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Made a cold smoker:


Soldering iron works great.

Have any smoked pepper powder?
My wife and I sing at the grocery store. We sung Day-o near the bananas. Funny, some guy actually joined in. We don't give a fuck and love to make others laugh.

Ever been nuts in public? Explain.
Lost a chili competition to a guy who made lobster chilli everyone there said I had it in the bag started screaming " who the fu#k makes lobster chili ya bunch of uppity bastards "" all while my two giant buddies were trying to drag me out of the door. Stuck to the frame of the door like Spider-Man lol Aaaaahhhhh my drinking days good time!! Friends still laughing about that to this day!!!

Sail boat or power boat?
Most certainly it can :D (or @ least you should be able to, if not than there are other issues @ hand)
For example...My Wife has more "Fun" than anyone else I know, and she doesn't even really like drinkin' .
Good people = good times (or @ least that's how I interpret it)
I'm not sayin' I don't like to PARTY  :party: ... I DO.  
I'm  just sayin' that (intoxicants) are NOT necessary to have "Fun"
Do you prefer to grow superhots, or prefer to eat superhots ?
I'd say grow, there is a lot of satisfaction that comes from growing your own. 
Rymerpt said:
Back out

Can fun be had without intoxicants?
I feel inclined to answer this even though its not my turn. Yes Ryme, fun can be had without drugs or alcohol. My oldest (since kindergarten) and one of my dearest friends is 100% sober and been so for almost 15 years. When we hang out I don't indulge out of respect for him and we always have great fun together.
Stouffers french bread pizza or Totino's ?
I've never had a Stouffers Pizza, but I have had a Totino's... so my answer is Stouffers  ;)
whatever your least favorite music is (& you can't escape it), or the worst thing you've ever smelled (and you cant escape it)  ?

It just upsets me a bit how SO MANY glamorize intoxicants. I like booze every now and again. Heck I even dabled in weed and a bit of cocain years ago. What troubles me is how DRUGS seem to dominate our worlds more than ever. I'm 52 and have never seem so much weed in all my life. I see it growing in peoples back yards. I see adds for medical use. I even see weed smoking smiley faces. I have always seen weed as a bad thing. Maybe it is maybe its not, but WOW its evry where now. Sorry to rant, but it bugs me.

What's your view on weed?
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
Most certainly it can :D (or @ least you should be able to, if not than there are other issues @ hand)
For example...My Wife has more "Fun" than anyone else I know, and she doesn't even really like drinkin' .
Good people = good times (or @ least that's how I interpret it)
I'm not sayin' I don't like to PARTY  :party: ... I DO.  
I'm  just sayin' that (intoxicants) are NOT necessary to have "Fun"
Do you prefer to grow superhots, or prefer to eat superhots ?
Rymerpt said:

It just upsets me a bit how SO MANY glamorize intoxicants. I like booze every now and again. Heck I even dabled in weed and a bit of cocain years ago. What troubles me is how DRUGS seem to dominate our worlds more than ever. I'm 52 and have never seem so much weed in all my life. I see it growing in peoples back yards. I see adds for medical use. I even see weed smoking smiley faces. I have always seen weed as a bad thing. Maybe it is maybe its not, but WOW its evry where now. Sorry to rant, but it bugs me.

What's your view on weed?

I hate to say it Ryme but if you don't like it now you are gonna really be bummed in 2016 when Cali legalizes rec. use.
I've been in the trade for well over two decades. so my view is a little skewed. I started providing for cancer and aids patients in the early 90's. I could tell stories at length of the power that my meds gave these people on their way out, but I won't.
My view is its a all natural miracle drug that beats the hell out of most prescribed BS from the drug czars. Its takes the place of four prescribed drugs for me personally. Most of which have side effects I find rather disturbing.
Do you like it better when this thread is light or heavy?
I can't say its bad because I have done considerable research and found it very benificial. I just find it weird that its everywhere nowdays. Yea it will become legal in Ca. Who knows, maybe then I'll better embace it.

I like it lighter.

Captian crunch or Frosted flakes?