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Thanks. Not feeling it today.
Hm. Strength. With just enough vulnerability to make you human. More strength than you may realize, yourself.

What time is it?
hmmm in summer isnt about 645. when its cooled off and the sunlight is slanting in nicely and the people are outside relaxing having a beer.

what smell brings up the strongest memories for you?
The smell of napalm in the morning. (Just kidding)

Honestly, whenever I smell cooking that smells like the foods my grandma used to make when I was a kid, it stirs up a lot of old memories. That woman knew how to throw down in the kitchen.

What is your favorite movie of all time???
My favorite memory is one that hasn't happened yet. It keeps me looking towards the future, instead of dwelling in the past. But if I had to pick just one, it would have to be getting married. Predictable answer, I know.

What is your LEAST favorite movie of all time? =P
First, as a long-time migraine sufferer, yes, caffeine helps many migraines, though not all.

I don't have a best subject in college as far as grades are concerned; I pretty much make A's in everything. But my favorite subjects have to do with art, research, and writing, with programming just barely lagging behind.

What was/is your worse/least favorite subject in college?
I liked them all which was good because I selected them.
To which subject are you most intellectually drawn and to which are you drawn most artistically?
I was drawn to studyabout Sex. I finished reading "PSychology of Sex in Men" by Havlock Ellis at 15 and more of such books in my collage life. Though I got my major Chemistry Degree with distinction, Sex remains my prime subject of interest.
Is this ok?
Depends. If, for example, you were interested in studying rape as a means of learning how to prevent and/or prosecute against it, yes. On the other hand, if your interest in rape was to perform it, no. Also, degrees of distinction apply to an interest in sex, IMO. But that's too long for this thread....

If you only had one day left in your life, what would you do with it?
If you're referring to the hypothetical one-day-left-to-live, yes.

Of course, doesn't that beg the question of how you would know?