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You have won the prize of a lifetime. The prize has two options, and you can choose one (but not both).
The first option is a year in Europe with a monthly stipend of $25,000.
The second option is driving the moon buggy for 30 minutes on the moon. (In full astronaut gear and a return lander waiting for you.)

Which option do you select?

TPBM is impressed with my question to PI.
Europe, as a trip to the moon doesn't interest me at all. I have travelled more of this country than the average American, but what I have seen is merely a tiny fraction of the globe. There are a huge number of things here that humanity has yet to explore.

And nah.

TPBM wants a nap.
At what?
And should someone in that kind of leadership role be shouting?
Bah! I say laser-cannon them all and let's start over. Will you man the laser-cannon?
You may call them whatever you wish - they are your pajamas, after all.

If you had to lose a fingernail, knowing it wouldn't regrow, which one would you choose?
He's had the offer of a lifetime - working at the North Pole in an underground shelter, isolated from all human beings, studying an obscure insect which only lives there in spite of no apparent food source. Once every three months a helicopter will bring him a new shipment of supplies. Ok, and the helicopter pilot can be his wife, G/F, or whatever, so he can have conjugal visits four times a year.

That job?
g has her ways. It's best not to talk about it though. :shh: The last thing you want is to find out too much and then end up having to be silenced or something.... :scared:

Don't you think g should reveal her secret ways, at least to us?? :snooty: