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Hot... but not too hot as to burn the milk (I usually drink flat whites).
Iced coffee has always tasted weird to me. It's like drinking coffee that has sat too long and cooled. :sick:
Coffee, tea, how do you have it, or neither?
Thai tea over ice. Hot coffee black. Ice coffee strong and black. Hot tea Earl Grey with lemon. Iced tea strong and unsweetened.

Favorite meal?
Depends on what I feel like at the time! Might be pasta, might be Indian curry, might be Thai curry, might be Indian or Thai but not curry.... must just be a good ol' roast... or BBQ!
Can you define your favourite meal as being just one?
Not so much anymore. I think I blew a hole in my guts at some stage there.... :shocked:
Hypothetically speaking, if you were on death row and were due for your last meal today, what would it be?
Hamachi sashimi, king crab legs, oysters on the half shell with lemon & soy sauce & hot sauce, peel and eat shrimp, Thai tea, and mango slices for desert.

How would your last meal play out?
Why not go out with a bang? Prunes. Prunes. Prunes. Then chased with prune juice. Somebody is gonna have to clean up the mess! :lol:
Tequila or whiskey?
I'm more of a Scrabble man.
9 times out of 10, how come products labelled as being "real" or "natural" still contain ingredients that would realistically disqualify them as being such? (whatever "real" and "natural" means anyway... :rolleyes:)