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Better for you but not any better tasting as far as I could tell. Purple carrots also didn't taste any better than orange carrots and were much tougher. Never tasted a mini bell pepper that didn't taste like wax crap and as far as I'm concerned most superhots pepper lack any real flavor just a lot of heat(still great in powder mix). Heirloom means the bugs really like it and any trending veg or fruit that the public is clamming for will be yesterdays news in no time. Trending now is the color not the taste

I'm picking Pink Snow Tomatoes for next years tomatoes. Anyone trying a new tomato next year?
Nonthing but routine work with three days of rain(much needed now). I do have a rack of ribs to cook...sure beats fish sticks.

Any big plans for you?
Monday and Tuesday are my weekend. Making a million phone calls to pencil pushing bureaucrats and working on my little experiment. Tomorrow I have got to get my fingerprints done so I can send them off to get my background check for my time living in Texas. They make it a real PITA having to contact half a dozen 3rd party agencies. The state of Alaska makes it a lot easier with a simple form and a $20 fee. Ohio... I do not know yet...

Have you ever been in a tornado?
Lots of relatives in Illinois and Iowa. Spent many summers with them. I can remember many nights huddled in the basement listening to the radio. Nothing ever hit near us, but I've seen the damage.

With all of the HUGE squid being found do you think the old time pictures of ships being attacked might have some merit?
Depends on the ambient temperature. If it is warm, enjoy it. If it is 40 degrees out, that rain is going to suck!

Heard a good joke or seen anything funny lately?
I was checking rodent bait stations yesterday and adding rodenticide as needed. I opened a bait box and a mouse was in it and jumped out at me. I screamed like a little girl. Startled me half to death.

Favorite candy?
Yea and I think a lot of the blame is on parrents not raising kids right and society handcuffing those that try to raise their children right.

Does anyone wish for a Andy Griffith world like I do?