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Hmmmm I guess I use more colorado. I like a big yozuri rainbow trout pattern with a white rubber worm trailer and a ballbearing swivel for Stripe bass. Troll at 2.5 mph at about 10 feet.

Ever noodle?
Nope. Screw that! I like to avoid reaching my hands into murky holes that could contain turtles capable of removing fingers.

Is it true that the worst day fishing beats the best day at work?
Not for me. I've only gone fishing 3 times and all at sea (actually ocean...Pacific Ocean). Last time I was out, we had to be rescued at sea. Okay, not that dramatic...the outboard wouldn't go down and we had to be tugged in. We were lucky we weren't too far from shore and we were able to use our cell phones to call for help. Could have gone really bad if we were far out in the Pacific Ocean. Only trip where I didn't catch something.

What is your idea of a dream vacation?
For now, the wife and I in Las Vegas. Shows, food and endless fornication. Once our daughter is old enough, fishing at Badin Lake in North Carolina.

What is your specialty dish in the kitchen?
Rymerpt said:
You've go 100 buck to just blow. What do ya do with it?
Am I in Colorado?

Any phobias?
Because of our financial mess last year I would say fear of being homeless, but GOD and my mom would never let it happen. Soooooo phobia? I have a fear that my penis really is bigger than Bruce Jenners. :ROFL:

What one thing are you REALLY good at?