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I have this court jester hat I wear. Not much for holidays anymore. The hat also goes for April Fools day.

Ever tried a fresh pepper dipped in chocolate? Pretty good I'd say
This year have a party to go to. Gonna wear my pepper shirt and get a plastic stethascope and be Dr. Pepper. My wife is gonna be a female Woldo. Should be fun.

Do you actually get kids trick r treating? I was apt living for last ten years. Maybe get some this year.
Define kids lol. The only kids I got this year was a couple(in their 20's). They didn't want candy but came by to get high and drink and watch the ball game.

Got a good running list for next year.

Zimbabwe bird pepper - last year
Goto kumba eggplant - new
Sweet olive tomato - new
Paris market carrots - new
Egyptian Walking Onion - last year
Amethyst Improved Basil - new

How's next year stacking up for you
Pink habanero (Tradewinds seeds). Looks like a habanero but has no heat. Easy to make powder out of and still has the habanero taste. In fact I'm gonna add them to my next year list. Mine two years ago had a high yield.

What's for dinner
Naw but I rented two slices of pizza for lunch today. Upchucked that crap(stomach quezzy from last night)

It's been a long growing season here......How bout you? I'm clearing out gardens just cause I ve already maxed out on production.
Have a couple peppers ,finally, on the vine. Overall season was a bust.

Have you checked out the pizza throwdown? If not go look and vote.
Not yet but I will...I eat out about once a week and when it comes to pizza it's Pizza Hut thin crust meat lovers. I'm more of a sushi fan then fast food.

Dillon's grocery store has the best sushi here for the price(10 dollars a plate). Does your grocery stores there serve sushi and Chinese food?
Yea,but their sushi needs a little help. Ok in a pinch, but I LUV SUSHI and am a bit snobish. If you like sushi check out the pizza I made for the THROWDOWN. It was smoked salmon on onion bread with cream cheese, shallots, roma tomatoes, capers, dill and a touch of ghost pepper puree.


What do ya think?
Looks great but I bet it's expensive to make. Throw some caviar in to go over the top.

Got my germination tank up and practice running for the day. Will be starting peppers in Jan, tomatoes and eggplant in Feb. When do you start up?
Yea real bad. Love eating and smoking what I grow. I grow anything I can't get in a store - the weirder the better.

I'd have to say my Egyptian Walking Onion is my oddest active weirdo. What's yours?

Nothing to strange really. I do have a Lemon drop X Tepin currently that has a couple green pods on it.

When you find some time and a bit of spending money what are you likely to go do?
Hillside feed and seed. Up the street is Southeast Carryout (best burgers and fries in town). Most of my free money goes to the gardens.

Gotta light?
Rymerpt said:
Yea,but their sushi needs a little help. Ok in a pinch, but I LUV SUSHI and am a bit snobish. If you like sushi check out the pizza I made for the THROWDOWN. It was smoked salmon on onion bread with cream cheese, shallots, roma tomatoes, capers, dill and a touch of ghost pepper puree.

What do ya think?
I think you should have won! Still drooling :)

Rymerpt said:

Were you good today? Or is goodness reserved for the weekend?
Not sure if I was "good" or not. Got all my work done and made sauce! But I also am still drinking and have work at 8:00 AM...

Goodness for weekends...? I say work hard, play hard and be good always! :)

What do you have planned coming up that will be a life long memory?
Hot fudge:

Make fudge, but add super hot pepper powder.
This year gonna melt marshmellow and add a bit of banana extract and swirl it in to make it pretty. (The spider lures its prey)

Any special way you do your turkey?