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Played a shit ton of FIFA.

If an army of armed midgets on motorcycles started chasing you, what would you do?
make them stop at a red light and watch all the motorcycles drop because they can't reach the ground.
Is it wrong for a vegetarian to eat animal crackers? 
Well amongst his peers, a Giant Shrimp towers over the rest of them. But in reality, unbeknownst to the Shrimp, Prawns snicker behind his back and make "little man syndrome" jokes.

If you could change one thing about your boss what would it be?
I'd change him into a sexy girl. Yup.
How much money would it take for you to accept not having sex for the rest of your life? 
I would need more specifics. Does this count as sex? Does that count? If you mean ejaculation free existance. Then "Kiss my grits"!

Ever sat in a hot tub while it was relly cold out and raining or snowing?
Yup. Visited a hot springs one night while it was raining and freezing cold. Let's just say that trips between pools was painful.

Favorite actor and why?
Robin Williams (God rest his soul). The man was in another class. He was funny and spontaneous, a comic genius.

Who is your favorite actor?
Agreed. He was a natural which was most obvious in any interview he gave. A tragic loss.

My current favorite actor would have to be Brian Cranston for the masterpiece of work he did in Breaking Bad. What a transformation from Walter White to Heisenberg. Walter White will also be sadly missed.

If you could be an animal, what would you be?
I only use a mirror when I'm brushing my teeth, combing my beard and shaving my head.  I can do the first two without the help of a mirror, and I could always get my head shaved at the barber shop.  So yeah, I think I could live without a mirror.

If you were stuck on a desert island by yourself, what items would you need to survive?
Stop it, I'm old but damn. Freakin whipersnappers. ;)

I washer my wife's sweater and it shrank. My questio is why don't sheep shrink when it rains?
Because sheep eat grass and sweaters don't! Sheeesh, I thought everyone knew that.

Your wife's best friend gives you a call and invites you over for some lovin. What do you do?
I would be the good husband I am and ask my wife if it is okay for me to go over.
(BTW, I just told the wife my answer to this question.  She laughed.)

Do you fold the TP, or do you bunch it up in a wad???
