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Worst time on New Years? Is that the question? If so... Getting the call late New Years Eve that my father's health is declining and it won't be long and leaving very early New Years Day to drive across the country to see my father before he died. He died on the 7th of January.

Do the holidays bum you out?
A bit. Remembering lost relatives and the easy happy go lucky days of yesteryear can weave me into a state of melencolly (sp), but a childs giggle or joyous outburst catapults me back into my happy place. That and cookies.

Do you put pepper powder into your hot cocoa?
Nope, but I don't drink hot chocolate. Peppers go in most everything else I make with chocolate, though...

How much did blow on Christmas this year?
Throughout the day .... bacon and sausage sandwich's with my sons early in the morning... Presents .. drive to Mother in laws for Christmas Dinner .... more presents ........ home with wife our presents

Do you eat turkey, roast potatoes, sprouts on Christmas Day
Yup, sure have. Last bread I made was a salt rising bread with my father. His recipe that he wanted to pass along before he died.

Ever made salt rising bread?
Nope! I love fishing, but I have a fear of ice. I don't care if it is 6ft thick, I am not going out on it!

What is your secret weapon for fishing?
My brain. I usually research the best spots, bait, time ect. I have a couple fishing sites I frequent and I know a bunch of nearly pro anglers that get me the inside poop. That and I speak a little fish. Just stick your head in the water and gurgle. Not very effective, but sure wakes your ass up in the morning.

Do you swear by any color (lure)?
I fly fish and make my own poppers:


I like still water bass, blue gill fishing best. I like to fish from a float tube.

Do you use a boat or fish from shore?