet.

Who is your music idol?