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pretty sure that's what they all say next, too ... lol.
sorry, both were simply irresistible ...

<< looks around for a question>> :mope:

Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
if there was someway you could never feel the capsaicin burn again would you do it ? (even just on your hands, or eyelids maybe)
No way!! I love the burn!! Well, in my mouth..not my eyes or etc...lol
Almond Joy or Mounds?
Touching my gens to pee after making two gallons of four pepper Pico de Gallo (ghost, habs, serrano, jalapeno) without gloves. My friends all laughed their ass's off while I was dying.
Manhattan or New England chowda?
New england for sure, some lousiana hot sauce in it too
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
Brats or Swedish Sausage
Explain your most embarrassing hot pepper moment
I don't know about embarrassing but burning the wifeys lady bits and my own bits after deseeding one night. 
Redheads with glasses or without?
D3monic said:
New england for sure, some lousiana hot sauce in it too
I don't know about embarrassing but burning the wifeys lady bits and my own bits after deseeding one night. 
Redheads with glasses or without?

this has happened to us as well  
she found it much less amusing then me :rofl:
now that's a tough one. I'm not sure why, but I'm gonna say without.
do you grow peppers that you can easily acquire locally (maybe just for freshness, or so you know what nutrients were used)
or only varieties that you Can't find locally ?