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Nah. The internet powers-that-be took it down several months ago due to numerous noise complaints. Good thing too if you ask me. Them bloody trekkies are so loud with their damn spock parties!
Have you ever been kept up by a neighbour's party and just went, screw it, I'm gonna join 'em... and went and did it... even though you didn't know them?
:think: You know what... kinda. Early 30's but due to excessive partying in my younger years, I may as well be like 50 now. The other day I went to get out of the car and I caught myself groaning...
And I'm even starting to get grey hairs! :shocked:
How old are you in "party" years?
"Dropping" is at around midnight for me now so "within reason" just seems too damn early! :lol:
Isn't partying till you drop part of the rules of partying??
Well, so far, it's 1:51 pm Saturday arvo and I haven't done much but sat here on this chair all day.....
Should I switch the computer off and get outside for a bit? Do some gardening at least??
I guess you did. I just finished potting up the rest of my babies. Now everything is in its final home.

Do you pickle any of your peppers?
Never done any of my own pickling. I guess I'm not a huge fan of pickled peppers or anything.
Maybe I just need to give them a proper chance? (one of those things I haven't really experienced either)
Nay Nay sent me some pickled supers and they ROCK! Nowshe is a chef, but I wanna try once I get a variety harvest.

What do you do with your peppers?
The last few years I've destroyed far more than I've kept or used. Damn blasted fruit fly! :cry:
Prior to that I used what I could fresh in various ways and either froze or dehydrated the rest (and powdered some of them). And I also used to give a lot away... neighbours, friends, work friends.
Should I move to somewhere fruit fly free?
Leaving Australia would be dumb. I've been there. It is one of the most awesome places I have ever been. As for the fruit flies, you are bigger than them. Your shadow should make them shiver.

You can do it. Besides Crocodile Dundee is your nieghbor right?
Fair dinkum, just the other week we caught up to slip some shrimp on the barbie!
Reckon I should not waste today inside like I did yesterday?