, you don't! You must go to the store and replenish your supply! exactly is Milo again? exactly is Milo again?
Are you asking if I believe that?
Yes, I will give you my previous wheelchair.was that you questioning that you are in love?That was me being lazy yet still sticking to the game's rules.and tomorrow will i survive my first full day back at work since DEc 26 when i broke my ankle?
Probably not.No - at approximately 2:08 PM you'll become flummoxed and hurl yourself down a flight of stairs, both hurting your wrist & spraining your taint. It won't be pretty. You will claim it was a slippery floor, and that Ted from accounting shoved you.
Ted will be arrested & tried for attempted murder and will spend the next 15-25 in prison, where he'll be repeatedly gang raped until 2017 when he is tragically shanked by a Norteno in a case of mistaken identity, while claiming not to know who "Sophia" is.
Meanwhile you will get another 5 days off of work to relax and work on your motorcycle.
Poor Ted.
Will it be worth it?
I love to eat out, no cooking or cleaning and a rare opp. to get out of the house.Spongey, you will survive, but that's not saying it will be good. (Hope it is!)
LDHS - Poor Ted. No!
Did you ever wish you didn't have to eat, or at least didn't have to eat out?
(I sometimes have no other option besides eating out or not eating, when traveling for instance.)
extra drowsy,,,either flavor,,,,,,,,,,,,and i mean like really drumk where you were praying to god for it to stop.