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Brewster, WA
Petaluma, CA
Willow creek , CA
coffee and a donut or tea and cookies?
edit: dagnabit, late again. Buy property
6 bedroom.....i have a lot of hobbies that need their own rooms (band room, firearm/ reloading room, pepper grow room..... you get the idea) :P
What are three cars/trucks you would love to have in your garage (include pics if possible)


Would you go back in time? When?
Cretaceous period. I'd bring a double rifle in .577 Tyrannosaur (fitting name, huh?). Then I would go on the most badass safari man has ever known.

Ever been on safari?
Dangit I have been trying to answer that question for years now. I want an island with a dense forested mountain and a rugged coast. Oh and a secluded white sand beached cove. The entire island maybe 20 square miles. My island would be wild, but not tropical forest. Kinda like TAHOE meets Hawaii.

Do you consider yourself creative?
Yea, lots actually. Robin Williams prolly the most notable.
If you could have diner with any living celebrity, who would it be?
Alfredo's in Abilene, Texas!

Have you ever added an old friend or acquaintance on social media just to see if they were the same insufferable jackass they always were?