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"Mitragyna speciosa is a leafy tree that grows from 3-20 meters tall. Its leaves contain 7-Hydroxymitragynine and mitragynine. The leaves are chewed as an opiate substitute and stimulant in Thailand and South-East Asia, primarily among the working class. It has a relatively long history of human use."
TrueNorthReptiles said:
All I know is it is in the coffee family. Whatcha do with it?
As far as spicy food, what is your heat limit?

I can handle a couple fresh ghost peppers in a dish. I was also given some smoked sperhot powder that I use often. I would say my limit is pretty high.

How is your tolorance?
I draw the line at eating bhuts straight. Any more than that gets painful for me. I've eaten whole morugas and reapers and it exceeded my comfort limit.
What is your favorite season of the year?
My parent's home. Small house built in the 30s, but we're on the water so can't complain. BTW for those of you who don't believe global warming...i've watched the water rise over the past 16 years, and it's coming over the sea wall now.
What hot pepper / spicy meal made you feel like you were being prison raped when purging the meal on the way out?
I think it was the Madballz 7 brown that actually made me pee HOT. And Brainstain burned me from every angle you could imagine, and a few you can't.
Whats the most painful fresh pepper you've tasted?
I haven't had many opportunities to try fresh superhots and i'm just fine about that. When I first met wicked mike he gave me a passel of peppers and I got to try a peach bhut and his trini mystery. I obviously didn't bite into it like an apple and only bit the tips off but they were plenty hot enough for me. Definitely give props to all those guys out there who at pods whole....
What color progressions do you see in your varieties of peppers? green->red->? green-orange->? etc
A little bit of every color since I have reds, brown/chocolates, yellows, peaches, whites, purples, etc.
Have you ever been arrested? If so, why?
Yep, for trespassing. which was a reduced charge from attempted burglary. The cop wrote in his report that we were attempting to steal a 22ft boat.  :rofl:  We were on foot, so not sure how we could steal a boat. The reality was we were sitting in a boat behind a auto shop drinking beer to stay out of sight from the cops driving by main street.
Ever been in a car wreck with injuries?
hogleg said:
Ever been in a car wreck with injuries?
Yes though not bad injuries thankfully. I was with my step brother and his idiot friends, they stole another friends moms nissan 2 seater pickup and where tearing up the town with 6 of us piled in there. Idiot driving pulled up behind  a parked car and started trying to push it with the truck. Guy came out the house with a shotgun and we took off doing 60 in a neighborhood. Road turned. Retard driving didn't slammed right into a tree in someones front yard. I was sitting on a lap and hit the windshield. Was safety glass so I didn't go through it but left a giant face print pushed way out. I woke up on the curb after someone dragged me out of the truck. Only had minor injuries, Glass galore in my face, whiplash, got a few stitches in one eyebrow and they stitched up a chunk of glass in my lip that took forever to disolve. Worst part of the ordeal was them using a wet wash cloth to grind the glass out of my face. 
Ever had to perform CPR  or perform the Heimlich maneuver? 
Both. Heimlich on our daughter and I can't talk about CPR (HIPAA).
Have you ever unintentionally made a meal that was so hot that you couldn't eat it?
Yep almost every night. I usually eat as much of it as I can handle, then finish my hunget with peanutbuter bread. Those greens that I have been making have grown hotter and hotter. Yummy, but FUCK!

When you cook hot are others eating it as well or is it mostly all yours.
When I was with my wife, we both ate it. Now that I am here with my mother and sister and her kiddos, I have to tone it way down. Good things I have powders to add to my own plate.
What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?
aka fungus.
Stinky, slimy fungus.
Eating fungus seems pretty strange to me.
Are there any commonly eaten foods that seem strange to you?
Yeah fucking asparagus. I don't like the strange way it grows. I don't like the strange way it looks. Nor the way it smells when cooked. Nor the people, that have the audacity to eat it in front of me. I would sooner eat a camels scrotum, immediately  after crossing the Sahara desert.
Any fruit or veggies that gross you out?
Paw paw. That shit is disgusting. It stinks and tastes like vomit. And it looks so dumb. And the outside of the fruit always looks rotten. Who is even tempted to eat something that looks rotten?? And those stupid seeds. They look so fucking stupid.
Have you ever found something gross initially but ended up liking it?
TrueNorthReptiles said:
When I was with my wife, we both ate it. Now that I am here with my mother and sister and her kiddos, I have to tone it way down. Good things I have powders to add to my own plate.
What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?

Balut (look it up)

gasificada said:
aka fungus.
Stinky, slimy fungus.
Eating fungus seems pretty strange to me.
Are there any commonly eaten foods that seem strange to you?

Who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to eat a snail?

hogleg said:
Yeah f**king asparagus. I don't like the strange way it grows. I don't like the strange way it looks. Nor the way it smells when cooked. Nor the people, that have the audacity to eat it in front of me. I would sooner eat a camels scrotum, immediately  after crossing the Sahara desert.
Any fruit or veggies that gross you out?

I hear the Durian smells awefull, but I want to try it.

gasificada said:
Paw paw. That shit is disgusting. It stinks and tastes like vomit. And it looks so dumb. And the outside of the fruit always looks rotten. Who is even tempted to eat something that looks rotten?? And those stupid seeds. They look so f**king stupid.
Have you ever found something gross initially but ended up liking it?

I thought Balut was the nastiest thing I had evet seen, but it was not nearly as bad as I had thought.

What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?
Oh, I know very well what balut is and that is a MAJOR **** you!!! No. NO. NO!!! They sold that crap at the international supermarkets in Columbus that we used to go to.
I've eaten various bugs, jellyfish and durian fruit. Those are strange enough for me, thank you.
What was the worst pain you've ever experienced?