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As a matter of fact, I do give a rat's ass. However at the moment I am running low, and as such I am retaining the rat's asses that I have remaining in my possession.

What word or words do you constantly misspell, but are saved by the little red squiggly underline?
1 dog:

What is the single most delicious meal you've ever eaten and why?
because we all suck,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,would you rather chew a used piece of gum from under a desk at the library,or lick the floor at at a aduult movie theater???????????
Never have, likely never will.
Have you ever developed a completely fabricated explanation of something that sounded so plausible, someone believed it was true? (I'm not talking about lying to get out of something in this case.)
Eek! Stalker much? Hahaha

Ok, no I don't play soccer but I did a lot as a youth AYSO for ~7 years.

D'oh! Too slow. And no - I've told "little white lies" to get out of stuff but never anything totally outrageous. I prefer to tell the truth?

Do you consider people you've met on the Internet "friends" or are they merely your "Internet friends"?
none,,,,,,,,,,,,and i say that with many tatoos and ears pierced,,and hade several other piercings,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,why did i think i was cool and get tattoos????????????
It totally depends. The problem with tattoos is mostly trying to get work. A lot of people still think they mean the person who wears tattoos uses drugs = greatly reduced chance of employment. A guy who does work for me has tattoos and I don't care, but my neighbor insists he's a druggy and I should keep him away, never mind he's a responsible guy with a fam. Whatever.

I see I have penance to do (again!), so you get more than one question:
Do you find tattoos on a woman to be sexy?
What about them makes them sexy, if you think so?
It depends, really. If they're tasteful, yes. A tattoo that accentuates a body part can be sexy (vine of flowers curling around a breast, or something that's on the side for examples) - a tattoo that looks like a stain on a body part (e.g. boat anchor ON the breast) is a little off-putting.

It's all about the quality and location of the art work.

Do you now or have you ever worn toe-rings, bells or glitter?
Lets see..... not now for any, but yes, yes, and no. Bells laced on your shoes was a HUGE thing during football season when I was in high school.

Did you observe anything silly like that in high school?