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Obvious bigger is better although quail eggs ain't bad. Best egg I've ever tasted came from a brown duck that hung out with the dogs on the farm.

But no really why ostrich egg???
No and never had an ostridge egg either. I just looked up ostridge eggs. EXPENSIVE

LOVE eggs, but I've been limited to what I've eaten. Chicken, duck, quail, flying fish, sturgeon, oh and balut.

Would you eat Balut?
Yea if offered. I wouldn't pay for it though. I figure if something is thought to be delicious and is prepared for you then you should at least try it. I enjoy exotic cuisine. I've eaten many things that some others would not. A lot of things I had in the orient I had no idea what it was. Most of it was AWESOME. true some things were nasty, but most was awesome.

What's the craziest thing you have eaten?
When i was a kid had turtle soup in Mexico also had tacos de seso and some pinoy friends once served me dog at a celebration in chino!

What food wouldnt you try?
Have had dogs all my life, but currently have a cat. Dogs are better.

Can't think of anything I "wouldn't try". If others are eating it and enjoying it then I'll try it.

What about Durian? Would you try Durian?
I've had durian.  It tastes like rotten fruit but the texture was exquisite.  If I ever travel to Indonesia I would love to have some fresh durian because it would probably taste better.  I've only been able to get it frozen here in the Portland area.
Would you ever travel to a third world country?
Cuba would be fantastic.  I would imagine traveling to Cuba would be like stepping into a time machine. 
The middle east....not a chance.  I think the only place I would go would be the United Arab Emirates because there is so much western influence there.  Definitely Eurasia. I've always wanted to try a cantaloupe or a watermelon from Azerbaijan.
Which would you prefer....watermelon or cantaloupe?