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My apendix. Wow that hurt! Cool scare though. Now that I'm bigger and older I have to wade threw the fat folds to find it.

Ever done anything "extreme"?
Yea, I used to clear a 60ft jump on a 1983 CR480. As well as downhill Mtn biking long before suspension bikes came into play. Walked through North Richmond after midnight. Horked ghost powder. Ate half a giant braistrain. Drove 160mph on the Richmond bridge. Etc. etc.
Ever been in a neighborhood that scared ya?
Absolutely.  Thunderstorms fascinate me, and I also sleep like a baby whenever they happen in the middle of the night.

Have you ever seen a tornado in person?
Nah, just little dust devils in the desert. They pick up tumble weeds, but certainly not houses.
Ever catch a fish over 6ft long?
Catch and release. Then I can catch them again when they are bigger! But, I am not above bringing the occasional fish home.
What is something that you absolutely excel at?
I have 2 dogs, Duncan and Donut, and my mother-in-law has a cat named Zoe.  I'm sure we will end up having many more pets in the future though, once we fence off part of our yard and start fostering rescues.

What is the coolest trick you've ever taught one of your pets to perform?
We trained a rat to hold a dollar bill in his mouth and walk down your arm at the McDonald's drive thru and "pay" for his kiddie cone, which he would bring back and eat inside the car.
What are you afraid of?
Here. Again. My home away from home!

What do you drive?
2013 Chevy Spark. It makes a Toyota Prius seem manly... :mope:
Do you have any bad habits?
World of Warcraft... though I haven't been playing much at all lately. Got spring fever even though it's still frozen outside. 
What's your favorite video game?
My wife could make you a list. The bottom line is I just don't give a fuck and sometimes that gets me in trouble with the misses. I told you about singing Dayo near the bananasat the local grocery store. I don't care what people think. That was a hoot. I'm the guy that would walk down the middle of the street naked (if it was legal) just for the hell of it. I do things and say things just for the shock value. Bad habit? Nah

Do you have any bad habits?