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Pepperfreak said:
Never tried dog :think:

What is the strangest game you've eaten?

Hmmmmmm......not an adventurous eater in that sense..
not that I'm against trying something if the situation was to present itself.

Is deer and frog an acceptable answer?
now that I'm in my 30's... surely old is in your 60's..

When does life really kick in?? 30's, 40's, other??
Kick in? I reckon that it kicks in when your parents kick you out!

How old were you when you moved outta ya olds?

how old were you when you realised that you should have stayed home a bit longer for extra $$$ before moving out??
lol.. still havent realised it properly.. and this is sitting at 30 years + 15 days!

when does stealing beer from your partner become a problem?? (AA... here I come????)