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Hmmm.... tubing might be a better option.

I've started swimming laps again, and admittedly, it's kind of kicking my butt, which I consider to be a good thing. Wanna go with me some time?
No, the university I attend includes rec center membership in with tuition and fees, so I go there. They have an olympic size pool which they lane across the width so those of us who aren't olympic caliber swimmers can make it across without drowning. They also have an "instructional" pool where they both teach people who don't know how to swim and also have swimming for those who use wheelchairs or otherwise find the big pool too much of a challenge. It's got a crane sort of thing where you can transfer from your wheelchair to it, then they lower you into the water on it. Pretty cool, IMO.

Does the YWCA near you have such a thing?
Last I went to YWCA was as an young man of twenty something toogle at members in youth meeting. This was over 40 years back.

How times have not changed at YMCA and YWCA!!??
No idea. Honestly, I've only ever been inside one, and it was only once. It is an old one, close to where I live now, and it is small and dingey. But lots of people I worked with in L.A. went to the YMCA downtown there and raved about it. So I guess it probably depends on each individual facility.

Will you take the anthropology quiz for me tomorrow?
(Oh I've studied and am ready for it, just thinking it might be fun to just once have someone take a quiz for me....)