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Every summer I think to myself "I wish I had a motorcycle." But the weather's only good for about 3 months out of the year here, so I haven't been able to justify it. Ah well, some day I'm moving away from here!

What time did you wake up today, and did you actually get up then, or did you hang out in bed a while?
woke at 2am, watched an hour of Father Ted, woke again at 6, surfed the web for an hour then got up....

How do you deal with insomnia?
i deal with it with Marijuana edibles that i make at home! eat a piece of chocolate and in 2 hours feel great and then i go sleep!
how do you deal with flaming mud butt?
I don't know any dogs with black tongues.

Isn't asking why a dog's tongue is black kind of like asking why some are spotted, striped, or solid?
Chow chows and one other breed have black tongues the others are pink like ours. I do agree Geeme.

Speaking of animals what's better dogs or cats or koala bears?
Cats RULE! dogs drool, and Koalas have sharp claws and bad attitudes.

How much do Avocados cost where you live? They're on sale here now for .99ยข but can be as much as $1.98!
Haha scovie :)

Our avocados are and have been $1.25 for a long time. You probably are wondering prices in other states though. Hehehe! I thought I just would share.

So on with SD's question.... how much are your avocados?
mine are free as my buddy parents have 5 trees on their property so when i go up there i come back with 10 or so, he is 30 min away. butat our stores i am not sure have not bought any in long time. but if i had to guess. araounf a buck or so.

i had a chow that had hald blck half pink tongue.

can you ride a horse?
Yes, but admittedly, it's been a couple decades since I've ridden.

Do you have a small, crescent-shaped area at the bottom of your left pinky finger that's lighter than the rest of the nail bed?
(I don't....)
I already knew what it meant, just wanted to see if others did.

What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?