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Let's hope not. At least, if they do such an episode, it should be "why the nut cases were wrong", not the Mayans.
The current Mayan era of 5125 years ends in 2012, but their calendar didn't end then. The current era is one b'ak'tun, which falls within a piktun of 7885 years, which falls within a kalabtun of 157704 years, which falls within a k'inchiltun of 3154071 years. Saying the Mayan predicted the end of the world is like saying we predicted the end of the world because our 2012 calendar ends on 12/31/2012.

Where are your socks?
strangely i cant remember because im still trying to wrap my brain around why you know the info in your last post!

Were you also confused?
Not at all. :lol:
I know that, at least in part, because I'm studying Art History. More than simply studying the art itself, art history includes the cultures and events that culminated in the art being created. Since the 2012 date is on Monument 6 at the Tortuguero ruin, it is an architectural element, and architecture (and what went into its making) falls within the realm of art history. You cannot study such things in isolation and grasp their real significance, like the whackos have attempted to do.

Did that make your head stop hurting?
Well, spinning is good, as the Mayans envision time much like many nested gears, each inside another. What a concept - you NEVER really get to the end, because each is a circle.
My personal significance without isolation? Ha!
Am I ever isolated?
Rifle? Don't know anything about them, except they look like they'd be fun to shoot.

Alone? Well, like ajijoe said, in the bathroom at least! No, actually, I am never truly alone.

What about you?