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Well, not "and end up eating a super hot", but ended up eating a lot spicier than anticipated.

Are you like me, in that if you anticipate the heat of a pepper, you handle it better than if the heat comes as a surprise?
Nah - the effect is the effect. I do know I'm in trouble if the burn hits the back of my throat before my mouth though. Also if I start sweating profusely.

How good is your brain/mouth filter?
It was like a teacher at my school when I was in grade 3 or something. I wanted to make babies with her bad! Can't for the life of me remember her real name but we used to call her "the skunk" or something (nice, eh? but man, I swear she used to shower with perfume).

Would that explain why the scent of certain perfumes on a woman can REALLY do it for me?
More than I need to know about you. But I think you would like my perfume.

What would happen if everyone took a week long break from the internet?
miss stevenson my 2nd grade teacher i remember that she wore real tight skirts and i thought once i got in the 6th grade i would ask her out,haha,,,,,,,,,,,,,who was your first kiss???????
I looked in the mirror and fell in love.

Time to go back to bed?
Posted the same time as sicman. I don't remember my first kiss but I remember my best.
Actually... don't think I ever did play spin the bottle. And seven minutes in heaven? I don't even know what the hell that is! :lol:

miss stevenson my 2nd grade teacher i remember that she wore real tight skirts and i thought once i got in the 6th grade i would ask her out,haha,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Truth or dare?
seven minutes in heaven is where you and chick go into closet for seven minutes,,,,,,,,,, .truth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,do you miss the old days???????
First drink, was drunk, First Kiss, was with a chick 8 years older, first..........well it went about that fast. LOL

Do you miss 2 Pac? (I do)
playing music has allaways been right up there for me,but as i get older and realize im not going to be a rock star, :rofl: ,i like farming in general it has to be my hobby cause i dont get to do much more.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,did you ever fail a grade????
nope.... Should have tho. was gone more than there my senior year. Good thing I played Football and had like 5 coaches for teachers! :D
You been to jail lately?