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No sadly Gee never been on a cruise and your not a thread killer. What am I doing..... laying on the couch watching TV and surfing around the WWW. Pretty boring but when the kid takes a nap it relax time.

What did you have for breakfast or lunch or both today?
What am I doing..... laying on the couch watching TV and surfing around the WWW. Pretty boring but when the kid takes a nap it relax time.
Sometimes boring can be good.... Frankly, I'm glad those days are behind me.

Flying cross-country: If I can sleep, no. If I can't sleep but have something to read or do, no. If I can't sleep and the person next to me is interesting to talk with, no. Otherwise, yes!

Do you still have leftovers from Thanksgiving to eat?
I refuse to answer that, on the grounds it might incriminate me!

What are we doing up at this hour? Or, for that matter, an hour and a half ago?
You did, but it was in the future, so your mind didn't yet comprehend that you asked.

Have you transmogrified lately?
Well, you can always count the little spots where the hairs are just below the surface of the skin.....
Better yet, have someone else count them for you! :lol:

Are your ears pierced?
at one point they were stretched to gauge 00 but when i went bigger they tore the inside of the hole and i left them out and my right ear completly closed but my left ear i can still fit a regular ear ring in. my ears now have creases in them!

how is the weather in your neck of the woods?
lat thing i bought was vinturi wine aerators for the wife, but currently shopping for a new wireless router!

do you know anyone looking for a Radeaon ATI 5850 video card for 119?